What did Ann Coulter think of last night's vp debate? Was Biden over the top? Was Ryan too passive? The bestselling author joined Glenn this morning on radio to share her thoughts.
"It was quite an amazing evening last night, Glenn said. "I heard they were trying to appeal to women. I don't know a single woman that was like, you know, I want to vote for just an old jerk."
"Yeah, I don't think the appealing to women strategy worked," Ann responded. "It was very strange, Biden behavior, but wow, that's what liberals have been pushing for. I mean, that laughing at everything and serious issues"
During last night's debate Joe Biden seemingly did everything he could to keep Paul Ryan from being able to finish a sentence. He seemed to talk over Ryan at every opportunity, and despite what seem liked a very out-of-balance speaking time, it's being reported that Joe Biden only spoke for about a minute and a half longer than Paul Ryan — which shocked Ann Coulter.
"The problem was when he was being interrupted, both clocks were running," Glenn pointed out.
"I don't think Romney would allow himself to be interrupted that much," Ann commented.
"Ryan was too polite and I would like to remind everyone here that many people were pushing for Ryan as the presidential candidate just to reiterate that we should always hang on my every word," she added.
Ann has a point. While Ryan had good, substantive answers, many of the independent and undecided voters noted that he was letting Biden talk over him too much, which gave Biden the appearance of being more confident. That said, Biden's mannerisms seemed to backfire quite a bit.
Ann described Biden as, "a cackling old fool and really so rude, I completely agree with you on the woman's reaction to that. I mean, it just reminds you of the most Jack ass male you have ever known or dated or had a conversation with the smearing and laughing through everything, utterly inappropriately, utterly dismissive of everything Ryan was sage and Biden was sage a lot of crazy stuff."
On substance, many are calling the debate a draw, but at the very beginning of the debate Biden hit his low point when the subject of the attack in Benghazi were brought to the table.
Joe Biden, despite the hearings that occurred all day on the subject of "what our intelligence was at the time of the attack," seemed to be under the impression that there was no warning that the attacks were coming or that the consulate had requested increased security.
"We just had hearings with state department officials saying yes, we were warned," Ann said. "Biden is saying, I don't know what's going on."
Despite his lack of "intelligence" on issues in Benghazi, the VP went on to say that the White House has good intelligence on Iran and their development of nuclear weapons.
"Right, right, and laughing as Ryan was talking about the danger of Iran getting a nuclear weapon," Ann pointed out. "Biden was laughing. It was really peculiar. And it's interesting that liberals seem to think that this was fantastic and as they say, 'okay, it's gotten Obama back on track' — maybe they planned to say this no matter what the debate performance was."
"I think that was their plan last night. I really think that was their plan last night," Glenn said.
Glenn shifted the conversation to his fast — honestly, how long do you expect Glenn to go without talking about food with he can't eat sweets — and gave Ann a perspective he hadn't heard from anyone else…
"I think we saw who Mitt Romney truly was and I think we saw who Obama truly is. I think we saw the real Paul Ryan and the real Joe Biden. So I think there's some divine Providence, and let me…I tweeted this morning.
God sent his tweet out a little while ago and it's Proverbs," Glenn said.
When a wise person debates with a fool, the fool rages and laughs and there is no peace and quiet.
"Wow," Ann reacted.
Glenn added, "That's exactly what happened last night."
Glenn went on to ask Ann what she sees coming down the road the last few weeks of this election.
She noted that the reaction from the public to the media and other forces, like her book, seem to have changed the left's "favorite campaign" talking points. She noted that a week before her book came out Al Sharpton described the integration of Ole Miss by James Maris (who was actually a Republican being blocked by a Democratic governor who was supported by Jimmy Carter) as "the Republicans versus the Democrats, as usual, reversing the parties and said we're fighting the same forces today on things like, women's reproductive choice."
"He did the same story for no particular reason about the little rock high schools and this time, he said who the Republicans and the democrats actually were," she said.
"People have had enough of it," Glenn said. "I think the idea of just playing the high ground here, being firm, being clear, but playing the high ground and not engaging in that I think that's what's going to win."