UPDATE: "Obama in Pee Pee" was removed removed by eBay, but you can still place your bid by e-mailing ObamaPeePee@glennbeck.com. Please put your bid in the subject line of the e-mail. Before the item was removed from eBay the item was bringing in $11,000.
Donate directly to the Hope for the Holidays HERE
Last night, Glenn created a artistic masterpiece live on TV: "Obama in Pee Pee" (or "Flobama", the name has been changing all day). But that wasn't the only piece of art Glenn created last night, he also painted five other paintings. And rather than keep these for his personal collection, he has decided to put them up for auction to benefit Mercury One and their Hope for the Holidays fund. The Hope for the Holidays fund will be used by Mercury One to partner with food pantries, churches and synagogues across the country to provide toys for children, food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, and prepare for tough economic times ahead.
Each painting is one of a kind and is signed by Glenn Beck. Below are the links so you can bid in the auction on E-Bay:
Cubist Grandma Naps (original on the right)
Blue Blows (original on the right)
Crap! (orignal on the right)
"Rights" (original on the right)
The masterpiece: "Obama in Pee Pee" (also known as "Flobama") UPDATE: This piece was removed removed by eBay, but you can still place your bid by e-mailing ObamaPeePee@glennbeck.com. Please put your bid in the subject line of the e-mail. Before the item was removed from eBay the item was bringing in $11,000.