How is the DOW on the upswing when gas prices are $5 per gallon? …and unemployment is climbing back towards 9%? Glenn’s answer? “I think the market is bogus.”
Pat agrees, adding, “It’s fantasy land.”
The markets swings use to be somewhat related to what was going on in the lives of the average family. Glenn points out, saying, “It used to be connected with something real about, okay, well, this, you know, this is happening and this. You could see the correlation on people's lives, some extent.”
It is going to be hard to beat President Obama in November when the mainstream media can hammer how great the market is doing. Pat says the Republican candidate will have to “hammer gas prices, because people feel it every day.”
As gas prices climb the price of food will rise as well. “If your gas prices are at $4 or $5 a gallon, which means your bread is almost unaffordable for a lot of Americans. You’re not going to be able to have the money,” Glenn says.
If the average American is not going to be able to afford to buy bread, much less fill up their car with gas to go purchase the bread, but the DOW is on the rise, does that make Obama the President of Wall Street and big business? “He’ll be the President of Wall Street, not Main Street. Main Street will be looking for food,” Glenn says.
So how does Obama plan on winning an election in a scenario like this?
Unfortunately the left will still control the media, who, as Stu points out, “will paint him in the most positive light possible.”