Glenn has been hearing from Newt Gingrich supporters a lot the past few days, many of which are not very happy with him right now. Some are calling him a liar, some are telling Glenn that it’s not about Newt, it’s about beating Obama, and today we even had a caller tell Glenn he just “doesn’t really understand redemption.”
While Glenn obviously understands everyone’s fears around what another four years of Obama would look like, he lets Newt speak for himself. Glenn isn’t putting words in his mouth or taking him out of context, in fact, he even had Newt on his radio program after going through much of what he’s been discussing.
Glenn has spent the last few years hammering what a progressive is, the direction they’ve been taking our country in for the past 100 years, and why we are at a tipping point if that doesn’t change soon. This has been the core focus of his program the last few years—restoring America. As the election gets closer many seem to be taking Glenn’s unwavering views as an attack, but Glenn is at the same position he’s been since he took on progressives on both sides of the aisle at CPAC in 2010—and as always, using their words to make his case, not his.
Well, like it or not, the audio Glenn played this morning speaks for itself. Newt Gingrich went on-air with Jack and Ted of WFLA in Tampa, FL, and responded to the recent airtime Glenn has spent discussing him, his record, and his progressive tendencies.
This is how it went down…
VOICE: Claiming that you are a progressive, that your favorite presidents are FD or let's see, Teddy Roosevelt and then you said the greatest president of the century is FDR, and what is your response to that vis à vis conservatives?
GINGRICH: Well, that is baloney.
VOICE: That's a pretty good one.
GINGRICH: You know, I don't know what Glenn Beck's problem is but he obviously has never read my writing. I've written three novels about George Washington, four novels that involve Abraham Lincoln. The fact is the greatest American president is Washington. The second greatest American president is Lincoln. If you measure his World War II achievements, FDR's an extraordinary leader. We defeat Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, Japan in three years and eight months. It is an extraordinary act of leadership. Now, I disagree with him about the New Deal, I disagree with him about his liberal policies. But as a war leader, he's extraordinary.
Well, Glenn didn’t have to defend himself against Newt’s comments. Instead, he let Newt take care of that himself. This is audio every conservative voter needs to hear before going to the polls to make their GOP nominee selection.