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A Colorado sheriff believes that sheriffs are being pressured by Democratic leaders to go along with gun control legislation by stalling pay raises.
"The gun debate was settled in 1791. It was settled with the Bill of Rights. The rights of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," Glenn said on radio.
"There is a lot of infringing going on, and the Colorado sheriffs are saying that the Democrats were threatening to delay legislation that would give the sheriffs a long delayed pay raise if they continued to speak out against the new push for more gun control laws."
"I'm telling you the sheriffs are the last line of defense. Because the sheriffs don't answer to the governor, the sheriffs don't answer to the legislature. The sheriffs only answer to two things: You and the Constitution. Your sheriff, if anybody thought, 'I don't know who the sheriff is,' you better know your sheriff. You better know who is a good sheriff and who's a bad sheriff. And if you have a bad sheriff, you better replace them, quickly. If you have a good sheriff, you better make sure that the left doesn't get their hands on them and smears them. Know your sheriff and help them in every way you possibly can. If these guys start to get into trouble, I ask the sheriffs, if you are under attack, know that TheBlaze will support you in every way possible. Know that TheBlaze, you can come to TheBlaze. We will tell your story."
"If people are trying to coerce you, if people are trying to smear you, you come to us. Bad sheriffs, know the same. If we get word you're a bad sheriff, we will put our journalists on it and we will find out if it's true or not. And if it is true, we'll help them take you down. Because the sheriffs are the last line of defense," Glenn said.
One Colorado sheriff is claiming that Democrats are pressuring pro-gun sheriffs in the state with tactics he think border on extortion.
In a radio interview with KVOR on Saturday, El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa said he received an email last week with a threat to stop or stall pay raises to the state’s elected sheriffs if they don’t support Colorado’s pending gun control legislation.
The email, sent from the offices of the County Sheriffs of Colorado, “basically said, Dem. leadership is very upset with the sheriffs and their opposition to the gun control bills,” Maketa said.
He claimed it said the Democrats were threatening to delay legislation that would give the sheriffs a long-delayed pay raise if they continue to speak out against the new push for more gun control laws.
"It is Chicago mob‑style politics now in Colorado."
Watch the interview with Sheriff Maketa below: