Is Rick Santorum’s religion the only thing that the mainstream media attack dogs can find to focus on? After all, George Stephanopoulos questions at the latest debate would lead viewers to believe that Santorum, a Catholic, would ban contraception if he became President! With elected officials all but holding a match to the Constitution – how is THIS the question they felt Rick Santorum needed to answer? Next thing you know they’ll be asking him if his loyalties are to The Pope over the country. Glenn got an ABC News official on the phone to explain the ridiculous questions!
Ok…it was Stu playing an ABC News official. But it was still funny…
What were some questions they had?
For Perry: “Would you be prepared if gravity reversed itself.”
For Ron Paul: “Does the Constitution allow for gravity to reverse itself.”
For Bachmann: “What would be your policy, namely on taxes and regulation if we were to discover in the United States a civilization of half men/half bat people, people who could fly like bats but had the faces of men?”
For Romney: “If garlic were to come alive, what would you do?”