WARNING: If you’re a conservative women, this may make you sick.
Obama’s campaign team has produced a campaign commercial starring alleged “Republican” women who claim they are now for Obama. As you’ve probably predicted, most attribute their sudden switch to the so-called “war on women”. One woman went as far to basically say, ‘if you are for a small government, then you have to be for Obama because he’s pro-choice’.
Here is the ad:
This morning on radio, Stu and Pat had a few things to say about the insulting ad.
Stu took note that the ad doesn’t exactly portray women as extremely intelligent in general. Among a handful of comments throughout the video that left Stu and Pat bewildered, was one woman's claim that she’s “voted probably as many times as Republicans got elected.”
“Does that mean when they didn’t get elected, she voted Democrat?” Pat joked.
It's hard to know what the woman or the Obama campaign meant with her comment, leading Stu to ask if the Obama’s re-election campaign even knew that they can edit video.
But that was just the tip of the iceberg with the ad that claims the Republican Party has gone “too far right” for conservative women.
“Something’s happened in the last couple of years that has completely turned everything upside down. The Republican Party has gone too far to the right – I feel like I’m more of a moderate.”
So, Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee and former Massachusetts governor who has practically been running for president since 2008, has swung too far to the right in the last couple of years? The same guy that grass roots conservative find to be too moderate?
“It’s not like Mitt is new to the parade in 2012,” Stu said.
The ad goes on to claim that there don’t seem to be any “moderate Republicans” anymore.
That makes sense, if you forget about all of the progressive policies that Stu and Pat point out the "too conservative" GOP has implemented in the last five years - things like Medicare Part D, the GM Bailout, Tarp - all policies implemented or voted for by the Republicans at the top of the party.
Pat also couldn’t help but point out that the moderate Democrats, however, are becoming more and more impossible to find, and noted how their platform has concerning similarities to the platforms of extreme leftist organizations like the Communist Party USA.
“The Democrat Party is so extreme left that this is laughable,” he said.
Being an Obama campaign video, the ad couldn’t end without first making the women appear victimized first.
“I think I just became more aware of the things that they were saying, what that meant, and how it affected me and my life. It’s just hard to understand. It’s hard to talk to people about it. It’s divided our nation, these new attitudes.”
And of course, we can’t forget the war on “women’s health” these “extremist Republicans" are allegedly waging.
“One of the things that make me really upset about it is the attitude towards birth control, contraceptives and abortion. If you truly believe in small government, that government shouldn’t be decideing what I can and cannot do with my own body.”
Good thing she’s in favor of the man Obamacare was named after, a policy that took the keys away from your doctor and handed them over to "the man."
“I’m very concerned about Mitt Romney’s policies concerning women’s rights. He wants to overturn Roe v. Wade. Mitt Romney has endorsed governors that overturned equal pay for women.”
Apparently the Obama campaign thinks it’s shocking to conservative women than a Republican would want to overturn Roe v. Wade – something they’ve opposed since, like, 1980.
Later in the show, Stu adds to his point about how ridiculous the claim is that the Democrat Party is the one that will keep the decisions about your health and your body out of the hands of the government. Not only did the Democrats vote heavily in favor of and pass Obamacare, in cities across the country they're trying to micromanage everything you eat. TheBlaze Blog has more facts that refute the claims made in the video HERE.
It was also revealed later in the radio show that at least a couple of the women in the video were registered Democrats and have been for quite some time. And according to one of their Facebook pages, is a fan of moveon.org and other hardcore leftist organizations.
So, the latest failure of the Barack Obama presidency is the ability to find at least a handful of women who legitimately decided to leave the Republican party to support his re-election campaign.
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