Yesterday, the Democrats made a historic decision to remove God from their party platform. In 2000, God was mentioned four times in their platform, seven times in 2004, and once in 2008.
Glenn reacted this morning on radio saying, "We have seen from this administration God taken out of almost everything. God has been removed and really God is under attack. And they will tell you, "We're God‑fearing people." Whatever. But their god is government. In fact, play the DNC video from last night. Government is the only thing that we all belong to."
This was made evident last night, the first night of the DNC, with a telling video that stated the following:
"We are committed to all people. We do believe you can use government in a good way. Government's the only thing that we all belong to. We're different churches, different clubs, but we're together as a part of our city or our county or our state. And our nation."
When questioned about it on Fox News, Sen. Durbin simply referred to questions about removing God from the party platform as "harping on trifles."
But, that's just the first problem with the Democratic platform's new stance on God and faith.
"The second thing on God is they are now taking Allah and holding Allah up. They are holding the Muslim Brotherhood up to a standard that is unreasonable," Glenn said. "They are holding people now, you want to talk about God, you want to talk about the attack on God, well, let's talk about what's happening in Egypt right now. What is happening in Egypt? The last synagogue in Egypt? The new president just said, "For the Jews' protection, we're going to have to close this down, but only for their protection." Oh, is that you, Poland? I'm sorry, is that you, Nazi Germany?"
"Try being a Christian [in Egypt]," Glenn added, noting the reports coming out of the Middle East about Christians being crucified by extremists in Egypt.
But still, somehow Sen. Durbin manages to claim asking for the reasoning behind God being removed from the platform, "harping on trifles."
"God is not a trifle," Glenn said.
The same people removing God from their platform are also accusing conservatives of "waging a war on women."
"They want to talk about women and women's rights," Glenn started, let me tell you something: They are focused on the war on women - roughly translated: Christians hate women and want to beat them for no reason."
Glenn went on to read "Biblical scripture" of what the left likes to use against women to accuse Christians of being anti-women's rights. He read lines about husbands being allowed to discipline their wives with violence and bodily harm, among other things.
Oh, the only problem was that Glenn was actually reading exact quotes from a big television personality out of the Middle East, our new "beloved friend" Egypt, where he is explaining his version of Islam and what it means now in Egypt for women in 2012.
This is the quote:
If I could say to every husband: Do not rush to beat her whenever a problem arises. God said, ‘Admonish those of them on whose part you fear disobedience, refuse to share their beds, and beat them.’ One should not beat out of anger.”You should only beat a woman in order to “discipline” her, not because you want to.
Now, if your wife utters the name of God, the beating must stop. Obviously.
But, the disciples said—if your wife does something wrong, like spies on you –you should “give her a shove that is painful.” This was done in order to discipline her. Not because they enjoyed beating or inflicting bodily harm.
There is a war on women going on in the world today, but it's not being waged from the Republican Party or from the Church.
As much as the far left and the media would like to make Christians look like the guilty party in this war, they're not. In fact, throughout history Christians have largely led the charge equal rights for women. It's the countries that reject faith in God and, in particular, reject Christianity, that you see rights begin to disappear from women and minorities.
If the left had a country that embraced Christianity and religious freedom and persecuted women and minorities, don't you think they would constantly use it as an example? Instead they're obsessed with a thirty second audio clip of Rep. Todd Akin making a stupid comment.
The fact is, there isn't a war on women's health, abortion, birth control, or any of the other ridiculous claims coming from the far left, like Glenn pointed out on radio this morning. The war on women is in the Middle East.
"There is a war and it is real and it is happening in Egypt, under the leadership that this president and his administration has been praising and encouraging and now sending your hard‑earned tax dollars over to support! He has cheerleaded for these people," Glenn added.
When the Democrats talk about a war on women, remember the quote Glenn read on air this morning. The quote read by one of the men who was encouraged by this administration and is under leadership receiving funding from American tax dollars now.
"While they're talking to you about what Mitt Romney might do in your fallopian tube, know that they are rooting for the monsters of the Arab Spring in Egypt. They are bringing them into the White House. They are pulling positive mentions out of Israel in their platform. They are removing God from their platform, and real women right now are being beaten, legally, by the people they have helped put in power. That is the truth. That is what we fight against. That is what we stand against," Glenn told listeners.
"And if you don't like it, bury your head back in the sand, but know if you do that as a people, America, we will be held responsible for a thousand years of darkness," he added.
"It's just that clear."