Google co-founder, Sergey Brin, was spotted on the New York City subway last weekend wearing some pretty cool headgear. Rumors have run rampant in the tech world since Google’s Project Glass was teased last April, and now it appears as though the technology is almost ready to go.
According to The Independent, Google Glasses (not to be confused with Google Goggles) are “capable of giving an ‘augmented reality’ to viewers – or telling them lots of stuff about who and what they are seeing, they could transform our computer habits beyond even the astonishing advances of recent years.”
“These are the Google Glasses that Ray Kurzweil talked about and one of the things that concern me,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “There's no way to stop this technology. I am not saying this technology is bad. I'm saying you better be aware of the approaching singularity – the combination of man and machine because it is coming.”
While the technology is certainly remarkable, the intended usage, as Glenn explained, is a little sketchy.
“If I'm wearing the Google Glasses, I look over to Stu and on my lenses it says ‘Stu Buguiere’ and it tells me everything I need to know about Stu,” Glenn explained. “In the finished technology, once you hit the singularity the computers know what you're looking for. It will sift the Internet for the information you're looking for. And it will know I don’t care about his dog's name. I'm interested in the things that interest me – the connecting points that we have.”
In this example, the glasses would tell Glenn about Stu’s career in broadcast and radio, so that when Glenn met Stu he would be able to bring all of this personal information into the conversation. Stu, who doesn’t have the glasses, would have no idea how or why Glenn knows all of this information.
While this may seem relatively harmless in situations where the people involved have pure intentions, the capabilities of these glasses could prove dangerous.
“If somebody nefarious was involved, they could come up to you: ‘Mary, how are you? So good to see you. We went to school together.’ Nefarious purposes are awful… You open yourself up to blackmail,” Glenn said.
“You have to know that the singularity is coming. There's no way to stop this technology. This technology is coming,” he continued. “Are you telling me that this kind of technology is not important for our national security? You're telling me that the government can't use this kind of stuff?”
Take yesterday’s inauguration events, for example. “You're telling me that sitting in a giant crowd yesterday at the inauguration, you didn't want to have a few Secret Service agents around the president, around the first lady, walking near them, and just scanning the crowd,” Glenn asked. “You're not going to look for cameras anymore, but people with glasses.”
“The future is bright. The technology is coming around the corner,” Glenn concluded. “Really exciting stuff, but freaky, freaky stuff as well.”