In Friday’s press conference, President Obama received a question about the steady stream of national security leaks that have come out in the press recently. An agitated Obama took offence to the reporter’s question that insinuated the leaks may be coming from the White House.
Glenn played the President’s response on radio this morning:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. It's wrong. And… people I think need to have a better sense of how I approach this office and how the people around me here approach this office.
“Gosh! I agree, Mr. President,” Glenn joked. “The idea, the notion that you and your White House and administration would release classified information just to help you in the polls is offensive. Yes, Mr. President… It is wrong, Mr. President. It's offensive and it's wrong.”
All kidding aside, this is yet another example of the President looking like a coward. Cowards, as Glenn defines them, either refuse to say things or refuse to face things.
Obama can play the ‘how dare you question my motives’ card all he wants, but considering how polarized Washington has become, you have to know things are bad when a special prosecutor was appointed with bi-partisan support to investigate the leaks.
The President has a lot to lose this election cycle, and national security has proven to be one of the only records he has to run on. Seeing as the leaks, in theory, work to bolster the President’s image, it is by no means a stretch to assume that sources inside the White House are divulging the classified information.
“The president, the president is, and this administration and those around him are cowards because they believe one thing but do another,” Glenn said. “Now all we do is ask for people to look at the facts. When you see the facts, then you understand. When you see the facts, then you know. It's easy. It's really – it's not that difficult.”