This headline is becoming more and more commonplace and with Greece's unemployment now topping 20% (having gone up 7% in about a year) you can most likely expect more. The lesson to be learned from Greece's woes? Be thankful you don't live there, yes -- but realize we are headed down the same path.
"They're burning movie theaters and everything else. What is the point?" Glenn wondered of the violent protests.
"You can't put this genie back in the bottle. Once this thing starts, you can't put it back in the bottle. That's why it's really critical that anybody who is involved at all in any kind of counterprotest or anything like that, you have got to be ‑‑ you've got to root yourself in love and know what Martin Luther King was doing."
Glenn warned that a similar situation could be coming to America as we, like Greece, keep spending money in order to fund entitlement programs and support big government.
"They're begging for money. They have no money. So, whose money are they going to spend? They have no more money," Glenn said.
"The Obama administration is coming out and they're going to ‑‑ they're going to try to have it both ways. They're spending more and more money right now. We're spending ourselves into oblivion and remember what the President said when we spent almost a trillion dollars on the stimulus? Well, that's for infrastructure. That's for roads and bridges. Did you notice that they're coming out today with more stimulus wants and they're saying we have to have this for the infrastructure, for the roads and bridges? What did you spend it on last time? It was a trillion dollars. What did you spend it on? They're saying that we're not spending enough money. So, they're going to be able to blame it not in the end ‑‑ it won't be blamed on we spent too much. It will be blamed on we didn't spend enough! That's what they're doing in Europe right now. They're trying to convince the Greeks that the money exists. They're just not spending it. No. The money doesn't exist," Glenn said.