"Tonight the king of all mockery," Glenn explained on radio this morning.
Pat said, "I will tell you this, though: If any of these critics had one molecule of honesty, the least they would do ‑‑ I mean, forget whether or not they think you can do it. Go ahead and disparage you for saying, oh, that's ‑‑ please, he can't do this. But you have ‑‑ if you have one molecule of honesty, you've got to say, 'But wow, obviously this guy is just not some radio dufus. Look at the vision here. Look at the scope of this thing.'"
"Wired magazine started to mock me and they were like, okay, we have to tell you some of the things that Glenn Beck has been talking about this week, and we all ‑‑ I know we all hate him, but what we're ‑‑ what we want to mock him on, we have to remember that's what Steve Jobs did and, wow and, okay, let's mock him now."
"I just got a note from Ray Kurzweil who's apparently been watching all week, and this is a guy I think is the most ‑‑ he's the smartest man and quite honestly I think the most dangerous man in America. He is now the head of artificial intelligence development for Google. He is the world's leading futurist. And just got a note from his assistant who said he wants to do an interview with me, or they want to do an interview with me for his futurist newsletter. I mean, who gets the Ray Kurzweil newsletter? Because based on, they've been watching all this week and based on the things that I see coming with technology and that we're going to do, they want to do an interview with me. It's a ‑‑ it's a ‑‑ I feel weird with all of this stuff because I know they can be done. And I know they will be done. And I know we can do them with integrity and honor."
"This is so clear and been so clear for so long, and I just ‑‑ it's like when we went to Jerusalem and I couldn't ‑‑ I didn't know what I was supposed to do and then I arrived at the place and I'm like, here, here, here and here. Know it. Knew it. It just downloaded to me. I know this. I know this. And I can take you ‑‑ anyway, watch tonight. It will be mocked and ridiculed, but -"
"It will," Pat jumped in. "But it's amazing. I mean, even if you don't think that this can be pulled off, you've got to say, wow, that is something else. Because it ‑‑ I mean, it's really, it's an amazing vision for what can be."
"Independence is what can be. Independence. Watch tonight at 5:00. And if you missed any of the last four shows, you can watch them on demand. But we've laid out the future. And you know me. You know what I believe is coming and you know what I believe, you know, the dark side of the future. Let me show you the light side of the future. Let me show you we ‑‑ it is up to us. It is up to us. It is not written in stone. You want a different future; then join me on a different future. I can't warn people about the future anymore. I can't do it. I can't do it. It's killing me. I don't want to do it; I can't do it anymore."
"I will tell you this: I will continue to watch the news and I'll continue to show you the road signs of, now approaching this exit. Next exit, 23 miles. Got enough gas in the tank to make it there? I'll keep giving you the warning signs along the way and tell you where we are on the map, but I'm charting a new course and I'm looking ‑‑ I keep going back to Martin Luther's statement that even if I knew the world was going to fly apart tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree. You still have to plan for tomorrow. You still have to have a brighter future. And I still believe that it is up to us. We still can make a different choice. Join us tonight at 5:00."