GLENN: I am alerting the -- I'm alerting the Mercury One museum to go out and buy a box of white skittles.
PAT: Seriously.
GLENN: Because that --
PAT: That's funny.
GLENN: That's funny.
PAT: Like, how stupid can you be? Like you said. If you're sitting around the marketing meeting, how does somebody in the meeting not say "Maybe that's not the best idea.
Maybe this is like I knew Coke type of idea.
GLENN: It might have been. The guy was finally struggled, got back on his feet, and then he's liked it I think everybody has forgotten about the idea of new Coke. Hey, skittles.
STU: Let's look at some of the other PR disasters from these companies. Kendall Jenner, there's consternation between the police.@let's put Kendall Jenner in there. At least you can follow the thought process of what you're trying to do. What is the thought process of taking a rainbow-colored candy in gay pride month and changing it from the symbol of gay pride to white pride.
GLENN: Yes. That would be like if the White House was always lit in rainbow colors.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: And then the day the Supreme Court passed the marriage thing, we're going to celebrate all white lights on the White House.
STU: That's such a weird thing.
GLENN: It's bazaar.
STU: Do you know what their thought process? What were they trying to do?
GLENN: Celebrate pride.
STU: But that's -- that has nothing to do with it; right? Like, you wouldn't turn them all white.
PAT: Yeah, because --
GLENN: All right. I have a -- rational? No. I have a way that maybe those in mental institutions might have arrived at this.
STU: Okay. Okay.
GLENN: Okay. What is the absence of all color?
STU: Okay. White.
PAT: Black.
GLENN: Yes, black. What is the mixing of all colors? White.
STU: Black?
GLENN: So obviously, it takes a really smart mental institution or at least one that understand his prisms.
STU: I do enough coloring books these days, I should really know this.
GLENN: Yes, you should. Or if you ever looked at a prism, you would know this. But the rainbow comes from white light. And then the rainbow prism breaks that up into the spectrum. So white is all colors combined. Black is the absence of all color. Okay?
STU: Okay.
GLENN: I don't think anybody at that table thought that because you have to -- that's a justification of cognitive dissonance. That's just, like, I made a really bad move. How do we cover this? Oh, white is all colors mixed into one. Nobody thought that. I cannot do the math and get to this decision from skittles.
STU: Let me try one other potential possibility. They said we're colorblind; right? So everything's the same. We're all the same, and inside we're all different. So a lime skittle may look the same as a cherry skittle or whatever they have. However, we're all the same. Maybe it's that type of thing?
GLENN: But that's not what pride would be. That's not standing -- who is saying "Hey, let's all just now fold back into each other and be cool."
Nobody's saying that. This was one of the worst decisions in marketing I have ever seen.
GLENN: So you know what's funny? These -- the skittles still are on the market, and we have an update for what their plan was, and it's on the back of the package. And what's it say?
STU: Basically the reason they got rid of the rainbow is they wanted to say is that the gay pride rainbow is the only rainbow that matters.
JEFFY: That needs to take center stage.
STU: That needs to take center stage.
GLENN: I have to remind everybody. It's a stupid candy you eat.
JEFFY: Don't call it stupid.
GLENN: Okay. If you are on the left, and you're a fan of the gay pride flag and the rainbow. Okay. So here's this company trying to do something in support of you.
STU: Uh-huh.
GLENN: They're trying to say -- they're taking their own rainbow and saying our rainbow doesn't count. This is the only rainbow.
JEFFY: Yours does.
GLENN: And they're being -- well, this is a bad analogy for a candy. They're being eaten. They're being persecuted.
STU: Right.
GLENN: And yelled at and called names and being called intolerant and racist and bigots because they tried to do something nice.
STU: Yeah, it should be really, like, guys, that was a little bit of a stupid mistake, but we appreciate the effort.
GLENN: Exactly right.
STU: That's the tone that should come.
GLENN: Quite honestly for anybody else, it's a candy.
STU: Can it be I love the fact that they're getting heat for such a stupid gesture? Can it be that one? Because that's the one I want.
GLENN: I think it can be. I think it can be. Sure. Sure. Because that's where I'm living right now.