Occupy Wall Street returned to the streets of New York City yesterday but was largely uneventful. A few protests here and there, but they failed to achieve their goal which was a shutdown of the city. NYPD was prepared and it showed. Seattle was a different story as violence was everywhere - store windows smashed, cars attacked, assaults. How did the media cover the day’s events?
"I cannot believe how foolish the news reporters are, how clueless they all are," Glenn said.
"Here are these people that are all dressed in black. They don't even know. "This seems to be some other group." Really? Does it? Yeah, they're called the Black Bloc, you dopes. They're anarchists. That's what ‑‑ and they're carrying black flags and red flags. What do you think that means?"
"There was no commentary on what all of this stuff means. What do you think the red flag means? What does the black flag mean? Does anybody know that? The black flag is an anarchist symbol."
"I'm watching this on KING 5 in Seattle and here's a city that should understand anarchy. They should understand anarchy because of the globalization stuff. They were clueless. Clueless. I actually, I actually heard people all across the country talking about how mainly peaceful these people. Excuse me? In Cleveland they were trying to blow up a bridge," he added.
"Just like on September 11th most Al‑Qaeda members were mainly peaceful as well."
"Yeah, there was just the 18 of them that weren't peaceful that day," Pat added.
" I mean, it's crazy how ignorant and how ‑‑ I mean, honestly criminal ‑‑ our local media is. And the local media, you have no excuse," Glenn said.
Stu explained, " It turns into, 'Well, traffic is interrupted here, your favorite Starbucks is not going to be open because there's windows broken.' But they really should look into this stuff more and give a larger perspective on it."
"Their coverage of this is like their coverage of a car chase," said Pat.