Ted Nugent made a surprise appearance on the radio show today and offered up some post-2012 career prospects for current President Barack Obama. Assuming (hoping, praying) that he won't still be residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue come January of next year, Nugent said he would hire Obama as a back up singer for his band. What does Nigent think of the Obama's chances and who would he like to see take his place?
Nugent claimed that he's looking to out America back on track and to get Obama out of the White House, he's been impressed to different degrees by both Romney and Santorum, moreso by Rick Santorum.
"I'm out to get rid of these America haters," Nugent said.
Nugent said that conservatives aren't looking to use the extreme tactics of the left. They aren't looking to "occupy", take up arms, or engage in cyber terrorism (ala Anonymous). He and others want to have a government that upholds the Constitution, respects the Ten Commandments, follows the Golden Rule and is governed by common sense.
He also expressed frustration with the current debate over the welfare system, saying he couldn't believe the President would condemn anyone would claim it was being abused. "For every child that needs a sandwich there's about a million pigs blood sucking off the system with fraud, waste, abuse of power," he said. But at the same time that welfare system is being abused, veterans get neglected.
"We are going to go down in history as the dumbest society in the history of mankind," Nugent said.
Nevertheless, Nugent claimed "We know this is an ugly, and difficult speed bump in the American dream and American way. We're going to right this wrong."
"My hopes, my dreams, my confidence, my positive energy is fiery every day," he said.