Some people would say that it’s a good sign your administration is off the rails when you are using the ‘devil’ to campaign for you.
While Anna Wintour obviously isn’t the literal devil, she’s apparently so much of an elitist and treats people so horribly that a novel and movie were made about it where she was referred to as the devil. Yes, the woman who The Devil Wears Prada was based, Anna Wintour, and partnered with Sarah Jessica Parker to host a fundraiser for ‘man of the people’ Barack Obama.
The best part is, you, a lucky member of the “99%” can come by entering to win a trip to the elegant occasion. You’re signing up right now, aren’t you?
Probably not – even the out of touch Obama campaign knows they can’t get away with marketing this to the average American, so they pitched this to young voters across the nation during the MTV Movie Awards. reports:
That Wintour pitch, coming in the middle of tough economic times, seems to have the same feel as Marie Antoinette offering a couple of peasants a chance to hang out with King Louis XVI and the aristocrats just as the Bastille was being stormed.
The most amazing thing about this Wintour video was it was actually released to the public by the Obama campaign itself.
This morning on radio, Glenn had a similar take. “This happens to people who are too thin-skinned to have anyone around them that will criticize them. This happens when you have nothing but a lot of lap dogs. This happens when you don't have the media push you. You lose sight of who you really are. You lose – you lose any kind of reason and you start making campaign moves where you're, like, “What? What? She's popular, they had a movie made about her.” She was the devil!” Glenn said.
Barack Obama has spent almost the entire campaign pointing the finger at Mitt Romney for big an evil, rich capitalist, and trying to make Bain Capital look like an a company that destroys jobs to make money, and he’s teamed up with a woman who treated his employees so terrible she was known as ‘nuclear Wintour.’
“How many times have we seen this recently where the Obama administration accuses the Romney campaign of something that's awful and horrific and then you look into it for 10 seconds and find out that it's much worse on their side,” Stu asked
“Mitt Romney put a dog on the roof. That's their claim. And by the way, in my book I talk about how I ate dog,” Glenn joked.
There are countless examples of the hypocrisy of President Obama and his administration and the media plays right along. Mitt Romney was called a bully over an alleged haircut; Barack Obama wrote about bullying a fat girl in his book. Michelle Obama is traveling across the country telling people they need to eat right, while her husband smokes and his photographed eating hotdogs and ice cream on all of his countless vacations…. Which he’s taking while tell American’s they need to tighten their budgets.
“And they're trying to make Mitt Romney look out of touch,” Glenn said. “Mitt Romney is the Marlboro man compared to Anna Wintour.”