Anonymous released a new video, not-surprisingly being ignored by the pressed, declaring AIPAC their enemy and calling for an occupation of AIPAC and the destruction of their websites, following President Obama's AIPAC speech over the weekend.
Here is the video…
“Citizens of the world, we are Anonymous. Just a few weeks ago, we declared our crusade against the government of Israel and all supporting counterparts for their involvement in war propaganda, crimes against humanity and the systematic genocide and expulsion of minorities, their crimes have resulted in the displacement of Palestinians who did not commit any crime but defended their homelands. Let's also not forget the USS Liberty incident where Israel killed 34 American servicemen. AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee wants to lobby for more wars, more destruction, more deaths than they already have committed and unfortunately our president has decided to defend them for it. Our government's foreign policy has no sovereignty to America. Its sovereignty is to the Israel. AIPAC is now our enemy. We're calling for an occupation of AIPAC and for destruction of their websites. Make them pay for their crimes. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We must certainly not forget. Expect us or perish.”
“This is very frightening,” Glenn said after the clip finished. He compared this warning to Sirhan Sirhan, the disgruntled Palestinian who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy, who was backing Israel.
“Okay, so you have Anonymous coming after AIPAC,” Glenn said, “Anonymous coming after all of Israel and anybody who stands with Israel.”
“And, let’s not forget USS Liberty from 1967. We’re talking about forty-five years ago,” Pat said, referring to the incident from the 1960’s when a United States Navy technical research ship was mistakenly attacked by an Israel Air Force fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy torpedo boats during the Six-Day War. The incident was well documented and covered by both Israeli and U.S. governments, and resulted in a over seventeen million dollars plus thirteen years interest being paid to the wounded U.S. soldiers and the families of those who were killed.
Pat also takes note that Anonymous doesn’t mention anything about the attacks the Palestinians are making against the Israelis. They seem to think all that the Palestinians have done is defend their homeland. “Yeah, the homeland in Ju-de-a,” Glenn adds.
No mention of the rockets being launched over Israeli borders, at school buses carrying Israeli children, or at Israeli schools, they’re just defending their homeland.
Glenn again pointed out the actual historical name of the territory now known as “the West Bank,” Judea. Pointing to the obvious root word of Judea, "Jew," which adds some obvious significant to exactly whose homeland the territory is.
“They don’t have any history there,” Pat said sarcastically, “other than 3,000 years’ worth. I mean, it’s just 3,000 years though.”
It’s simply a mystery as to why the Palestinians and the mainstream media now refer to Judea as the West Bank…