The latest cover of Newsweek has sparked quite a bit of controversy, but the media pundits are missing the point on why it's so bad for asking the question "Why are Obama’s critics so dumb?”. Why was this such a bad decision on the part of Newsweek's editorial staff?
Megyn Kelly on FOX News claimed that Newsweek had “some obligation to pu an actual journalist” on the cover of the magazine.
Watch Kelly's comments:
Glenn disagreed with Megyn Kelly to an extent, pointing out that Newsweek isn't obligated to always run a journalist on their cover and that it was so crazy to put an opinion piece on the front. What Glenn and the radio crew were shocked by was that the editorial staff would have someone who is a "TrigTruther" write such a blatant play to the uber-left.
"I just want to make a quick mention here because Megyn Kelly was blasting Newsweek. And she was on with Newsweek and she's blasting Newsweek now because Andrew Sullivan is not an actual journalist. And what's your point on that one? They can't run opinions on the front?" Glenn asked.
"Newsweek has made a choice to go for the uber-left and ridicule the right," Glenn said.
"Wow, that is so unusual because there's only... Time, Newsweek, MSNBC, NBC..." Pat joked.
"The thing about this is Newsweek went to a credible source, the guy who believes Trig is not Sarah Palin's son," Stu said. "That's the guy you want to go to for a serious article."
"It now tells me exactly, in case you didn't know, exactly who they are. Exactly who they are. And they're announcing it. I mean, you know, Tina Brown's no dummy. She's doing this as a publicity stunt and she's doing it because she wants everybody to know."
The Blaze has more on this story HERE!