Don't miss David Barton's response to his critics tonight at 5pm ET on GBTV!
The Southern Poverty Law Center, often cited by the mainstream media when trying to execute the ‘right wing extremism on the rise’ story line, has declared David Barton is one of the most dangerous extremists in America. Yes, the man most famous for talking about the Founders is considered a public enemy, on the same list as the inflammatory and radical New Black Panther leaders.
"Every book on the Black Panther parties from the 1960's all of the way to today, they're called the new left. It's the new left, the new left, the new radical left, and now suddenly the Southern Law Poverty Center, to be able to say how much the right wing hate groups have expanded, they are expanding because they're putting people in those categories that don't belong there. Let me give you two examples. In this category is the Black Panther, extreme right wing hate groups, the new Black Panther party and David Barton," Glenn said.
"The one guy who is saying kill all cracker babies, or his group is, and the other guy talks about Thomas Jefferson and George Washington," Pat said.
Stu explained that SPLC lists Barton as "a self-styled historian who has acted as a key bridge between mainstream political right and radical right religious idealogy."
The SPLC aren't the only ones coming after Barton. A group of historians and religious leaders have applied pressure to his publisher, Thomas Nelson, to drop his book.
The Blaze explains:
The shocking decision to cut both distribution and sales of the book comes on the heels of a plethora of criticism that Barton has received from fellow conservative academics. Warren Throckmorton, a psychology professor at Grove City College, is perhaps the leader of the pack when it comes to conservative evangelicals who have come out against Barton.Throckmorton regularly blogs about what he sees as errors in the historian’s work; he also co-authored a book earlier this year entitled, “Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims about Our Third President,” alongside professor Michael Coulter. This particular project was a direct reaction to “The Jefferson Lies,” and, in many ways, it can be argued that Throckmorton‘s attention on Barton’s work led to Thomas Nelson’s decision and to the fury of media attention that has followed.
Among the articles focused on the subject was one that was published in WORLD Magazine. The piece examined the controversy surrounding Barton’s views on Jefferson, while noting that some conservatives are growing increasingly worried about the historian’s views. It also noted that Jay W. Richards, senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, a right-leaning think tank, like Throckmorton, has apparently taken steps to vet some of Barton’s past claims.
Glenn said, "I ask that you would pray for him and pray for me on wisdom on this whole David Barton situation. Friendly fire and shameful friendly fire and more than shameful, really disappointing. Some of the people involved, I think, have a pure heart and, you know, are trying to do the right thing. Others do not and David Barton is one of the most pure-hearted guys I've ever met, one of the least offensive guys I've ever met, one of the most honest men I've ever met, one of the only nonself-promoting men I've ever met in this particular circle and he's coming under massive fire. He's had his book contract canceled."
"I'm going to let him answer his critics who say he's lying and making stuff up. David Barton is usually one that can defend himself pretty well. So, tonight, 5:00, GBTV, a full hour with David Barton, a show, that if you're a David Barton fan, I ask you to watch and a show that you don't want to miss."