Last week TheBlaze invited you to participate in an online survey about guns and gun ownership, and the current debate about limiting or adjusting what is currently allowed within the 2nd Amendment.
The survey ended up with 106 questions and TheBlaze received nearly 5 million responses to the survey. Given the media narrative that would have most believe that Americans are in strong support of new gun regulations, Glenn went through the results of the survey on radio this morning.
Before getting into the results, TheBlaze gives a good breakdown of who a typical Blaze reader is:
• 100% believe in the right to bear arms
• 85% are at least 35-years
• 80% are homeowners
• 78% have children
• 76% are married
• 73% served in the U.S. military or have an immediate family member serving
• 71% of the respondents are male
• 66% own dogs (36% have cats)
• 63% have more than one gun
• 54% read more than 12 books a year
• 52% have taken a firearms safety class
"If you take all of that data into account, the typical Blaze reader is a married man, a reader, over 35, who has a house, kids, dogs, and at least one gun. However, it should be noted that readership has expanded significantly since last year."
Glenn explained that TheBlaze poll started with 20 questions, and then asked Blaze readers to submit their own.
The most agreed upon question generated unanimous consensus. TheBlaze asked, "Do you believe in the 2nd Amendment."
100% responded yes — that's 4,876,394 people.
There was 99% agreement around the overall feeling about 'why' the 2nd Amendment was written by the Founding Fathers. That feeling was, "I believe the 2nd Amendment protects the people from a tyrannical government."
"So this isn't about hunting, at least for our crowd," Glenn commented.
99% of the individuals who took this poll responded 'no' to these questions:
• Will an assault rifle ban prevent violent crime?
• Would you surrender your Second Amendment rights in exchange for a promise from the government to protect you from all harm?
• Should the UN or any other foreign entity have any say about American gun rights or the Second Amendment?
• Should a gun owners address be published?
• Did you vote President Obama?
"Before you think that the majority of those responding are card‑carrying NRA members or concealed carry permit holders, look at these two questions," Glenn said, "Are you a member of the National Rifle Association and do you carry a concealed weapon?"
Just under half of those taking the poll said 'yes'.
"Now, Gallup has been surveying America on guns and the 2nd Amendment for decades now, and it's interesting to point out that a majority of Americans agree with The Blaze readers on the average citizen's right to own a firearm," Glenn pointed out.
Here are Gallup's poll results:
In 2003 67% believed there should not be a law to ban the possession of handguns except by police and other authorized persons. Interestingly enough, the poll taken the week after Sandy Hook showed a 2% drop in those who called for a handgun ban. The overall support for a handgun ban has dropped 8% over a decade.
"That's amazing," Stu noted of the surprising drop following the incident that really sparked the discussion on gun legislation.
Looking deeper into TheBlaze gun poll:
• 88% own a gun
• 75% have owned a gun for more than a decade and they have more than two guns in their home.
• 74% think that every home in America should have a gun.
• 72% of respondents have taken a firearms safety class. However, only 37% believe that gun buyers should be required to pass a basic firearms skills test prior to being sold a weapon.
In contrast "Blaze readers are twice as likely to own a gun as the rest of America," Glenn explained. "According to Gallup, the last time that we had more than 50% gun ownership in the country was 1993 and it was at 51%."
Looking at these numbers, readers of TheBlaze are likely more concerned that gun ownership could be at risk or become more difficult in the near future. In fact, 87% of those who took TheBlaze poll said that they are considering or will be purchasing a firearm in the near future.
And while 87% are considering purchasing a gun, 91% really believe that the president will use an executive order to enact a gun ban if congress will not. And a whopping 89% are worried that gun confiscation will be attempted before the year's end. 98% say they will not willingly surrender their firearms if confiscation is ordered.
"Really important numbers," Glenn commented.
The poll also shows that 64% have purchased ammunition and 45% have purchased a firearm within the past six months.
"May I recommend that you don't purchase ammunition, that you purchase ways to make ammunition," Glenn told listeners.
Two other overwhelming responses of the nearly 5 million readers who took our poll was one that the leaders in Washington may want to pay attention to. 97% said they will actively campaign against any politician who votes against the principals of the 2nd Amendment, and 99% believe that banning assault rifles will not prevent violent crime.
"What The Blaze found surprising is that Gallup's recent survey on the possibilities of reinstating an assault ‑‑ a ban on rifles taken after the Sandy Hook murders showed no real increase in popular support for this action," Glenn noted. "A majority of Americans is still against this action."
After seeing the results of the poll, one thing is crystal clear: TheBlaze audience is filled with staunch defenders of the 2nd Amendment and that right is also supported by the members of our audience who do not own a gun.