Glenn interviewed E.D. Hill on radio today to talk about day 2 of the Republican National Convention. She made an observation that Glenn felt was spot on - Paul Ryan actually made Mr. Hipster-in-chief look old, outdated and lame. And that’s before he got into any substance, which of course was so devastating to the left they immediately went into attack mode. Check out the interview in the clip above from the radio show!
Transcript of Interview:
GLENN: Let's go to E.D. Hill who is doing our coverage on The Blaze of the convention. Hello, E.D., how are ya?E.D. HILL: Hey, I'm doing great. I love being here.
GLENN: I am so thrilled to have you a part of it. I mean, been a big fan of yours for a long time and miss you on Fox and Friends and it's great to have you on the network.
E.D. HILL: Thank you.
GLENN: Tell me about the feeling at the convention. It feels different than the conventions of past. It feels like they're onto something, big time.
E.D. HILL: You know, I think a bit of what I have ‑‑ I had felt at this convention seems to differ from what a lot of other folks have thought, and I've been covering conventions for a long time. I will not tell you how long, but let's say it goes back to Minnesota. And I was blown away by the people. No one else seemed to be talking about as much. Like the ones they were expecting the greatness from, I thought they were not good speeches, nice stump speeches, helpful during, you know, during the election, but I was blown away by the other folks. I was blown away by the (inaudible), by ‑‑
GLENN: Fortuno.
E.D. HILL: Mike Huckabee, Fortuno, Susana Martinez, of course Nikki Haley. Artur Davis I thought made such a convincing argument for why Democrats, moderate Democrats should be wide open in this election: I was really excited and energized when I listened to them.
GLENN: As I'm watching this, there is a split in the party. I mean, John McCain was just, woof.
STU: (Laughing.)
E.D. HILL: I'm so glad you said that.
GLENN: Wow, it was bad.
E.D. HILL: You know, that's when you and I, I think both do. We kind of call it as we see it.
GLENN: Yeah.
E.D. HILL: And you're dead on. Ouch.
GLENN: It was ‑‑ and there's a few of them.
E.D. HILL: Yep.
GLENN: That are just ‑‑ and it feels like 1951.
E.D. HILL: Yeah.
GLENN: It immediate ‑‑ once they take the stage ‑‑ and it has nothing to do with their age.
E.D. HILL: Yep.
GLENN: It has everything to do with their ideas and the way they present them. It's just a different era.
E.D. HILL: It is. But what I saw was this is what stood out the most. Man, did he make the right call with the number two pick because there was one guy who really sold it and that was Paul Ryan. As I watched the rest of the folks, good ideas, smart, nice people. However, they did not even come close to selling it like Paul Ryan, who you can tell is an absolute firm believer in what he says and what he stands for.
GLENN: You said last night and I think this is the most astute comment I've heard from anybody on Paul Ryan: You didn't think it was possible to make Barack Obama look old, but Paul Ryan did.
E.D. HILL: He did. I mean, I was expecting him to go crowd‑surfing at the end of it.
STU: (Laughing.)
E.D. HILL: You could feel it. You could feel it in the crowd. And I did not attend any Barack Obama speeches in person, but one of my kids did and was a huge Barack Obama fan. Voted for Barack Obama, thought he was the next coming. I'm telling ya that's how much, you know, she loved him. And she said earlier in the election cycle, she said, "You know, I don't think I'm going to go to vote because he just hasn't done it for me." This is the guy who has now energized her, and that's saying a lot.
GLENN: I'm telling ya that's exactly what I thought. This guy is credible. He is ‑‑ he does not feel like a politician.
E.D. HILL: No.
GLENN: And he feels like somebody that ‑‑ somebody like my daughters could get behind and say, "I believe that guy. That guy I believe."
E.D. HILL: Exactly, and you know what? I'm going to get behind him, too, because I love AC/DC.
GLENN: Real quick tonight any idea ‑‑ is it Clint Eastwood that's going to show up tonight?
E.D. HILL: I did find out this morning who one of the people who had been invited was. Elisabeth Hasselbeck had been invited to come down, and she is not able to. So I'm ‑‑ but that clearly is the area they are going to. So it must be an entertainment type. Folks have said Nancy Reagan. I don't see that. Clint Eastwood, maybe. We'll see. We'll see.
GLENN: Really? This was worth announcing? I mean ‑‑
STU: Wow.
GLENN: I love Elisabeth. She is one of the bravest women on television. I don't know how she does it every day. So I love her. But really? That was the announce ‑‑ that was worth announcing?
E.D. HILL: I don't know that she was the only person, but that was one of the people that they reached out to. So who knows.
PAT: Wow.
E.D. HILL: It could be a parade.
PAT: Big deal. If it was Elisabeth Hasselbeck?
STU: Well, she spoke at the 2004 convention? The one we were ‑‑ whatever one we were at, Glenn, she spoke at I remember.
GLENN: She was good, if I remember.
STU: Yeah, she was good. She was great.
PAT: I mean, I'm sure, but come on. Really? Is that worth the buildup? Not at all.
GLENN: All I want to hear ‑‑
PAT: Not at all.
GLENN: I want Romney to take the stage tonight and knock it out of the park.
STU: Yes, please.
PAT: Yep. He needs to do it.
GLENN: Just fill America with confidence that you can fix this economy.
PAT: Mmm‑hmmm.
GLENN: Because I think he's ‑‑
E.D. HILL: Paul Ryan has set the bar pretty high, though.
PAT: He really did.
GLENN: Oh, I tell you he really did.
PAT: Really did.
GLENN: One of the best speeches.
STU: If he could do 75% of what Ryan did last night, it's going to ‑‑ it's a huge win for Republicans.
GLENN: Huge win. Huge win. Let me tell you something. Joe Biden had to be crappin' his pants black last night. Just crappin' his ‑‑
E.D. HILL: You know, that's exactly what I was thinking. If I were Joe Biden, I would just be crawling under the covers right now.
GLENN: Oh, he ‑‑
E.D. HILL: Because I'd be cringing at the thought of having to debate this guy.
GLENN: Paul Ryan will ‑‑
PAT: Crush him.
GLENN: ‑‑ cream him.
PAT: Crush him.
GLENN: Cream him.
E.D. HILL: I know.
GLENN: And he will do it with respect. That was the best thing about his speech last night. Total respect. Total respect. He looked like a good ‑‑ I can't believe I'm saying this but he looked like a good kid. He looked like a ‑‑
E.D. HILL: Yeah.
GLENN: ‑‑ good guy.
PAT: He's 42 years old.
GLENN: I know, and I hate Hayes guts.
PAT: He's only a little younger than we are.
GLENN: I hate his guts for that, but that's a different story. E. D., thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
E.D. HILL: Thank you.