It's a well known fact around the Mercury offices that Glenn has pretty intense ADD. "Let's do a fiction book!""Let's do an outdoor stage show with fireworks and special effects!""Time to start a network!""Green energy!""Let's cancel that fiction book and do a book on gun control""3D Printers!""Bigger 3D Printers!". Seriously, it's a problem. So when Glenn, who notoriously has trouble focusing on anything for more than five minutes, says there are stories and issues that he needs to stop and focus on, it's time to listen up. After all, he often sees the big picture better than anyone in the mainstream media will admit. So what are the stories that Glenn thinks are going to be very important in the months ahead?
"We have been covering an awful lot of things and if you have been listening since I got into talk radio you have probably seen a change in me," Glenn said.
"A lot of the people get into the talk radio because they want to be like Rush Limbaugh. I don't. And I never really wanted to talk about the things that we talk about I'm much more of a creative guy, entertainment guy. I'm just different. And but I always wanted to be true to myself. Because I spent most of my career lying to myself."
"I didn't know what I believed. When I got a phone call from a listener on September 12th, it wasn't the 11th. Somebody called and said what's happening. And I said 'I don't know but I promise you I will find out.' That was a life changing phone call."
"This audience has changed me many, many times."
"I don't know anybody else on the radio that will admit to being wrong and being shaped by the audience, they've called me and said things that stuck with me."
"We have a relationship that goes back for a long time and I told you two years ago that I sensed a change coming and I needed to be down here in Texas. Wasn't really sure why, still not really sure why. We're building a network. I'm not really sure why. I honestly -- everything in me we have less time than it will take to build this network. So why am I wasting my time and my money on doing that?"
"And then at the same time I'm compelled to do things like the 'Man in the Moon'. Are you kidding me. Why is that? But believe it or not That Independence Week and the thing that we do like that, to me, make more sense than even building this network. Because we have to capture the hearts and minds of people. And nobody on our side is doing that."
"But I have sensed since the election, and it is growing stronger, and I said to the boys this morning I don't know how to verbalize it yet. I don't know exactly what it is. But I think we have to focus, really focus, something that doesn't usually happen with me, really focus on a few things. Because the time is coming to where you can't be spread out so thin. We can't hit all of these things. And I don't mean this as a company. I mean this as a country."
"And I wrote down the things that I think are going to be really important. That are going to be the stories of tomorrow. One is religious persecution. Most people are not covering this. We are working on some pretty shocking things that have not been covered on religious persecution. There's a story up on TheBlaze about Egyptians torturing in mosques, torturing Coptic Christians. Horrible, horrible stuff is happening under the Muslim Brotherhood."
"We've told you before the rise of the anti-semitism is rising at record levels not seen since the 1930s. But also religious persecution in some areas it will come where some people will persecute Muslims because they will deem them the enemy. And we have to stand up for people and their right to worship God as they choose and act on those beliefs, as long as it is not 'submit or I kill you'. That's not a belief that you can act on. And that's not a belief that we should be standing up to protect. But, I believe these things will make us stronger," Glenn said.
"Religious persecution is a big story we must follow."
"Second one, and they're in no particular order: education.The right and the necessity to preserve history. Your textbooks are a thing of the past. They are all going digital. They can be changed at a moment's notice. The right and the responsibility to preserve true history. The right to teach our own children the way we choose to teach our own children. The right to protect, defend and not distort religion in our educational system."
"And under education state sovereignty, local sovereignty and paramount parental sovereignty," Glenn said.
"The next one is defense. You have a right to defend yourself. You have a right to have and carry arms. You have that right, and it shall not be infringed. Meaning it shall not be undermined and it shall not be altered in any way.
"We have a right to not only defend ourselves but we have a right to gather in groups, and gather and speak. Gather to tell the truth as we understand it. That means gathering in groups and speaking doesn't mean anymore just getting together on the street corner. It means you have a right to gather in groups without government harassment on the Internet."
"And while we're at the Internet. We have a right to privacy. They cannot monitor you, track you, classify you without a warrant and a trial by a jury."
"And last one is money and property. It's more than money. It's property. I have a right to do on my land what I choose to do on my land. I have a right to do with my money what I choose to do with my money. If I decide to hoard it all, and put it in mattresses I have a right to do that. If I choose to give it all away to charity I have a right to do that."
"It is my money. It is the sweat of my brow. What is in my bank is mine. Not yours, not the state's. If I've made an agreement, and I'm putting that in safekeeping you are to protect from the bank itself and from the government. What I have, what I have earned, my talent, my time - it's mine."
"It's time that we really focus. It's time that we really pick something that is near and dear to your heart. And I believe the line in the sand - as I was putting this list together here and I'm trying to figure out things, and I realize it comes down to 1791. It all comes down to the Constitution with the Bill of Rights, not just the Constitution. Remember, they wouldn't sign it with just the Constitution. They demanded a Bill of Rights. The things that the government promises they will never ever violate. Ever. And they put them there for a reason, and we are now seeing the equal and opposite reaction to the violation of those rights. And the line in the sand is the Bill of Rights and we need to stand together and link arms."
"Liberals and conservatives. People who worship God deeply profoundly and atheists. People who believe that the earth is all going to be incinerated because of my SUV and people who think that's hogwash. And we fight it out on the battlefield of ideas."
"But that ring, that battlefield, the rules are set up by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
"Where we cannot mix is big government progressives - and they will have you believe in the G.O.P. thatthat problem is a liberal problem. No, it's a progressive problem. And the person who started the progressive party is Theodore Roosevelt and he was a Republican."
"Progressivism is what needs to be rooted out because progressivism was designed to thwart and dismantle piece by piece the Constitution of the United States of America. It really comes down to the Bill of Rights. And those things that are in it."
"Why are drones wrong? Bill of Rights. Why is bailing out the banks wrong? The Bill of Rights. Why is what's happening in the Cyprus, and it will come here? The Bill of Rights. Why is it I can't put a tracking device on your car? Bill of Rights. Why can't I tell your church to marry gays Bill of Rights. Why can't I tell your church you can't marry gays? Bill of Rights. All of it, Bill of Rights. Bill of Rights. Bill of Rights."
"The line is being drawn in the sand. Don't cross it. See where it is. Protect and defend it. This is the Alamo."