It was just a few short weeks ago that Harry Reid was dramatically claiming Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes in over a decade. If true, it would make Romney a felon since he’s a millionaire many times over. Now that Mitt Romney has released his 2011 tax return and it’s pretty clear he’s paid his taxes, Harry Reid has decided to take a new line of attack. Is this one even worse than the first claim?
Stu explained, "Harry Reid has been blatantly lying about Mitt Romney. He said that he had false ‑‑ that he didn't pay his taxes for ten years because he got a call. He came out and he said that now it's come out, which was just him bringing it up, and we know he didn't pay his taxes. Now that his taxes have come out, he's lied again and now has changed his viewpoint to he's manipulating the system by paying too much taxes."
"He has a new statement about Mitt Romney. Harry Reid agrees that Mitt Romney has sullied Mormonism."
"Let me check myself before I wreck myself. Have I ever said that about any other Mormon?" Glenn asked the radio crew, many of whom have been with him for years.
"I've never said that because I don't speak for the church and I don't speak for all Mormons."
Glenn, who was almost speechless after hearing the comments, said he was so shocked by the comments because anyone who knows the real Mitt Romney would know he is, at his core, a good person with good character.
"I never hold myself out as a good Mormon because I know really good Mormons. And that's why I felt so guilty about Mitt Romney. Because say what you will about his politics or whatever. This guy is ‑ he's an unbelievable human being," Glenn said.
He encouraged anyone who doesn't know about Mitt Romney's character to watch the special he did on Romney a few weeks ago. It can be viewed for free HERE.
"This guy is a better human being. I really believe he has the character. I'm not talking about his policies. I'm talking about his character. I really believe he may have the character of George Washington. That's saying something. Coming from me, that's saying something," Glenn added.
The Huffington Post explained:
In a blog for the Huffington Post, Gregory A. Prince, a Mormon author and former Romney supporter, wrote that the presidential candidate had damaged the religion with his remarks."His arrogant and out-of-hand dismissal of half the population of this country struck me at a visceral level, for it sullied the religion that he and I share -- the religion for which five generations of my ancestry have lived and sacrificed, the religion whose official mantra is 'to take care of the poor and needy throughout the world,'" Prince wrote. "My first impulse was to rent an airplane towing a banner: 'Mitt Romney is Not the Face of Mormonism!'"
In a conference call with reporters ahead of Romney's visit to the Utah later this week, the Salt Lake Tribune reports that Reid expressed agreement with Prince's missive.
"He said that Romney has sullied the religion that he, Prince and Romney share," Reid said. "And he’s so disappointed that in his words, ‘It’s a good religion and he’s hiding from it.’"
"I agree with him," Reid continued. "[Romney's] coming to a state where there are a lot of members of the LDS Church ... They understand that he is not the face of Mormonism."