In April, reported on the former Weather Underground, cop-killing, radical, Kathy Boudin, who was hired in 2008 as a professor in Columbia University's School of Social Work. After 22 years in prison, the Ivy league institution apparently felt she was fit to teach a class about the issues facing convicts and their families when a criminal is released from prison — admittedly, a topic she is well versed in.
Jesse Watters of The O'Reilly Factor, managed to track her down earlier this week and ask her a few questions — no surprise, she wasn't very chatty.
While on the Columbia campus, Watters also interviewed several students on the topic. How do they feel about attending a school that would hire a women convicted in the murder of two cops during a 1981 Brinks robbery?
The students, while somewhat surprised to hear that Boudin was a convicted killer, didn't seem to disturbed that she was teaching classes on their campus. In fact, a couple defended the schools decision. One student even eluded to the fact driving the getaway car didn't make her a party to the murder of the police officers that died in her case.
There were at least a couple individuals on campus that didn't share the nonchalance of having a Weather Underground killer teaching classes, including one retired NYPD officer Jesse interviewed.
“She’s shown no remorse for this crime and she’s using the college as a soap box to promote her mission to get her husband, who has a 75 year sentence, and other co-defendants out of jail,” said retired officer Arthur Keenan, who survived the 1981 Brinks robbery Boudin.
Here's the video of Jesse at Columbia:
"That's astounding," Pat said after hearing the video.
Glenn agreed, and also pointed out that while Columbia will hire a convicted cop-killer who spent 22 years behind bars, they would never hire him.
But, "they've hired a cop‑killer/terrorist and they're all fine with it," he said.