People often refer to Glenn as the "father of the Tea Party," but if you ask Glenn, he'll be quick to tell you he's really more of a "distant uncle."
"I'm not the founding father of the Tea Party, I believe that's Rick Santelli."
Like Glenn, Rick Santelli, isn't always the most popular guy in the media — but he is honest.
"I've had an executive in the networks tell me, and I quote, "Glenn, we all know what's coming, we all know. But we have a responsibility to not tell the American people the truth." That's a direct quote," Glenn told listeners this morning.
For some reason, the big leaders in the media, the government and the finance world, seem to think the truth calls more panic than an ill-informed public being surprised by disaster. Like Glenn explained, information on how to survive a crisis is what prevents panic — but the first step is knowing there might be a crisis.
"I believe, as journalists: to tell you the truth no matter how ugly it is," Glenn said.
Rick Santelli is among the small number of people in the media that are will to tell the American people the hard truths when it comes to the economy. Recently on CNBC, Rick got into a shouting match with Steve Leisman over recent comments regarding possible election-year manipulation of the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report.
Here is the prediction Santelli made about what was going to happen with the jobs numbers weeks ago:
"I want to make a prediction for the Friday before the election for the unemployment number right now — right now! 7.9%."
Yesterday, when it came up again, this is what happened:
Joe Kernen: "Rick, let me ask: What are you saying today? The BLS, where do they — they get numbers from somewhere, right?"Steve Leisman: "Why would you ask Rick that question?"
"Listen to that," Glenn interjected. "'Why would you even ask him about that?' Discredit. Discredit and isolate."
RICK SANTELLI: Well we could argue about the process. We could look at how the BLS outsources to the census bureau. We could look at how the census bureau operates. Where their jurisdiction is, where it shifted in '09. But we don't need to go there — everybody's protesting too much. Here's what I will say, we have a stock market at all-time year highs, we don't have an economy at all-time year highs. You can put any jobs level 100, 125,000 —whatever you want — and put it forward if you want to say it's going to be the new benchmark, because that's under the guise of this shrinking labor force. So that number isn't really viable either.All I can tell you is, there was no doubt in my mind a month ago unemployment would be under 8%. There was no doubt in my mind 5 minutes before the number that it would be under 8% — take it anyway you want!
LIESMAN: We can't take it anyway you want Rick, because you're implying with your comment —
RICK SANTELLI: I'm not implying anything! I'm telling ya and it turned out that way! I'm a market whisperer!
LIESMAN: Why say it?
RICK SANTELLI: Because it's true!
LIESMAN: It was the same point Jack Welch made.
RICK SANTELLI: I like people to get the benefit of my 32 years in the market. There was no doubt it would be under 8 percent!
LIESMAN: Why did you have no doubt, Rick?
"Listen to the guy's belligerence," Pat reacted. "Why would you have no doubt. It came to pass so he must have had something."
Glenn noted that Joe Kernen, the anchor, interjected with "oh, [expletive]" because he knew the ramifications of the road Santelli was about to go down.
"The guy who's the anchor knows this is going to kill Rick. Rick is going to say things now that are going make him into a conspiracy theorist, and they're going to destroy him," Glenn said. "Rick knows it too."
"Please America, please recognize that people are putting themselves. They're falling on their sword so you can have the information. They're falling of their swords. They're risking their livelihoods, their families — they are doing the things that we have begged people to do," he told listeners. "They are doing it."
Glenn use to say, "one day you're going to wake up and you're not going to recognize your country." Has that day come?
"You have Rick Santelli: He's afraid to put out his point of view," Glenn pointed out. "How many Americans right now are afraid of putting Romney bumper sticker on their car, are afraid of putting a Romney sign in front of their house because they become a target? How many people in this country are now afraid that they're going to become a target?"
A few years ago on Glenn's cable TV show, he told the American people of the four coordinated attacks — coordinated by the White House — to get him off the air or silence his speech.
"It's never happened before in American history, and no one said a word," he said, no one." That leads to more silence. That leads to people like Rick Santelli sending up a flare."
Glenn noted again that he believes Rick Santelli is one of bravest guys in the media right now. And, should the opportunity arise, he wouldn't mind having him join the team at TheBlaze…
"We would be honored to have you at the Blaze. I think he's one of the bravest guys out there. I think he continues to show his bravery every day, and America show yours."