Sitting outside all day hearing propaganda about how evil banks are for lending people hundreds of thousands of dollars to live in homes they would normally not be able to buy without saving money for 30 years, you'd think the last job an unemployed Occupy Wall Street protester would take is a job on Wall Street. Think again - when money starts talking, Occupy principles start walking. Did this Occupier sell out?
What did Tracy Postert, a 30-something Upper West Side resident with a Ph.D. in biomedical science specializing in pharmacology, do when she couldn’t find a job in academia? Blame Wall Street and Ronald Reagan of course!My Fox New York reports on the “down-on-her-luck” occupier who spent 15 days making sandwiches for fellow Occupiers in Zuccotti Park only to be rewarded with a job at a Financial District investment firm thanks to a passer-by who grabbed her resume.
The New York Post reports that Postert landed the job as a junior analyst making a low salary now, but “in time“ should earn ”a cool six figures” according Kaufman.
“She was ranting about Wall Street, and now she’s working on Wall Street. Banks are not so bad. I hope we have opened her eyes,” CEO Thomas Belesis told the Post of Postert, who he believes will be a great asset.