Dinesh D’Souza: Progressives Shift the Blame, Present Themselves as the Remedy

The very dangerous former inmate Dinesh D'Souza joined The Glenn Beck Program on Wednesday to discuss his thoroughly researched bias against Hillary Clinton, revealed in his bestselling book and movie by the same title, Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party. The movie is currently the number one DVD in America on Amazon.

RELATED: Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘Hillary’s America’ Horrifies Critics, Delights Audiences

"I noticed he doesn't particularly think Hillary will be a good president," Co-host Stu Burguiere commented.

Glenn also made an observation.

"I've picked up that he's also critical of the Democratic Party," he said.

Not wanting to put words in the bestselling author's mouth, Stu carefully described D'Souza as "skeptical of their leadership."

"I would say that it's almost as if he's calling them racist," Glenn said, not holding back.

What's the truth about D'Souza's stance on Hillary and the Democratic Party?

Read below or watch the clip for answers to these hardcore questions:

• What's Bill Clinton's type of girl?

• Is Obama a thin-skinned narcissist?

• Was Hillary raised as a Democrat or Republican?

• Did Hillary participate in beauty contests as a young girl?

• How many Republicans owned slaves in 1860?

• What does former attorney general Eric Holder have in common with the movie Casablanca?

Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:

GLENN: Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. I've heard that there's this woman, Hillary Clinton, and there's this other guy -- he's a jailbreaker. A law breaker.

JEFFY: Right.

GLENN: This guy has been in prison. So what credibility does he have? He has an axe to grind against this woman called Hillary Clinton. Who is she? What possible scandals could she have in her past? The law breaker himself, Dinesh D'souza is here, and we begin, right now.


GLENN: Hillary's America is the number one DVD in America on Amazon right now. And Hillary's America, the book by Dinesh D'souza has been out and been a number one and top five best-seller for a very long time.

Welcome to the program, Dinesh. How are you?

DINESH: Great to be here.

GLENN: Good to have you.

As you're watching Eric Holder -- he tweeted today, right? As you're watching people talk about putting people in prison because they disagree with them politically --

JEFFY: Which could never happen.

GLENN: -- which could never happen in America -- oh, wait a minute. It happened to you.


When you saw the tweet today from Eric Holder which said...

DINESH: Well, in effect he said, "I am shocked, shocked to hear that there are people talking about putting political dissidents in jail in America."

STU: Right.

DINESH: He seemed to be outraged. It reminded me, of course, that the guy from Casablanca, the lieutenant who was shocked to find gambling going on right under his nose.

GLENN: Right. Right, right.

DINESH: And, my case, look, there are people who have committed campaign finance violations who have gone to prison.


DINESH: But in every single case, there is corruption or witness tampering, or in one case, the guy had done it several times before. In my case, the amount was 20 grand, my own money. And not something I was looking to gain. I was helping a college friend running for the Senate. So no American has been locked up for doing what I did. And the government looked really hard to find a case so they could tell the judge, "Look, we think you should put this guy in prison because this guy went to prison -- they couldn't find a single case.

And so that's the issue, justice at its core isn't just if you do it. Because, you know, you get a speeding ticket and they give you one year in prison, you did it. But it's a penalty that doesn't fit the crime, where other guys who did the same thing aren't going to get remotely like the same penalty.

GLENN: You've been a guy who has been outspoken from the beginning on Barack Obama and now Hillary Clinton.

You're not making any friends with the woman who could quite possibly be the next president of the United States. What have you changed in your life? Or what has changed mentally in you, knowing what they can do, a lot of people would back off. A lot of people would say, "Okay. I'm going to shut up." You didn't. You doubled down.

What are you thinking?

DINESH: Well, I think I've been in some ways radicalized by my own experience. And when I took on Obama, I thought was making kind of an intellectual discovery about him, that he was not so much a civil rights guy, but an anti-colonialist.

And to pursue that story, journalistically, I went to Kenya. But I think the effect of that movie was to get not only -- it kind of got into his head, Obama, and it made him look bad because, you know, there I was with his brother in the Harooma Slums of Nairobi. Here was President Obama talking about, "We are our brother's keeper." So it made him look like a complete hypocrite. And he's a thin-skinned narcissist. So I think this is where the vendetta started.

But I didn't really know what I was getting into. I thought I was, you know, blowing the whistle and showing people a side of Obama they didn't know.

But you take on the US government, they unleash the FBI on you. They've got your bank records in one hand, your tax files in the other hand. You know, you feel the vulnerability of that, United States of America versus Dinesh D'souza.

So my initial reaction was to step back and cower down. And then when I got in the confinement center, all these hoodlums walking around, sleeping on bunk beds, and spitting everywhere and so on.

Again, my initial reaction was to be a hermit, to stay back. And it was only as I began to reflect on this, it kind of took me back to my childhood. I'm an immigrant. I came to America with $500 in my pocket. I've seen the American dream.

Well, this is the other America. And I decided, "I'm not going to do that. I'm actually going to kind of go all in for this country, which has meant everything to me."

GLENN: Does it concern you -- because you and I both know who Hillary Clinton is. She is corrupt to the core. The WikiLeaks is showing that she'll say one thing to -- you know, out in the open. And the 180-degree opposite, you know, behind closed doors. Does it concern you at all for where this country has been, the trouble that is probably on the horizon, economically, et cetera, et cetera. And thank you're dealing with somebody who says, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." Does it concern you at all that you would be targeted again?

DINESH: I'm more concerned for America than I am for myself. In some ways, I feel like there's a certain weird safety being on the front line.


DINESH: In other words, you know, if the guy who writes Hillary's America, makes the movie Hillary's America disappears tomorrow, who is the main suspect. Right?

GLENN: Right.

DINESH: So in some ways, there's a certain security in being out there in front.

But if she is the gangster that we believe her to be, shouldn't we make every effort to block her? Because once you give her the Oval Office, you give her the accouterments of power -- even as Secretary of State, we saw what she did with that power. But even then, she was under the reign of Obama. However, the Obama people at least were like Hillary: Give us a list of all the foreign donors who are giving you money.

But without that, remove that, and now you have a woman who has the full apparatus of the federal government. The FBI. The CIA at her disposal. It is a terrifying kind of power.

GLENN: You think she ever believed -- you know, I said the other day that the Hillary of the 1960s, if she could come back and meet the Hillary of today, she might punch her in the face. Because she's become everything she claimed she was against.

Was she ever -- was she ever pure in thought and just wanting to do good things? Did she have a turning point in her life where it went really dark?

DINESH: You know, there's only little glimpses of young Hillary that one can get from all the bios of Hillary.

Remarkably, when she was very young, she wanted to be a beauty queen. She entered all these beauty pageants.

JEFFY: That was a tough road.

GLENN: Enough.

DINESH: Well, she wanted to be the classic, you know, the all American girl. That was her original thought. And she was a Goldwater girl in those days. She was a Republican. Her dad was a Republican.

STU: I didn't know that.

DINESH: Oh, yeah. And so her mom was kind of a closet liberal, but the dad was a Republican. I think what happened is when Hillary was late in high school and then on to Wellesley College, she realized, "I don't have the looks, and I don't have the political charm. I don't have that magnetic gregariousness that you need to advance in politics. I actually need to find a partner who does, someone who in a sense can carry me."

GLENN: So do you think that was a political calculation, her relationship, at the beginning?

DINESH: Yeah, I think she knew. See, remember, Bill had had problems with sexual harassment at Oxford, even before he came to Yale Law School. And Hillary knew about that. Hillary knew about Bill from the old days. She knew from the beginning. So she made a decision to go ahead. And there had to be a reason. Just like there had to be a reason for Bill to go for her. She's not his type. He's the opposite of his type.

GLENN: What's his type?

DINESH: His type is Monica Lewinsky.

JEFFY: Yeah.

DINESH: His type is the sort of, you know, high cheek-boned, wide jawed, you know, trailer park girl, if you will.

DINESH: Thick hair.

DINESH: Yeah. He likes that style. Hillary, the hippie. Hillary, the sort of, don't shave your underarms. Hillary, the sort of ideologue. That's just not --

GLENN: You didn't need to bring that up.

JEFFY: Oh, we're back to beauty pageants?


DINESH: No, this is -- I'm just drawing on what was -- yeah, this was all -- this is all in the Hillary biographies.

GLENN: Right, right, right.

DINESH: So they both found something that the other person had, and they made a pact early on. And their marriage has been based on that. So that's why I think it's been so interesting to see the media playing this pageant.

GLENN: So when do you think she went really corrupt and dark? Was -- let me just ask you this: You know, the Travelgate and the Lincoln bedroom, and the selling of access. Was that the beginning -- the training wheels of what became the Clinton Foundation? And if so, what is the Clinton Foundation, the training wheel for, to come?

DINESH: Yeah. So you remember in the Arkansas days, the Clintons would do small-time -- they would do small-time rackets. Hillary puts in a thousand bucks, she makes 100 grand because there's a guy who is essentially sheltering her from risk. And why is he doing that? Because Bill is attorney general.

So they're running small rackets. Then they get to the White House. They can't believe it. They suddenly realize that things like pardons can be sold. And so here's Mark Rich. He's willing to put in millions of dollars into the DNC and to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for a pardon. And they're on their way out the door. Why not? They go for it.

So to them, everything is for sale. Now, when Hillary becomes Secretary of State, now, they've already exited the presidency. And now their schemes become cleverer and bigger. And they realize, "Oh, Bill's speaking fee is $150,000. Why don't we move it up to $600,000?" Obviously, Bill's content isn't going to improve.

GLENN: Right. There's no slide show coming with it.

DINESH: But now they want favors out of Hillary, and so this isn't really paying for a speech. It's a bribe. But it's just guised as payment for a speech. And so the Clintons in that sense are completely unscrupulous. I haven't seen anything like this -- we've seen it with like Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall in New York. But at the national level, I mean, have you heard of a Secretary of State renting out American foreign policy? Never.

GLENN: No. So what does that give us a glimpse into what she is going to be if she wins? What does America -- what does American policy look like?

DINESH: The way I think about it is kind of like this: What did Al Capone want out of Chicago? If you could give him everything he wanted, what did he want? He basically wanted to be the mob boss of Chicago. Right? He wanted to be able to loot the treasury. He wanted all his buddies to be on the payroll. He can give him contracts when he wants. He wanted his critics to be pushed away. Leave the state. I'll throw you off a roof. I'll reduce your influence. I'll get you fired. And the most important thing, he wanted to walk into the big Chicago stadium and have the whole crowd stand up and shout, "Big Al, Big Al, Big Al," with cult-like devotion. That's what Hillary wants from America. She wants to be the --

GLENN: So she's -- we're not talking about Evita. We're talking about an oligarch.

DINESH: Yeah, if you look at Evita -- I mean, Evita was corrupt. Evita wanted to -- Evita was sort of a girl from the wrong side of the tracks who made good and wanted to cash in on her opportunity.

But let's say this: Did Evita care how the ordinary Argentine live his life? Did Evita want to tell you what religion to practice or where you can live or whether you can own a gun? She couldn't care less.

GLENN: Right.

DINESH: And most dictators are even like that. They don't care about your personal life. As long as they're ensconced in power and you don't molest them, they don't want to molest you. But today's progressivism has such a built-in tyrannical impulse, which Hillary embodies, that you can't say today, "I'm going to go in my little enclave, and I'm going to be sheltered. And I'll just live my life, drive my pickup truck, and I'll go hunting."

No, they're going to come after you, in your church, out on the hunting range. They're not going to leave you alone, and so we can't leave them alone.

GLENN: Okay. Back in just a second with more of Dinesh D'souza. Is the paper book out yet?

DINESH: No, the books are still in hardback, but the movie is out in DVD.

GLENN: The movie is out in DVD. It's Hillary's America. Dinesh D'Souza.


GLENN: Dinesh D'souza is with us. The movie, on DVD, is out now. Hillary's America. Where he really takes you back to the -- the roots of the Democrats and the progressive party, which is as racist as you can get.

DINESH: And -- and many of the rip-off schemes, the rackets, the exploitation, that we see in the Clintons, we find that sordid tradition going back all the way to Andrew Jackson. So the racism wasn't just that I don't like blacks. It was that I found a way to get black people to work for me for free. In other words, that's what slavery was. It's basically a stealing of another man's labor. And in order to steal his labor, you have to steal his whole life.

And the Democrats championed that. And they said it was a good thing. So they're the inventor of the notion of slavery as a positive good.

And then after the Civil War, they came up with new schemes. Segregation, Jim Crow, the Ku Klux Klan, and then the whole social Darwinism, forced sterilization, all of which led to sympathy for fascism.

So there's all this stuff. And I think in one of the greatest -- you know, there's the economic heist. You rob Fort Knox. You rob the treasury. But then there's the intellectual heist, which is, you rob the honor of America and the Republican Party, and you blame them for the bad things that you did. That's the genius of the progressives, is to shift the blame on to someone else.

GLENN: It is.

DINESH: And then present themselves as the remedy.

GLENN: How is it that the Klan, which has always been Democrat -- it was a Democratic voting machine. How is it that the Klan has now moved into this alt-right, to where they're -- I mean, they are -- you know, like the neo-Nazis. National socialism. How -- what do they find with the right that they identify with?

DINESH: Well, the -- let's think of what motivated someone to join the Klan in the first place. Like, why would you join the Ku Klux Klan?

The reason was that in the South, what the Democratic Party said to the poor white guy is, "I'm going to make you a member of an aristocracy." Right? You're going to be higher than every black guy in the country. So even if here is a black guy, he's educated, he went to college, he's got a good job, and you don't, but because of your skin color, I'm going to put you on top of him. So whiteness becomes membership in this racial club. And your social status becomes elevated by virtue.

So Democrats were offering that to poor whites in the South. And that was one of the main reasons -- think of why the poor whites thought in the Civil War. They didn't have slaves. What were they fighting for? What was in it for them? The Democrats have always understood the kind of low motives of the human psyche.

Even today, look at the way they tap into avarice, envy, all these secret emotions that people have. And they never do it openly. They never say, "You're an envious man." They go -- they make it seem like you're self-righteous. "You're being denied your fair share." Therefore, you should you know smash into this guy's house and take his stuff because he owes owes you. So the the Democrats know what they're doing. They're playing with fire. They're playing with low human emotions. Now, there is a far right version of doing the same thing. And so you may say that at the extremes, the right and the left tend to converge.

GLENN: But what I don't understand is, for instance, the neo-Nazis, their claim is the far right, but they're national socialists. I mean, the right in America has always been the smallest possible government. You know...

DINESH: No, absolutely.

GLENN: Extreme on the right should be anarchists.

DINESH: Even in Europe, if you think of the right, what's the extreme right in Europe? It was throne and alter.

GLENN: Right.

KELLY: It was the idea of a country run by an alliance between sacred church and the monarchy.


DINESH: And that's gone. That's want ape threat today.

GLENN: Right.

DINESH: What is a threat today is a different kind of different collectivism. Which was now a by the Nazis by the progressives. Most people don't realize all those three movements were on the same side of the aisle.


STU: Can we see the example of what you're talking about in the way they frame things? We've talked about about forever, keeping up with the Joneses, we looked at that as a negative idea, or what everybody else in your town has. Now they frame that as income inequality. And it's the same basic foundational belief, right? That you should be able to get what everyone else has. But now that it's framed as income equality, all of a sudden that's a positive. Isn't that an example of what they're trying to do?

GLENN: Twenty seconds.

DINESH: Yeah, the good side of it is trying to immolate the successful guy, and that's what we believe. Right? The guy starts a business. You should. The Democrat approach is different. And that is to appeal to envy, to appeal to him pulling you down until the two of you are leveled.

GLENN: Yes. So when we come back, I want to talk to you a little about, what does America look like with Hillary Clinton as president of the United States? It can't be good. Dinesh D'souza, next.


GLENN: We're talking to Dinesh D'souza. Hillary's America is out. The book, also the movie. Number one DVD, Amazon. Great movie. A lot of really good research. I am so happy, Dinesh that you did it the way you did it. It's more than a documentary and talking heads. It's almost like a feature film.

DINESH: It's entertaining. And that's why people go to the movies.

GLENN: Yeah.

DINESH: And, you know, I'm thrilled that people love the movie. And I tried to put strong generalizations in the movie and invite the left to go after them. In 1860, the year of the Civil War, no Republican owned a slave. All the slave in the whole country were owned by Democrats. Now, think about that. That's a claim you can refute by simply giving me a list of five Republicans who owned slaves. No one has been able to do it. So it's the kind of unnerving factual claim that you go, "Why didn't someone tell me that in school? Why haven't I seen that in the media?"

DINESH: And part of what gives power to our movie is that the left has been so successful in covering things up, in putting out a false narrative.

GLENN: Oh, yeah, people get angry --

DINESH: Truth becomes incendiary.

GLENN: People get angry when they realize that this has all been hidden from them, especially African-Americans. They really feel duped.

DINESH: Who did the Civil Rights movement of the 60s. The leftist claim the full credit --- we did it. So whatever our sins in the past are washed clean because we gave you the civil rights movement. No, in fact, more Republicans voted for it than Democrats; the main opposition came from the Democratic Party.

GLENN: So let me ask you this question: And I said this on the air the other day, and I've actually called a couple of historians and asked them, and they said, "Wow, I don't know, but let me look into it."

You might actually know. Who wrote the Civil Rights Bill and, more importantly, the Great Society bills from LBJ?

Because we just did a deal about the destructive force of those programs, you couldn't have designed them any better to tear the black community apart. And then I started thinking, "Wait. But that's -- I mean, that was the progressive ideal." Were there deep progressives that wrote that -- do you know, were there any real racist progressives that wrote that? Any evidence at all that that may have been an intention of some that wrote that Great Society?

DINESH: Well, you know, going back to FDR and Social Security, FDR knew that it had to be designed -- if he wanted it to work politically, it had to be designed in a way that no one could undo it.

And FDR boasted, I'm going to design it in such a way that it can't be ended. It will go on forever. And the way I do that is I don't have Glenn Beck have a retirement account and Dinesh have a retirement account. I'm going to make it so that the old people today are funded by the young people today.

And that's why, when the young people become old, they're going to demand that the next generation of young people pay for them.

So these people thought of that stuff. They thought -- they weren't just thinking about helping Glenn Beck and Dinesh retire. They were thinking, how do we, the Democrats, get to own this program and own these people for generations?

Same with LBJ. With the LBJ -- they didn't say, let's go destroy the black family.

But they went, "How do we create a whole class of people who need us in order to get by, to pay the mortgage, to get food? Because that way, we got them. And if we can kind of hold them in this dependency -- so this is why, for example, why the left opposed gentrification schemes in the inner city.

You come in and say -- and you're not even a government. You're a private business. You go, listen, I want to bring in Starbucks. I want to bring in all these companies who will create lofts -- high-tech companies. Everyone will have jobs. The real estate values will go up.

The people who live there are better off because their property values will go up. The left will oppose you.

Why? Because they know, we've got 90 percent of these people enthralled to us right now. They're voting for us. If we make them self-reliant, they're going to be like, "Okay. I'm leaving the plantation. Goodbye." And so they don't want that to happen. And so they have a perverse incentive to keep these people enthralled.

GLENN: Into the book is Hillary's America. What does it look like in four years if she wins?

DINESH: Well, I'm from India, a country run by gangs. If you saw Slum Dog Millionaire, you get a feeling for what that's like. Debbie, my wife is from Venezuela. You know what it's like over there. People are eating dogs and cats, and the country is run like one big gang.

So we came to America because in America you don't have to be corrupt in everyday life. You don't to have pay a bribe to a cop. You can live your normal life. There are ladders of opportunity. That America is up for grabs right now, and I think Hillary is the antithesis of that. She's the antithesis of ladders of opportunity. She represents the whole idea that we belong to the government. She controls the government. We belong to her, in effect. That's the America that she's pushing for, if the American people will sign on the dotted line.

GLENN: Will the people sign on the dotted line? Are you saying this election, or will people sign on the dotted line after the election?

DINESH: Well, I think the sad thing about America is that the people who make the difference in the election are the least attuned to what's going on.

They're the people -- and their impulse isn't bad. Their impulse is that in a good country, you should normally be able to mow your lawn and go to work and go to the movies and not worry a whole lot about politics. Just like you should be able to live in a house and sleep on the couch and walk in the hallway without consulting the blueprints every day.

GLENN: Right.

DINESH: But it's when your house begins to shake, then you need the blueprints. And similarly, we are at one of those rare times in American history. I've only known four or five times in US history where this has been the case, where more is being asked of the ordinary citizen. More knowledge. More vigilance. More alertness.

Some of us as immigrants know this instinctively. And so it's a little bit of a waking up process to get the ordinary American who is like, what? What -- what's new? Why do I have to do this now? Well, because this is a different situation than it was in 1980 or even in 1960.

GLENN: Do we make it?

DINESH: You know, I think we do. I'm optimistic. I'm not one of these guys who goes, "The country is finished if Hillary wins." But it is true that when you take a lot of blows on the head, you become a different country. We've gone through a lot with Obama. It's not going to help.

GLENN: We are completely a different country than we were 15 years ago or eight years ago. Completely different country.

In retrospect, Barack Obama, better or worse or the same of what you thought in 2008?

DINESH: I think I had the sense of Obama in 2008 of a twisted pathetic, emotionally deformed person who had been abandoned by his mom and his dad. And out of this had hatched this perverted ideology that he was -- that he believed. And that he was pursuing with dogged determination. He wrapped it up in the bow of hope and change. But it actually was a very concrete set of things. That is still my view of Obama. He's a messed-up guy at the core, but his messed-upness is wrapped up in a kind of false idealism, just like his narcissism springs from deep insecurity. He's a more interesting person than Hillary.

Hillary is a straight-out, you know, Luca Brasi. What makes Hillary interesting is that she's Luca Brasi who tries to pass herself off as wearing a halo, which is a very ugly and kind of ridiculous sight. And that's what makes her comic, as well as tragic. So I don't really -- I'm not interested in Hillary, in the way I am interested -- I would like to have dinner with Obama. I'd find him interesting psychologically.

GLENN: Yes, yes.

DINESH: The same way I'd like to meet Nixon. But Hillary, I'll pass.

GLENN: So, but wait. What I was asking was -- the country weathered him better than I thought we would.

DINESH: Yeah, he's -- what he's done is he's weakened -- I think his greatest harm is he's weakened American influence in the world.

GLENN: Oh, yeah.

JEFFY: Huge.

DINESH: It used to be that nothing could happen in South America, in the Middle East, in the Far East without America having a big say so. He's sort of made us irrelevant, and that was his goal.


DINESH: So that's his greatest --

JEFFY: A lot of help with Hillary Clinton on that in the State Department.

GLENN: Yeah.

DINESH: Yes, but it was his agenda. She was a functionary for his agenda in doing that.

GLENN: What's the difference between his agenda and her agenda?

DINESH: Her agenda essentially has to do with large suitcases of cash. Because I honestly believe that any country can get a meeting with Hillary, if they're willing to pay. Any business can get a meeting with Hillary, if they're willing to pay. And so in that sense, Hillary is above ideology. She has an ideology, and the ideology serves her. But she's perfectly willing to go against it if --

GLENN: Any of the triangulation of Bill Clinton in Hillary?

DINESH: Very little. Only the rhetorical triangulation. When she says things like, "I want to be a president for Republicans too." Now, that is a very interesting statement. Because in our system, the president is supposed to even represent the people who voted against him or her. She has no intention of doing it, but she says it.

JEFFY: Right. Right.

STU: Because that's one of the interesting things that's come out of the Podesta emails coming out, is that Hillary behind closed doors seems to be much better than she is in public. In that, she is saying things that are pro-free trade. She is saying things that are pro-fracking. She's saying these things. And my instinct is, she's saying them because she thinks the audience at that private speech thinks that, so she's playing to that. Is it just a --

GLENN: Which one is she? Is she the private one that is pro-business, pro-fracking if you pay, or is she the radical that wants to shut everything down because she believes in global warming?

DINESH: Well, she's neither. She gains on both fronts. So, for example, let's take a Hillary meeting with Goldman Sachs. Here's what Hillary says to Goldman Sachs.

She says, "Listen, out there, I've got to denounce you guys. Right? So I'm doing it because I have something to gain, which is political. I have to make you look bad because you're the enemy that's going to help rally people to my side. I've got to fool those people into thinking that I'm conspiring with them against you." Right?

And then she tells the Goldman Sachs, "But in reality, I'm conspiring with you against them. In other words, I've got all kinds of deals with you, if you're willing to give me money to the Clinton Foundation and to my causes. I can do business with you."

So she's benefiting at both ends, and that's the common denominator. And she's letting the Goldman Sachs people know, because they're sophisticated enough, that I have to do this.

GLENN: So the only thing she cares about is money?

DINESH: And power. And power. And power is the way the Clintons get money.

Now, usually in American politics, you make money first. FDR was rich when he ran for office. JFK was rich. So in America, people don't go to power to make money. The Clintons do.

GLENN: The Clinton Foundation laid the foundation of something that I think is just horrendous. And it's going to make Barack Obama a very powerful and wealthy man.


GLENN: Does he build a much more powerful Clinton Foundation, and does that continue? Does his influence continue to change and shape the world?

DINESH: I don't see Obama quitting. Like I say, he believes what he does and what he says.

GLENN: Yeah.

DINESH: I totally think he will move in -- he'll learn from the Clinton Foundation. But let's remember what made the Clinton Foundation so perverse is that this -- you know, it's not uncommon for politicians when they quit to go to lobbying firms and make money. So cashing in later is one thing.

GLENN: Yeah, yeah.

DINESH: It's much worse to cash in while you're the decision-maker. And you go to a group of Indian businessmen. And they go, "Okay. Bill, here's 500,000 to make a speech. Now, we want Hillary to change America's position on the India Nuclear Deal. And if you do that, $20 million or $10 million will come flowing to your foundation."

I mean, that is actually selling US policy. Think about it, if the Clintons have gone from zero to $300 million, what's the product that they've been selling? They haven't made the i Phone. They haven't started a business. Their product is public policy.

Now, public policy belongs to us. It's the American people's product, but they're selling it. And they're cashing in on it. That's what makes them deeply corrupt. That's what, at the end of the day, for all Trump has done this, he has not done that, and they have.

GLENN: Hillary's America. Dinesh D'souza. Available in books and also DVD. Number one best-selling DVD on Amazon right now. Always good to see you and your lovely wife.

DINESH: Pleasure.

GLENN: Talk to you again.

Featured Image: Screenshot of Dinesh D'Souza featured on The Glenn Beck Program.

The government is WAGING WAR against these 3 basic needs

NICHOLAS KAMM / Contributor | Getty Images

The government has launched a full-on assault against our basic needs, and people are starting to take notice.

As long-time followers of Glenn are probably aware, our right to food, water, and power is under siege. The government no longer cares about our general welfare. Instead, our money lines the pockets of our politicians, funds overseas wars, or goes towards some woke-ESG-climate-Great Reset bullcrap. And when they do care, it's not in a way that benefits the American people.

From cracking down on meat production to blocking affordable power, this is how the government is attacking your basic needs:


Fiona Goodall / Stringer | Getty Images

Glenn had Rep. Thomas Massie on his show where he sounded the alarm about the attack on our food. The government has been waging war against our food since the thirties when Congress passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. They started by setting strict limits on how many crops a farmer could grow in a season and punishing anyone who grew more—even if it was intended for personal use, not for sale on the market. This sort of autocratic behavior has continued into the modern day and has only gotten more draconian. Today, not only are you forced to buy meat that a USDA-approved facility has processed, but the elites want meat in general off the menu. Cow farts are too dangerous to the environment, so the WEF wants you to eat climate-friendly alternatives—like bugs.


ALESSANDRO RAMPAZZO / Contributor | Getty Images

As Glenn discussed during a recent Glenn TV special, the government has been encroaching on our water for years. It all started when Congress passed the Clean Water Act in 1972, which gave the government the ability to regulate large bodies of water. As the name suggests, the act was primarily intended to keep large waterways clear of pollution, but over time it has allowed the feds to assume more and more control over the country's water supply. Most recently, the Biden administration attempted to expand the reach of the Clean Water Act to include even more water and was only stopped by the Supreme Court.


David McNew / Staff | Getty Images

Dependable, affordable electricity has been a staple of American life for decades, but that might all be coming to an end. Glenn has discussed recent actions taken by Biden, like orders to halt new oil and gas production and efforts to switch to less efficient sources of power, like wind or solar, the price of electricity is only going to go up. This, alongside his efforts to limit air conditioning and ban gas stoves, it almost seems Biden is attempting to send us back to the Stone Age.

4 signs that PROVE Americans are hitting rock bottom

Spencer Platt / Staff | Getty Images

As we approach the presidential election in November, many Americans are facing dire economic straits.

Glenn has shown time and time again that Bidenomics is a sham, and more Americans than ever are suffering as a result. Still, Biden and his cronies continue to insist that the economy is booming despite the mounting evidence to the contrary. But who is Biden fooling? Since the beginning of the year, gas has gone up an average of 40 cents a gallon nationwide, with some states seeing as much as a 60-cent per gallon increase. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Foreclosures and bankruptcies are on the rise, evictions are surging, and America is experiencing a record amount of homelessness. We can't survive another Biden term.

Americans across the country are hitting rock bottom, and here are four stats that PROVE it:


John Moore / Staff | Getty Images

Across the country, people are being evicted from their homes and apartments. Between 2021 and 2023, evictions increased by 78.6 percent. With inflation driving up prices and employers struggling to raise wages to compensate, rent is taking up an increasingly larger percentage of people's paychecks. Many Americans are having to choose between buying groceries and paying rent.


Justin Sullivan / Staff | Getty Images

Renters aren't the only ones struggling to make their monthly payments, foreclosures are on the rise. This February saw a 5 percent increase in foreclosures from last year and a 10 percent increase from January. More and more Americans are losing their homes and businesses.


Chris Hondros / Staff | Getty Images

High interest rates and inflation have driven bankruptcies through the roof. Total filings have risen 13 percent and business bankruptcies rose 30 percent in 2023. It's getting harder and harder for businesses to stay afloat, and with California's new law requiring most restaurants to pay all employees a minimum of $20 an hour, you can expect that number to keep climbing.


FREDERIC J. BROWN / Contributor | Getty Images

The result of all of these issues is that it is getting harder and harder for Americans to afford the basic necessities. January of 2023 saw a record-breaking 650,000+ homeless Americans, a 12 percent jump from the previous year. More Americans have hit rock bottom than ever before.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on TheBlaze.com.

I want to talk to Generation Z. I’ve seen some clips of you complaining about your 9-to-5 jobs on social media and how life is really hard right now. To be honest, my first reaction was, “Suck it up, buttercup. This is what life is really like.” In a sense, that’s true. But in another sense, I think you’re getting a bad rap. You are facing unique problems that my generation didn’t face — problems that my generation had a hand in creating.

But I also think you don’t understand the cause of these problems.

I would hate to be in your position. When I was your age, we didn’t have to deal with any of the challenges you’re facing. In one sense, your life has been tough. At the same time, compared to previous generations, your life has been very easy. Everybody was rushing to save you, to protect you. You were coddled, which makes your life harder now.

You’ve grown up with social media and the definition of narcissism: somebody gazing into the pond looking at themselves all the time. I don't mean this as an offense, and I am not just including you in this. We’ve become a culture of narcissists. It’s all about “me, me, me, me.”

If you end up thinking more collectivism is the solution, then you haven't done enough homework.

You’ve been in territory that my generation never had to enter. You’ve already navigated a landscape that we didn't have to, where nothing is true, and you can’t trust anybody. I wouldn’t trust anybody either if I were in your position. But I do know a few things to be true and a couple of things I can trust.

First, life is worth it. Life is tough, but it is worth it in the end.

Second, life is not about stuff. As a guy who is kind of a pack rat, I can tell you that none of that stuff will create happiness in your life. In fact, I think your generation has a better handle on happiness in some ways than anybody in mine. You’re starting to realize that pharmaceuticals may not be as good as natural solutions in a lot of situations, that the huge house may not be as satisfying as just having a smaller house, that living your life instead of having to work all the time may be a better way to live.

I want to talk to those of you who feel like it’s not worth even trying to go to work because you’ll never get anywhere. You work 40 hours a week or more, and you still can't afford a place to live. You’re still living with your parents. You can’t afford food. I think you're right to feel frustrated because the problems you're facing weren't always the case.

I blame a lot of the current problems we’re facing today on the hippies. That may be wrong, but I hate hippies. Hippies have been screwing things up since the 1960s. While on their socialist march, they have become everything that they said they were against: lying, greedy politicians. They just won’t let go of their power even though their time has passed.

These are the people who have come up with policies that make you feel like this is the way the world is. I hope I can convince you that it doesn’t have to be this way. This isn’t the way our country has always been. We don’t have to keep these people in power. Actions have consequences. Votes have consequences. These people allow crime, looters, squatters, riots, and somebody needs to pay for that.

You say you can’t afford health care. I understand. Since Obamacare passed, the cost of individual health insurance has doubled. You need to remember that politicians promised that if we passed this massive health care overhaul, it would mean a savings of $2,500 per family. You're in school. You must know that $2,500 savings is not the same as an 80% increase. Moreover, the cost of hospital stays is up 210%. I understand when you say you can't afford health care at these costs. Who could afford health care? Who could afford insurance?

The generation coming of age is right to feel frustrated.This mess — with high costs and a massive debt burden — was not of their making.

Iwant to talk to Generation Z. I’ve seen some clips of you complaining about your 9-to-5 jobs on social media and how life is really hard right now. To be honest, my first reaction was, “Suck it up, buttercup. This is what life is really like.” In a sense, that’s true. But in another sense, I think you’re getting a bad rap. You are facing unique problems that my generation didn’t face — problems that my generation had a hand in creating.

But I also think you don’t understand the cause of these problems.

If you end up thinking more collectivism is the solution, then you haven't done enough homework.

I would hate to be in your position. When I was your age, we didn’t have to deal with any of the challenges you’re facing. In one sense, your life has been tough. At the same time, compared to previous generations, your life has been very easy. Everybody was rushing to save you, to protect you. You were coddled, which makes your life harder now.

You’ve grown up with social media and the definition of narcissism: somebody gazing into the pond looking at themselves all the time. I don't mean this as an offense, and I am not just including you in this. We’ve become a culture of narcissists. It’s all about “me, me, me, me.”

You’ve been in territory that my generation never had to enter. You’ve already navigated a landscape that we didn't have to, where nothing is true, and you can’t trust anybody. I wouldn’t trust anybody either if I were in your position. But I do know a few things to be true and a couple of things I can trust.

First, life is worth it. ≈

Second, life is not about stuff. As a guy who is kind of a pack rat, I can tell you that none of that stuff will create happiness in your life. In fact, I think your generation has a better handle on happiness in some ways than anybody in mine. You’re starting to realize that pharmaceuticals may not be as good as natural solutions in a lot of situations, that the huge house may not be as satisfying as just having a smaller house, that living your life instead of having to work all the time may be a better way to live.

I want to talk to those of you who feel like it’s not worth even trying to go to work because you’ll never get anywhere. You work 40 hours a week or more, and you still can't afford a place to live. You’re still living with your parents. You can’t afford food. I think you're right to feel frustrated because the problems you're facing weren't always the case.

I blame a lot of the current problems we’re facing today on the hippies. That may be wrong, but I hate hippies. Hippies have been screwing things up since the 1960s. While on their socialist march, they have become everything that they said they were against: lying, greedy politicians. ≈

These are the people who have come up with policies that make you feel like this is the way the world is. I hope I can convince you that it doesn’t have to be this way. This isn’t the way our country has always been. We don’t have to keep these people in power. Actions have consequences. Votes have consequences. These people allow crime, looters, squatters, riots, and somebody needs to pay for that.

If you end up thinking more collectivism is the solution, then you haven't done enough homework.

You say you can’t afford health care. I understand. Since Obamacare passed, the cost of individual health insurance has doubled. You need to remember that politicians promised that if we passed this massive health care overhaul, it would mean a savings of $2,500 per family. You're in school. You must know that $2,500 savings is not the same as an 80% increase. Moreover, the cost of hospital stays is up 210%. I understand when you say you can't afford health care at these costs. Who could afford health care? Who could afford insurance?

You are also starting your life with thousands of dollars in debt. Your parents didn't have that burden. People used to be able to work their way through college and graduate debt-free. Others were able to get jobs that quickly paid off their debt. You can't do that now. Once the government said that they were going to guarantee all student loans, university costs skyrocketed, and it hasn't stopped. You can thank the progressive President Lyndon B. Johnson for that.

The people who created this mess cannot fix it. But it can be fixed.

You are also starting your life with thousands of dollars in debt. Your parents didn't have that burden. People used to be able to work their way through college and graduate debt-free. Others were able to get jobs that quickly paid off their debt. You can't do that now. Once the government said that they were going to guarantee all student loans, university costs skyrocketed, and it hasn't stopped. You can thank the progressive President Lyndon B. Johnson for that.

Once the government said that they were going to guarantee everybody’s college tuition, universities found out that they could just charge more because the government would give you virtually any amount in your loan. And they have been charging more and more ever since. In 1965, the average college tuition was $450 a year. Adjusted to inflation, that's $4,000 a year. You're currently paying an average of $26,000 a year as opposed to the inflation-adjusted $4,000.

What happened? The answer is always the same: government regulations. Gas is up. Why? Government regulations. Can't afford a house? Well, that's due to several things. Many of them revolve around the fed and our national debt. But the simple answer is the same: government regulations.

Moreover, the U.S. government has run a staggering national debt. We have been concerned about it forever, but the people in power haven't been listening to your mom and dad and people like me. A lot of other people just thought, "Oh, well. We could get away with it. We're the United States of America, after all. Somehow or another, it will all work out."

People like me have been saying, "No. We can't pass this on to our children." You're now seeing what we have passed on. When you say that the adults are responsible for creating this world of problems, in some ways, you’re right. We were lied to, and as many people do, they want to believe the lie because it makes them feel better.

There are big lies being pushed in your generation as well. You're being told that a man is a woman and a woman is a man. At the same time, you’re being told that gender doesn't even exist at all. It makes us feel better to go along with the lie because we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

My generation believed the same kind of lie about our national debt. We were told that we could spend all this money on subsidized programs because it would provide you, our children, with a better life. Some people warned, "Wait, how will they pay this off? This will cost them." We didn't want to believe them. The lie sounded better, and it was easier to believe that than the truth. We never saw the consequences, and even if we did, they were always way out in the future. Nobody wanted to listen to the doomsday people saying, "No. It's going to come faster than you think."

And that time is right now. Our government now is printing $1 trillion every 100 days. That's never been done before. We have more debt than any country has ever had in the history of the world. But we’re not alone. Every country is doing this. They’re going into debt like we’ve never seen before, and we’re all about to pay for that. It’s going to make your life even harder.

There are Democrats and Republicans who still believe in spending all kinds of money and getting us involved in every global conflict. Then there are constitutional conservatives who believe that we should conserve the things that have worked and throw out the things that don’t and follow our Constitution and Bill of Rights. You haven't really learned about those most likely. But you should. All of our problems are caused by the government and the people who feel they can bypass the Constitution. That's what this election is really all about.

You might say, “I don’t really care. I don’t like either of the political parties.” I know a lot of people who don’t like either of them, but one is going to try to cut the size of this government and one is going to spend us into collapse.

The people who created this mess cannot fix it. But it can be fixed. You need to learn enough about the truth, about why this has happened to us, and about how our Constitution lasted longer than any other Constitution in the world. The average is 17 years. This thing has lasted hundreds of years. Why? How? And why is it falling apart today? That's what you should dedicate some of your time to figuring out today.

You can complain about the way things are. I complain. Everybody complains. But don't wallow there. Learn what caused this. And if you end up thinking more collectivism is the solution, then you haven't done enough homework. They always end the same way, and that's exactly where we're headed right now. We can either repeat the dreadful past of nations that have tried it before us, or we can choose freedom, liberty, and prosperity. The ball is in our court.

Glenn recently had Representative Thomas Massie on his show to sound the alarm about an important yet often overlooked issue affecting what we eat. Whether you're trying to be prepared to weather a catastrophe or just trying to keep food on the table without resorting to eating bugs, it's more important now than ever to source local food. Unnoticed by most, our right to eat home-grown or locally-sourced foods is under attack. The government doesn't just want a say in what you eat; they want you vulnerable and dependent on their system, and they are massively overstepping their bounds to ensure your compliance with their goals.

How did the attack on your food begin?

Government overreach on food can be traced back to 1938 under the autocratic eye of FDR with the Supreme Court case "Wickard v. Filburn." The case was pretty straightforward, but the results were devastating. The case began with the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, which sought to control national food prices by placing limitations on how many crops farmers could grow in a season.

Filburn was one such farmer, who was allotted 11.1 acres of wheat to plant and harvest annually. Filburn planted and harvested 23 acres, arguing that the extra acres were not headed for the market, but were used for personal consumption. After being penalized for over-harvesting, he fought his case all the way up to the Supreme Court, arguing that Congress did not have the authority to regulate crops that never left his farm.

Unfortunately for Filburn (and the rest of us), the Supreme Court didn't agree. They ruled that the mere existence of that extra wheat—whether it left Filburn's farm or not—had an effect on the national value of wheat. Congress assumed the power to regulate just about anything that could be roped under the umbrella of "interstate commerce."

Under the precedent set by Wickard v. Filburn, Congress might bar you from growing tomatoes in your backyard, because it could affect national tomato prices. This was a major blow to our right to feed ourselves, and that right has been eroding ever since.

How is our right to feed ourselves under attack today?

Last June, the Virginia Department of Agriculture shut down Golden Valley Farms, a small Amish farm owned and operated by Samuel B. Fisher in Farmville, Virginia. Golden Valley Farms had started out selling dairy products, primarily, and processed some meat for personal consumption. However, by popular demand, Fisher began selling meat.

Fisher initially hauled his animals to a USDA processing plant, paid to have them processed, and then hauled them back. This process was time-consuming and costly, and Fisher's customers didn't want the meat processed by the plant. A survey done on Golden Valley Farms customers found that an overwhelming 92 percent preferred meat processed by Fisher. So naturally, Fisher began to process more and more meat for his customers.

Moreover, COVID shut down the USDA plant, which made it impossible for Fisher to process the animals by the USDA anyway, though the demand for meat was greater than ever. Fisher made the call to process 100 percent of his animals himself and didn't look back. That was until June when the Virginia Department of Agriculture caught wind of Fisher's operation and shut it down. The VDA seized all of Fisher's products, and he wasn't allowed to process, sell, or even eat his meat. Then they loaded it up in a truck and left it at the dump to rot.

Nobody ever got sick from eating meat from Golden Valley Farms. This was NOT about "health and safety." This was about control. The fact is that informed adults were not allowed to make a simple transaction without the government sticking its slimy fingers into Fisher's business and claiming it was somehow for "our benefit." But it's not for "our benefit." It's so they can regulate and control what we buy and what we eat, and they cannot stand it when we operate outside of their influence.

What comes next?

Where does this end? With so much of our ability to feed ourselves already eroded, is it too late? Is it going to get worse? Before long, will it be illegal to eat eggs from your chickens or pick vegetables from your garden without getting government clearance first? Fortunately, a solution is already in the works.

Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie recently told Glenn about a new constitutional amendment designed to limit government overreach regarding food production. The proposed amendment reads as follows:

And Congress shall make no law, regulating the production and distribution of food products, which do not move across state lines.

The amendment is still on the drawing board and has not been formally introduced to Congress yet. But this is where you come in. Call your representative and tell them to support Massie's amendment and take a stand for your right to provide sustenance for you and your family.