After being mocked by the left, Glenn went on air and decided to double down. He refused to let groups like Media Matters use Glenn’s words to attack FOX News or any other conservative organization. This was his prediction and his alone - and he could feel in his bones that he was right. Rather than back down, Glenn went on air and doubled down. This is a moment that drove the left crazy.
Below is a transcript of this segment
GLENN: No. Now, so I want you to know that I take responsibility for the things that I say. Blame me; don't blame Fox. On this one I want to make sure that you understand, for those on the left, this is my theory. This isn't the Fox theory. And the reason why I want to be on record on that is because I don't think I've ever, ever said this before. I always say, you know, I hope I'm wrong but I think I'm right. I'm telling you I'd bet my house on the fact that I'm right on this.
STU: So you'd bet a large liability on the fact that you're wrong?
GLENN: I would ‑‑
STU: A huge, gigantic liability that's lost half its value?
GLENN: Please? I'm hoping to lose my house. Please take my house. I'm not ‑‑ I'm not wrong on this. And here's what I'm not wrong on. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas they are so profoundly anti‑Israel and anti‑Jew. They hate the Jews.
Last night, because I'm sick and I was up last night coughing and, you know, I don't know what you do when you can't sleep, but I generally read and so last night I started to read the covenant of Hamas. Do we have it? Here it is. Thank you. I got in this morning. I said, can somebody, can somebody give me the covenant of Hamas please? They're like, what? This is what I do for 3:00 in the morning. I read the covenant of Hamas. If you don't know, that's their Constitution. And in their preamble it starts in the name of merciful, the most merciful Allah, you are the best nation that has been raised up to mankind, ye command which is just and forbid, that which is unjust, you believe in Allah, blah, blah‑blah, blah‑blah. Israel will exist and continue to exist ‑‑ this is in their preamble: Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it has obliterated others before it.
Okay. So that is in the preamble, and I want to go to Section, Article VII. This is where they're talking about, you know, kill people, a lot of people. And I like this. Here it is: The resistant movement aspires to the realization of Allah's promise, no matter how long it should take. The prophet Allah bless him and grant him salvation has said this. This is Article VII in the covenant of Hamas: The day of judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, killing the Jews. When the Jew will hide behind stone and trees. The stone and trees will say, "Oh, Muslims, oh, Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me. Come and kill him." Only the Gokard tree ‑‑ I don't know what kind of tree that is ‑‑ would not do because it is one of the trees of the Jews. So in other words, only a Jewish tree won't point out that the ‑‑ and maybe that's us. I hope that's us. I don't know what the Gokard tree is, but I hope that's us.
This is Hamas. This is in their Constitution. This is what they want to do. They were birthed by the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Caliphate is not a conspiracy. It's the words of Hamas. It's the words of the Muslim Brotherhood. It's the words of Ahmadinejad and Khomeini and all of the nut jobs at Hezbollah. It's history. History. It's what the crusades were about, a Caliphate. It's ridiculous to call it a conspiracy theory and yet that's what it's being called. It's not. And I will stand on this one. I don't know if a Caliphate actually happens. I can't tell you when, where, or how. I can just tell you I am good at sensing movements, I am good at seeing over the horizon and see the movement and the direction of things. And this is very bad.
If your friends want to remain, you know, ignorant, that's fine. We're not talking about the difference between Republicans and Democrats. We are talking about the end of the Western way of life if we don't pay attention. Now, I'm sorry that I'm the guy who was ringing the bell in 1999 about Osama Bin Laden. I'm sorry that I am the bearer of bad news. But you listen to the people who say they want to kill you. When I say that there's a Caliphate, that it is the desire of the Islamic extremists in the Middle East, that's not a conspiracy theory. Look up the words of Ahmadinejad. Look up the words of Khomeini and Khamenei. Look up the words of Osama Bin Laden. Look up the words of the Wahhabiists in Saudi Arabia. Look up the words of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas Hezbollah. Look up their own words. They want a Caliphate. What is a Caliphate? Look it up. C‑A‑L‑I‑P‑H‑A‑T‑E, Caliphate. Look it up. Look also for history of Caliphate.
So don't talk to me about crazy conspiracy theories. I want the left to know, I plant my flag in this soil. If I'm wrong, sobeit. Sobeit that I am wrong. And you can discredit me all you want for the end of time, but I'm telling you I'm not wrong on this one.