On last night’s show, Glenn took on the conspiracy theorists who claim the massacre that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School last month was some sort of inside job in attempt to set the record straight.
“Last night we debunked the conspiracy theorists because they are everywhere, and it is important that we know, you know, what the truth is,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “It's important that you know where the line is. And conspiracy theorists, all they want to do is get you to doubt something. They don't need to convince you. They cause just enough reasonable doubt.”
Needless to say, this small but vocal group of individuals was not particularly happy with Glenn’s debunking of their claims. Comments after the show ranged from people claiming Glenn is towing the government line to posts that he is ignorant to the truth.
“Like others said, if the mainstream media and the government were more honest, there would be no conspiracy theories,” Glenn said. “I quite frankly quit believing anything they said decades ago. You reap what you sow.”
While Glenn by no means trusts the government that is slowly stripping away the rights of the American people, he refuses to cross into the “insane idea” that President George W. Bush planted bombs in the levees to drown the people of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina or that President Bill Clinton and President Bush were responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Center.
“I don't believe the media either, but I don't believe crazies on the Internet just because they said it,” Glenn said. “You have to have something that anchors you in reality. Just because you're on the Internet and not part of the mainstream media doesn't make you right. Just because you're in the mainstream media doesn't make you wrong. It's what you report that makes you right or wrong.”
“Yeah, you can't necessarily believe either absolute,” Pat continued. “Just because the government said it doesn't make it true but just because the government said it doesn't necessarily mean it's untrue, either.”
When you think of the amount of people who were involved with or affected in some way by the Sandy Hook shooting, it becomes harder and harder to believe that such a situation could be successfully manipulated by anyone, let alone the government.
“The government is not at the point to where they're killing children,” Glenn said.
“Recognize what you're saying is everybody who was on the fire truck, everybody who was in the paramedics, everybody who's in the hospital, everybody who did the mop up on the floor, everybody who was in the school, all of the children. I mean, it's insane. All of the reporters, anybody who says, ‘No, it's real, it happened,’ you're all in on it.”
The media has tried to paint the ‘Newtown Truthers’ has right-wing crazies, but history shows conspiracy theories are not simply a left-right issue. “And what people now in the media try to paint these conspiracy nuts as right wingers and it's amazing because it's only because of the president, the current president that we have happens to be left,” Stu said. “So they oppose that. They'll always oppose everybody. And it's not a liberal/conservative thing at all.”
Glenn took issue with the fact that anyone who tries to debunk the theories is painted as being “in on it” and part of the government operative. In reality, there are writings from people who have been in government promoting the spread of conspiracy theories.
“We have writings from Cass Sunstein, who talks about conspiracy theories, and he says the government should infiltrate those groups that promote conspiracy theories to be able to push them out even farther,” Glenn said. “I mean, the evidence, you want a conspiracy theory, here's a conspiracy fact: Cass Sunstein, former member of this White House, says that the government has a responsibility and should infiltrate these conspiracy realms and help them, promote it, and bring it out.”
Ultimately, Glenn made it clear that he believes the progressive government may one day be capable of such grand schemes, but we are simply not there yet.
“What you have are progressive steps,” Glenn said. “Those are the absolute killers at the end of the line. And that's what you get to. In revolution that's what you get to at the end of the line. We're not at the end of the line.”