Good afternoon.
At some point, I wonder when the mainstream media will realize that there is a revolution going on in this country. These reporters and producers think the biggest revolt in the past year was a bunch of heavily pierced young adults camping out in urban parks. If six of them got together and held up a sign, it was BIG NEWS! Lots of coverage.
But in the rest of the country, we didn’t really care. Why? Because we were working on a different revolution. A different movement. Call it the Tea Party movement.Call it the revolt of the true conservatives. Call it the Great Awakening. Call it whatever you want. But starting in 2009, it has been ringing up victories, large and small.
We won statehouses in Virginia and New Jersey. We won a Senate race in Massachusetts. Ted Kennedy’s seat. We won control of the House of Representatives. We won several primary elections against the old guard. And this past week, we won another. A firm victory for Ted Cruz, the Tea Party candidate for U.S. Senate in Texas. He was opposed by the party machinery. But we beat them. Just like we beat them in Indiana. And over in Georgia, they tried to jam a sales tax increase down our throats. To pay for all those new roads that are going to make us so successful. Voters hated the idea. Voted it down, by a huge margin.
So let me get this right. The man who sits at this desk right now thinks new roads make us successful. But the state of Georgia voted not to tax themselves to pay for more new roads. Guess that means one of two things: Either the voters in the state of Georgia don’t want to be wealthy, or the guy who sits in this chair doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Think about that! The media played these items – another Tea Party victory in Texas… a tax rebellion in Georgia… like they were unexpected. But to anyone who is noticing… anyone who is paying any attention… none of this should have been surprising.
These events are part of a pattern. Part of a trend. Part of a revolution. And we are winning.
Sure, I wish we had a president who believed in the Constitution… who protected it… who fought for it. We don’t. I’m not sure we will ever have one who passes that test 100% of the time. So we may never have a Tea Party president. You never know… But we are forcing change. We are making things happen. Slowly, the Tea Party is rolling back the worst habits of American politics… the worst ideas of the punditocracy.
We are insisting on the kinds of things that Washington hasn’t treated seriously in many, many decades. Limited government. Individual liberty. The rights of Individuals guaranteed by the Constitution. The limits to State Power guaranteed by the Constitution. Rights and limits. You hear a lot about rights, but not enough about limits.
And that’s what’s changing. We’re bringing back the limits.
No, you can’t raise taxes to pay for roads you should have already built with the tax funds you already collected. No, you can’t pass laws and decide which ones to enforce and which ones not to enforce. No, you can’t pretend that the government doesn’t need to have a balanced budget, year after deficit-producing year. No, you can’t print money forever without destroying the wealth of the nation.
But no revolution in human history has ever succeeded by taking things away. You don’t inspire people by telling them “no” all the time. We have to be about creating something new. We have to bring something to the table.
And here’s the thing. We are.
We are a movement that shows… with our own example…That we are creating a new vision for America. A new vision that places the individual at the center of our country. At the heart.
The individual has work to do. Not be a vassal of the state. Not a recipient of state aid, from cradle to grave. Not someone whose success in life is “made for them” by the powers that be. No. Someone who makes their own way.Someone who earns their own living. Someone who supports their own family. Someone who feeds the hungry. Heals the sick. Embraces the lonely and the broken-hearted.
Because that’s part of our revolution, too.
Those of you who joined me last week at Cowboys Stadium heard this message. And you know that it’s important to me. We have to serve. We have to take back the work of our hearts. We can’t outsource love to the government. We have to bring back to our communities the work that government is trying to do in Washington.
Look, I don’t doubt that the other side has good intentions. Maybe they think they CAN do the work better than we can. Just like they think they can make better investment decisions than investors. Better hiring decisions than small business owners. Better medical decisions than doctors. Better loan decisions than bankers.
I get it. They think they’re smart. So why shouldn’t they think they care more about our communities than we do?
So it’s up to us to show them they don’t. It’s up to us to show them they can’t. It’s up to us to show them they won’t.
We’re on our way. We keep sending them the message. We keep sending them Congressmen and Senators committed to restoring the State to its proper, limited role. We keep voting down their tax increases. And we’ll keep doing it.
But our revolution is not just a political one. It’s not just an economic one. It’s a cultural one. We have to change the culture. We have to restore it.
Because when you lose the culture, all the political wins are temporary. When you lose the culture, you can lose your own kids.
Trust me, I’ve seen it.
So it’s not just enough to Restore Washington. We have to Restore Honor. Restore Courage. Restore Love.
And then, when we do all those things, maybe the mainstream media will finally realize what is happening. Of course, they may never get the memo. That’s OK. I’m not watching them anyway.
Thanks for watching.
May God bless you and may God bless the Republic.