UPDATE: Glenn discussed the Action Center in more detail on the radio show this morning:
Original Story:
Friday at 5pm ET on TheBlaze TV, you can catch more on this exciting announcement and footage form the event. In the meantime, FreedomWorks has posted the full keynote speech which you can watch in the clip above! Glenn comes out about 5min 15 seconds into the clip.
On Saturday, Glenn was the keynote speaker at the FreedomWorks FreePac Bootcamp event in Cincinnati, Ohio where unveiled the new Action Center on TheBlaze.com. The Action Center, working in conjunction with FreedomWorks, will allow readers of TheBlaze to easily take action on important news items by connecting them with their elected officials.
During the event, Glenn explained that for years the mainstream media had been ignoring and misrepresenting the biggest story in politics - the rise of the Tea Party and other advocates of small government. Every day, the experts in the media decide to push opinion as fact. They misrepresent and misunderstand the people in Middle America, the ones who think solutions start at home and not in Washington, DC. And any candidate that shares those values is portrayed as an extremist or a radical for simply wanting to curb spending and limit government power.
The failures of the mainstream media did, however, create a unique opening in the news and information landscape for Glenn to launch his own website - TheBlaze.com. While the traditional media outlets have seen their success and influence diminish over the past few years, TheBlaze has only been growing. Just in the past month the TheBlaze added an online radio network, expanded it’s TV network onto DISH Network, and reached it’s highest levels of web traffic success since it launched.
But as Glenn said on Saturday night, simply helping people understand the world isn’t enough. Glenn wants TheBlaze to help people change the world.
That’s why he partnered with FreedomWorks to launch the Action Center, a tool that will allow readers to take action right in the same place where they are getting their news and information.
For example, let’s say Congress is about to vote on a tax increase. Readers will now be able to type in their zip code, and instantly they will have the name of their member of Congress and Senators. If they want to make their voice heard, they’ll also be able to go to the FreedomWorks Action Center and send an email, make a phone call, so let their representatives know how they feel.
Glenn hopes that the Action Center will allow average Americans to have a greater influence on shaping the policies and actions of the government as they will now be able to use TheBlaze to read, to learn, and to take action.
Glenn concluded his keynote speech by explaining that while TheBlaze may play a role in changing the media, it is the people who are going to have to be the ones who shape history and the world - and to do so they have to be willing to go beyond understanding the world. They have to take action to change the world.
Get more information on the new TheBlaze Action Center HERE.
Tune in Monday to TheBlaze TV for more details on this exciting announcement.
Photos of the event are below:
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