One of the members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood decided to interrupt a session of parliament and try to issue the Muslim call to prayer. It did not go over well as it was not the appropriate time for prayer and he was reprimanded several times by the leader of the session. Will this be a tipping point in Egypt and a sign of things to come? The Brotherhood is already demanding the 'caretaker of the cabinet' get fired and replaced with a Brotherhood member. What is happening in the Middle East? Is this where the "Arab Spring" is going?
"Muslim Brotherhood. They changed their name to the Freedom and Justice Party. So he's Muslim Brotherhood. So we know he's an Islamic extremist. He stands up and he starts singing the call to prayer," Glenn said.
"It's out of order obviously. That's when the guy says, please sit down, stop it, knock it off. He continues to sing. That's when the chairperson really gets angry. Now, this is all on television."
"This guy, the Muslim Brotherhood, is making a statement that this parliament is not Muslim enough. By doing this, he's saying you guys are an enemy of Allah. It's prayer time and we should be praying right now," Glenn said.
At the end of the video when their equivalent of Speaker of the House chastises his disruption, many of the representatives applaud.
"I believe it will be the applause that will be their undoing. Because the extremists saw this," Glenn said.
"This country is going to be torn apart by the extremists, torn apart. A strong man, it's either going to be an Islamic republic, an Islamic Caliphate, or it will go back to a dictatorship."
Watch the video of the incident here