Barack Obama has said this is the biggest choice that Americans could face, and Glenn happens to agree with him. Of course, Glenn agrees for a completely different reason. Barack Obama warned us four years ago that he would ‘fundamentally transform America’ if he were elected. He’s doing it and if he has another 4 years it’s uncertain if America as we know it would survive.
On the radio show, he played this ad from Barack Obama:
In the ad, Obama ends with: "Sometimes politics can seem very small. But the choice you face, it couldn't be bigger."
"Here's the thing: The plan that he's talking about is different than the plan I'm talking about. When he says we tried their plan and it didn't work, he's talking about a different plan. He's talking about a big government progressive Republican plan. We're talking about the Founder's plan: freedom and merit. An idea that President Obama dismisses entirely. But he would. He doesn't understand it. How could you possibly say that you understand truly the Founders in America, when you never went to a Fourth of July parade, you didn't go to fireworks on the Fourth of July. You were raised in Indonesia and then you moved to Hawaii where you spent your teenage years in Hawaii."
"The Founder's ideas worked to the extent that hundreds of millions of immigrants poured into our shores just to be a part of it to escape what they had anywhere else. It worked to the extent that we pulled ourselves along with much of the rest of the world out of the Dark Ages and into the brilliant electric light of freedom and hope and opportunity, success and invention," Glenns said.
Glenn noted that most nations that followed progressivism to its socialist and communist extremes have all had to deal with the opposite: Their citizens fled to be a part of nations that represented freedom and opportunity.
"We have violated the idea of a free Republic, of a free nation. We have done it through regulation over the last 100 years. We have done it through progressivism where a man cannot start his own business, can't chart his own course. Only here in this nation can you do it. And we're a shadow of what we should be. This nation provides equal opportunity. No guarantees, just the opportunity."
Glenn used his own story as an example. Twelve years ago he couldn't afford his rent, at the time less than $700.Now people refer to Glenn as a leader and titan in the media industry, and he's been blessed with financial success. That kind of opportunity and success is uniquely American. He added that there are stories of
You can find those stories over and over again in America, and only in America. In each of their cases and so many more through perseverance and ingenuity,through getting back over and over they stronger. They become people able to conquer any adversity. And therefore they will acheive amazing success. We hold these truths to be self-evident. With your children, if you jump in and take care of everything for them whenever anything goes wrong in their life, if you don't allow them to overcome adversity on their own, they will be dependent upon you. How is it any different with us and our government? Expecting people to work through their own problems is not heartless or hateful or selfish. It helps them build character, and gain confidence. It makes our country stronger."
"We can be there for the occasionally helping hand up. But if we continue to get handouts and trophies that nobody deserves, we're giving them or us any favors," Glenn said.
"Obama is right. That commercial is true. The choice in November couldn't be any bigger. To you give you some perspective there are 51 more times we meet before we decide the future of our country. The choice could not be any bigger. The biggest choice America maybe has ever faced. Will we allow fundamental transformation to be completed? Or will we again as we did 236 years ago fight for our independence? Except this time at the ballot box, because at least today the ballot box still matters."