Live Action is one of the largest organizations in the country fighting for the right of life and ending abortion. The organization is a youth led movement, founded by Lila Rose at the age of 15. Lila is well-known for her bravery in exposing corruption and illegal activity at Planned Parenthood. Lila Rose, now 24 and a recent UCLA grad, joined Glenn on radio this morning.
Lila explained that at UCLA it was amazing to see the bias against human life, and how most of it came from the faculty and administration, not the students.
"The reality is young people, college students, when you give them the truth, that sets them free. They get excited to actually see the reality of the life in the room and that's the last 40 years of Roe vs Wade that our country has changed, so many opinions have changed about the child in the womb. And then also, to recognize what abortion really is and what it does," Lila explained. "It's amazing how many people's minds are changing and have changed and definitely will continue to change."
"I've said since I can remember — long before we had the technology — if people could see the baby in the womb, if you had a window and you could see in, no one would say anything other than it's a baby," Glenn responded.
And now that there is technology like that. There is a "window into the womb".
"I mean, even in the first trimester it's amazing at just 10 weeks you can see the child with his little arms, legs, newly forming face," Lila said. "It's beautiful."
"Do you have any concrete data that shows that people in their 20s and below are actually more pro life than the older generations?" Glenn asked.
"Yes, absolutely," Lila answered. "The latest Gallup poll indicates that more people identify in that demographic as pro life than pro choice. And not just that demographic but others as well. It's huge and it's exciting because that's were you told most intensely pro life graphics, and even Proceed Life's Facebook, we're at over 430,000 people."
What's even more impressive about the numbers Lila shared, is that of those 430k people, half are teens ages 13 to 17. That's bigger than Planned Parenthood's social media presence — an organization with a billion dollar budget.
For those that aren't familiar with Live Action, they're an organization that focuses on exposing the abortion industry through investigative journalism, undercover video, and visual media.
Lila's investigative journalism has resulted in her picture being posted in every Planned Parenthood office in the country.
"My first undercover investigation as an 18‑year‑old at UCLA was in a Planned Parenthood posing as an underage girl and the clinic told me that even though I had an older boyfriend, they would give me a secret abortion and wouldn't tell anyone," Lila said. "And that's just one clinic. We ended up going to dozens of clinics and we've documented this for years now. And this is just one aspect because when you allow the killing of the unborn child, these these businesses, these clinics are making a killing, making money off of the suffering of women. So they are not going to physical the regulations and the laws that may be in place. They are just going to do more abusive activity to fulfill their quotas, their abortion quotas, to make more money, to push their ideology."
Despite the youth becoming more and more pro-life, the culture of death seems to be increasing all around the world. Glenn mentioned the rise of euthanasia, like the blind twins in Belgium that didn't want to be blind and death, so they were euthanize. He also discussed the president's abortion stance and his view on healthcare and the medical treatment we provide our elderly.
"We're entering a time I don't think we've seen since the 1930s with eugenics. Would you agree with that?" Glenn asked.
"You're absolutely right," Lila answered. "I mean, what has happened is the population‑controllers, and I know you've talked a lot about this, Glenn, to expose it. They are architects of the culture of death and they created a system where human life is not valued, from the child in the womb to the elderly person who can't contribute anything to society supposedly as they see it, certain ethnic groups, certain people with disabilities, they are not valued and so they are dispensable, we can just get rid of them. And that's what's happened in our country and that's exactly what is going to ‑‑ that's ‑‑ that leads to the breakdown of a civilization."
"If you're not protecting the weakest members of society, your society won't stand," Lila added. "And that's what we're doing. We're killing our children. We're killing our future. Over a fourth of our generation has been killed by abortion. And that's just America. It's happening all over the world."
One of the biggest battles Lila and Live Actio n face is simply getting the truth out. Organization like Planned Parenthood and leaders of the progressive movement do everything they can to erase the truth about abortion, Margaret Sanger and eugenics. And the pressure on Live Action is getting more intense.
"I mean, look at who's in office, who was just reelected to a second term," Lila said. "The most pro abortion president in U.S. history, who is up to the biggest chain abortion funding every year and it's up to half a billion dollars now of taxpayer money, our money, goes to the killing of the unborn child."
Despite the pressure, many continue to join the fight for life. And this Friday is the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
"They've had hundreds of thousands of people attend in the past," Lila said, "and this is the 40th anniversary of Roe — of the horrible Supreme Court decision that took away the fundamental human rights for the child in the womb and so we're expecting record numbers this year."
"This is really a country‑altering decision for us," Glenn told listeners. "Go to and find out more information on that and how you can participate."