Last year Glenn was the keynote speaker at the Christians United For Israel event in Washington, DC. Hard to believe it’s been an entire year since Glenn was there, but it has and this Tuesday in DC the event is happening again. Anyone who stands with Israel will no doubt be enduring hatred from the anti-Israel crowd - take a look at the list of those brave enough to stand up to them.
Full Transcript:
GLENN: If I were ever asked to make a list of people that I have deep, profound respect for that are alive today, people that I think are true heroes, that list would be very, very short and toward the top of that list would be a man that I really knew very little about four years ago and got to know him and as we got to know him, we -- honestly -- I don't even know if I've told him this, but we had conversations on, geez, look what the media says about him. I don't know. Does anybody really know him? Do we know? Is this a guy -- the more I got to know him, the more I got the respect him and I truly mean he is on a list, a very short list, of heroes and people I would like to be more like. John Hagee is on the phone with us now.
John, are you how sir? He's also very quiet. He's a man of very few words, which I appreciate. Can we open up his line? Why is the line not open? There he is. John?
HAGEE: Good morning to you, sir. It's a pleasure to be with you.
GLENN: How are you?
HAGEE: I'm doing well. Thank God.
GLENN: You are -- I -- honestly, John, I tell the story about a meeting that we had in Washington DC. Was it a year ago?
HAGEE: It was. A year ago this coming week, by the way.
GLENN: My gosh. It seems like it's been five years. Time flies when you're having fun.
HAGEE: It was a great night.
GLENN: It was.
HAGEE: You were the keynote speaker for the Night to Honor Israel and the house was packed and it was a moment in time that we will always cherish.
GLENN: Well, I will tell you that I think of the minutes that we had earlier in the afternoon alone where you gave me advice on what my life will be like if I stand with Israel, et cetera, et cetera, and at one point you kind of got lost in the story and I think it was -- you were reflecting more on what your life has been like and it was one of the most memorable moments, really, truly, honestly, John, of my life. I at that moment realized, truly, who you are and what you have sacrificed for your stance on Israel. You, your wife, and your family, and I am honored to know you.
HAGEE: Thank you. And God bless you for all that you do, Glenn, and thank you for being a light in a generation that's lost its decoration and for seeing evil in the word and being courageous enough to call it evil.
GLENN: So, you are doing the Christians United For Israel event again Tuesday in Washington DC?
HAGEE: It starts -- it starts Monday morning and we have our opening session. I'm going to be one of the speakers. We're going to have Irving Roth who is a Holocaust survivor to describe what happens in a society that starts thinking away the rights and liberties of everyone but especially begins to torment and persecute the Jewish people, as we're seeing anti-semitism in this nation rise to a new level, especially on the university campuses of the nation. Tuesday we're going to have an intelligence -- a Middle East intelligence briefing from Michael Homeline, Gary Bower, Eric Stackelback, Senator Joseph Lieberman. We're going to have the prime minister of Israel live and then Wednesday -- Tuesday night we're going to have the night to honor Israel where you spoke last year. At 7:00 I'll be speaking. Ambassador Michael Orrin will be speaking. He's the Israeli ambassador. Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann will be speaking and Wednesday we go see the senators and members of the House of Representatives from 9:00 in the morning to 6:00 p.m. to tell them why we support Israel and especially what it is we want them to do at this point in time.
GLENN: Tickets, by the way, are still available. I'm assuming there are some tickets still available?
HAGEE: Absolutely. All you have to do to attend is register to go and if you want to register to go, you go online to CUFI for Christians United For Israel, or you can call 1-877-706-2834 and if all of that fails, you can register in the lobby at the convention center in Washington DC.
GLENN: Okay.
HAGEE: And we're on.
GLENN: Okay. Here's the thing. I just want you to know and then I want to change subjects and talk to you about a couple of other things. I want the listeners to know I have joined three organizations in my life. One, my church; two, the National Rifle Association; and, three, CUFI. I am a joiner. I am not one of those guys. I don't believe, necessarily, in organizations and I'm more libertarian than that. These three organizations I truly believe in. If you want to be with a group of people that really, truly make a difference and get Israel and what's coming here in America, it's CUFI.
Okay. So, John, let's -- let me switch gears here and just kind of -- let's talk a little bit about -- what do you think is happening in the next year with -- with Israel and with the Middle East? We have -- we've had the guys who are Muslim Brotherhood and are talking now about a caliphate established in Jerusalem and President Obama has invited this guy who's now the new President of Egypt, invited him to the White House. We've had another terrorist organization invited and given a Visa so he could come and talk to our President. We're on the wrong side, John. What's coming?
HAGEE: What we have seen happen in the past few months is actually a rebirth of the Persian empire and Egypt failed for one reason is that the President of the United States walked away from Mubarak and I said as soon as that happened that the Muslim Brotherhood would take over because they are the most organized group in the Middle East and, sure enough, that prophecy came true. What we are now seeing is that Israel is visibly being surrounded by people who have intentions of destroying Israel. That would be Egypt. That would be Syria. That would be Iran. That would be Hamas. That would be Hezbollah.
GLENN: It would be Russia.
HAGEE: Russia, Hezbollah are funded, trained, and equipped by Iran. It's not a matter of if there's going to be a war in Iran. It's only a matter of when and when it comes, it's going to be a whopper.
GLENN: Okay. Let me switch to politics real quick because I've got to let you go, but the election, a lot of people -- I hear this from the left media and from the, I think, ignorant media of knowing who we really are as a people, is Romney's Mormonism going to play a role in this election?
HAGEE: Very little. The American people are very, very disturbed about the socialistic trends of the Obama administration and this administration is socialistic. People need to say that and people need to know that and for people who failed political science, it means big government that takes over your life in every day. The blatant disregard for law and order has people concerned about this election that have not been concerned for decades.
GLENN: I had a guy call me a little while ago, said there's no difference between Mitt Romney's big government and Barack Obama's big government. I countered to him that we don't survive another administration run by Barack Obama.
HAGEE: That -- freedom and democracy will not survive four more years of Barack Obama. What we are seeing in the 90-state birth where they're starting to even legislate what you can drink, how many ounces you can have, your kid goes to school and there's a -- some kind of Federal regulator there that says, no, your child can't have the lunch you brought from home which consisted of a healthy meal, they have to have this lunch, and on and on and on and on it goes, the regulation becomes so extreme, they're going to be 16000 -- I had a Congresswoman tell me this -- 16000 new IRS agents put on duty or hired.
HAGEE: To manage the Obamacare because it's a tax.
GLENN: Well, there's the -- there's the ad that Romney should be running. He is creating jobs, they're just all to the IRS. Pastor Hagee, I appreciate it. I want you to go to -- if you're anywhere -- if you can go to this event next week, please go to It's 50 bucks a seat. Just register. If you can't --if you can't make it, please donate to these guys. This is the best Christian standing with Israel and the Jews organization, I think, that is out there. It is -- it's not one -- it's not anything the press tells you it is. It is none of that. It is about the truth and it is about love and this man I so respect. If you find it in your heart to support him and his cause, please do. CUFI, and go there now. John, we'll talk to you -- are you coming in for Restoring Love?
HAGEE: Absolutely. I'm going to be there in Dallas next week, next -- no. Week --
GLENN: Two weeks, two weeks from --
HAGEE: No. The 27th and 28th. I'll see you then. God bless.
GLENN: My best to your wife. Bye-bye.