Glenn loved every moment of Restoring Love - well, almost every moment. He went on the air today and absolutely blasted Stu and Pat for their brief 5 minutes on stage. What did they do that was so bad? Stu and Pat spent the better part of the 4th Hour trying to make excuses for their failure.
Read the confrontation from radio below:
GLENN: You sucked.PAT: Because we were genius.
STU: First of all, you gave us the worst part of the show by far.
PAT: He's like, I don't want to do this. Why don't you guys do this.
STU: Exactly what happened.
PAT: It's the most boring part of the show!
STU: Where you were saying, "Hey, Bill in Tennessee, he weaved a basket for Jim who was homeless" or something.
PAT: Serving others.
GLENN: It really was. It was three minutes of ‑‑
PAT: Excruciating.
GLENN: "Isn't that right, Pat?"
PAT: "That sure is, Stu.
STU: But in addition to that, first of all, we never actually got to practice it. So we didn't know what was going to happen.
PAT: Yeah.
STU: And beyond that ‑‑
PAT: Which was very difficult because first of all, we're at the rehearsal on Saturday afternoon we're told, "Yeah, oh, you're in the TelePrompTer. Don't worry about it." Then we're told, "I'm not sure it's in the TelePrompTer. I'm going to have to check on that." "Would you check on that?" "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's in there." Uhhh... we're about to go up on stage. It's not in the TelePrompTer.
STU: Right. So we're doing it off our iPhones.
PAT: Off our iPhones with the script.
GLENN: No, you weren't. That was in the rehearsal;
STU: Right.
PAT: Yes, in the rehearsal. And then at night we finally get it in, it goes into the TelePrompTer. I say, "Are we going to get a chance to look at it? Because those monitors are a really long way." I don't have great eyes to begin with and I'm ‑‑
GLENN: I'm the one going blind and you're the ‑‑
PAT: Yeah. You know I have been blind my whole life.
STU: Right.
GLENN: You have corrective lenses.
PAT: But they don't correct it to 20/20.
GLENN: Excuse me. I'm a doctor.
STU: I know, Doctor. I understand you're a doctor, Doctor.
GLENN: Thank you.
PAT: And Doctor, Doctor, you know that I've got vision problems.
GLENN: I do.
PAT: And I always have.
GLENN: I do.
PAT: He's got the prompters a hundred yards from the stage! I'm like, Stu, Pat ‑‑ no, that's Stu.
STU: At one point I almost ‑‑
PAT: Bill and Bob is it? Is it Bob, Bill?
GLENN: You guys were so awkward.
PAT: I could not see it.
STU: Well, because we were told to stick to the script which was like very basic.
GLENN: Stick to the script.
STU: And then what happened was ‑‑
PAT: Horrifyingly bad.
STU: When Pat said, "Hey, I can't see the TelePrompTer."
PAT: Yeah.
STU: They said, okay, we'll make the font larger.
PAT: Really big.
STU: Which is fine until you realize they do that, you can only see two and a half words at a time.
GLENN: I know.
STU: So ‑‑
GLENN: That's why I had the font adjusted to the size I did.
STU: Well, look. They didn't tell us that. We didn't get to practice it. So we're just standing up there and it's like, "Bill in..."
PAT: And that's all you see!
STU: Scroll! Scroll!
PAT: Scroll!
STU: Tennessee was ‑‑
PAT: So we're making stuff up. It's like, but I have and Sylvia Snodmakington drove all the way from Rangers park at Arlington to Cowboys Stadium, which is nearly a block! They sat in the parking lot and realized it was too busy and they didn't want to bother with it. So they went home! Serving others.
STU: (Laughing.)
GLENN: You want to see how bad their part was? Check it out on GBTV.