Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) joined Glenn on his radio program to discuss an important vote coming up this Wednesday.
"The Conscience Protection Act is being voted on this week. There are things that Congress has got to nail down before the election, and this one we know is a very important vote that you need to know about and need to support," Glenn said.
Rep. Fleming explained the Conscience Protection Act and why it's important for citizens to get involved.
"This bill is one that is an extension of the Weldon amendment, which has been in law since 2005. And what it says is that health care workers should not be required to participate against their will with abortions or anything of that type. Also, when you purchase health care coverage, when you make premiums, you cannot be required to pay premiums towards a plan that covers elective abortions," Fleming explained.
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The bill --- the Conscience Protection Act, 2016 HR 4828 --- has gained widespread support from many faith organizations and individuals, especially Catholic bishops.
Rep. Fleming believes that public support will be key in getting the measure passed.
"If the American people get behind this, and they urge legislators in Washington to get behind it and vote for it, then we will get more votes. While it's likely to fail this year, I think the failure of this bill, if it does fail, will motivate people to go to the polls in November and vote more conscience protection behind the Senate members and House members and a president who's willing to abide by the Constitution," Fleming said.
Glenn expressed frustration over the difficulty in getting the bill passed.
"I can't believe that we're having to pass --- and having a hard time passing --- the Conscience Protection Act. Usually it's something like that that is so easily agreed upon that is voted in, stuff like the Patriot Act," Glenn said.
The vote takes place on Wednesday in the House. If passed, it will go to the Senate, likely under another HR number, so look for the name Conscience Protection Act. Call your senator and representative today --- Republican and Democrat alike --- and urge them to pass this bill to protects religious freedoms under the First Amendment.
Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program:
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