Newt Gingrich claims he wanted to run a positive campaign, yet 15 minutes after Romney runs one 'attack' ad Gingrich releases a 30 minute documentary slamming Romney as a 'vulture' capitalist. Not exactly the rhetoric you want from a so-called 'Ronald Reagan' conservative running for President. It's an interesting attack considering just a few weeks ago Newt the 'angry attack muffin' was actually saying the exact opposite about Romney's time at Bain.
Pat and Stu discuss this John Kerry-esque flip flop in the clip above.
So much for running a positive campaign… Newt Gingrich, in a not so surprising move, has made a legendary flip flop in his opinion on Mitt Romney’s time at Bain Capital. Why was Mr. “I’m a Reagan Conservative” attacking Mitt Romney for being a ‘vulture’ capitalist? Supposedly Mitt “got a little under his skin.” It's an interesting attack considering just a few weeks ago Newt the 'angry attack muffin' was actually saying the exact opposite about Romney's time at Bain.
It would be one thing if Newt’s view on the type of business Mitt Romney was running at Bain had been shifting over a long period of time, …and wasn’t a catch-phrase we typically hear from politicians, like Socialist Barry Sanders or the “99%.” Not only is he either lying about his views on capitalism in this statement or previous ones, but he doesn’t really have an inch to talk about anyone making too much money.
Pat and Stu point out:
Pat: He made, okay, 1.6 million from Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, one of the two, whatever it was. He makes $60,000 per speech.
STU: Again I have absolutely no problem with him making 60,000 per speech.
PAT: Oh, and the million dollar account he had at Tiffany's in New York.
STU: Right. And by the way, all charges, all charges, by the way, not the Fannie and Freddie one because that's from the government, but the other two we've defended him on. And we're not big fans of Newt Gingrich as you've noticed that, but we defended him on the Tiffany's thing.
Gingrich seems to be fishing for ways to bring down Mitt Romney, and all of the obviously places where a strong conservative would go to do this, like global warming and health care, happen to be areas where he is either just as bad or possibly worse. When you’re painting yourself as the “Reagan conservative” during primary season, and have a history like Newt’s, your time might be better spent focusing on your strengths, not pointing out the weaknesses of your opponents …in areas that you happen to be weak in as well.