Unemployment at a historic high. The mood of the people is low and full of discontent. The country is fraught with social and economic tension, while the economy is on the verge of collapse. Millions are living in poverty trying to protect their families as turmoil, political destruction, and violence is abundant.The value of the dollar dramatically plunging as government recklessly prints money by the wheelbarrow to pay off a skyrocketing debt.
These conditions aren't far off from what faces America today, but on TheBlaze's hyperinflation special Wednesday night Glenn explained that these conditions were actually those of Germany at the end of the first World War as the Weimar Republic went through horrific hyperinflation. And while many would argue that the path to hyperinflation was a long and complex affair, the undeniable truth was that it was a result of the government printing money they didn't have in order to pay off the debt. Sound familiar?
Germany ended up having to print all that money for three key reasons: 1. Negative consequences of a deadly and expensive war 2. Economic crisis of unprecedented proportions 3. Social and class division.
As a result of the first World War, Germany had several punitive reparations placed on them by the Treaty of Versailles. As the loser of the war, they were supposed to pay back the Allies for all loss and damages the victorious countries incurred.
Germany also had expensive entitlement programs, including benefit programs for veterans that they could not afford to pay. German soldiers returning home had a difficult time re-entering society, and felt betrayed when the promised benefits were not there.
Germany simply could not afford to pay their debts, and citizens could not afford increased taxes. The costs of running the government increased, so the Weimar Republic began printing money. As prices surged, sometimes increasing exponentially over a single day, people realized they had to spend their money quickly before it lost its value (hyperinflation).
During this same period, Germany saw a rise in riots, anti-semitism, political violence, and unrest. With everyone's money becoming worthless, the institutions upon which these values were based eroded and so did the values themselves.
The deteriorating conditions left the German people desperate for a leader who could feed them, clothe them, and restore Germany to what it once had been. Coming out in strong opposition to the Weimar Republic, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were able to eventually seize power by promising the German people a different path.
And we all know how that went.
Glenn explained on the show how today America is facing a similar situation. We stand at the edge of a fiscal cliff. We have an out of control national debt that we aren't able to pay. Our political leadership is deadlocked, and the Fed's solution is quantitative easing. In many way, America is following a parallel path to Germany in the 1920s.
So what do you do? Glenn explained that “In a crisis of chaos, only the most organized will take control.”
He explained there were three areas to focus on to organize and prepare:
1. Contact your governor. Tell them they get your states gold back. Strengthen local and regional banks. Make sure your state is as independent and secure as possible. Be self-sufficient at home and with your local community.
2. Get your children out of the public education system where they are being indoctrinated.
3. Change the media. Glenn is trying to do this with TheBlaze, but the truth is that the mainstream media is feeding the American people half-truth and lies. Look at primary sources, read with a critical eye, and question with boldness what the media is trying to tell you.