Last week, Glenn invited Michael D’Antuono onto his TV show to talk about his controversial painting "The Truth", an image of Barack Obama being crucified like Jesus Christ. While the interview did start off a little contentious, the two ended up having a thought provoking conversation about freedom of speech and honest debate in America. Unfortunately, the media mostly missed this message by focusing on "Obama in Pee Pee" - but D’Antuono told a Boston news outlet there was
“Perhaps the bigger story is that something good has come from all this commotion over the piece,” D’Antuono, who appeared on Beck’s show on Nov. 28, e-mails me. “Through the firestorm of controversy over my painting ‘The Truth’ and the demands to remove it from public view by the Christian-Right, the one person to come to my defense was the person you would least expect … Glenn Beck, the Grand Jester of conservatism. We are, no doubt, the oddest of odd couples. My admittedly provocative art tends to take a liberal stance which generally outrages conservatives and no one has drawn the ire of liberals more than Glenn Beck. Yet, the conservative icon devoted a show to defending this liberal artist’s First Amendment right in his own grandiloquent way. Yesterday he afforded me the opportunity on his show to air my thoughts and show my art. Then something even more surrealistic happened. Two of the most unlikely people, both of whose work has admittedly fueled some of the country’s divisiveness, demonstrated that they can have a respectful and civil discourse. As insignificant as this may sound, it’s a lesson that a lot of our elected and religious leaders, pundits and the American public in general would do well take notice of. In the increasingly divisive political environment, this is a positive thing. One small step for civility.”