It’s a relatively simple question: where was President Obama on the night of the Benghazi attacks? No one seems to know. Yesterday White House spokesman Dan Pfeiffer was grilled about the location of the President that night and his pathetic response indicates the President was probably not where he should have been.
"They are changing the story. Every time I hear the White House, they are changing the story, and no one is tracking the story.
During a contentious back and forth with Chris Wallace, Pfeiffer refused to say where President Obama was during the attack on the Benghazi consulate.
WALLACE: But with due respect, you didn't answer my question: What did the president do that night?PFEIFFER: He was kept ‑‑ he was in constant touch that night with his national security team and he kept up with the events as they were happening.
WALLACE: Well, you say his national security team. He didn't talk to the Secretary of State except for the one time when the first attack was over. He didn't talk to the Secretary of Defense. He didn't talk to the chairman of the joint chiefs. Who was he talking to?
PFEIFFER: He was talking to his national ‑‑ his national security staff, his National Security Council or the people who keep him up to date about it on these things as they happen.
WALLACE: Was he in the situation room?
PFEIFFER: He was kept up to date throughout the situation room.
"This is different than what he said before. What he said before was that the president wasn't involved, he didn't need to be involved," Glenn said.
Glenn explained that he believes that President Obama was kept out of the loop so he wouldn't be a witness to a situation that involved running guns to the rebels in Syria.
"Why isn't the president in the situation room when he's upstairs going to sleepy sleep? Why did they make it such a point? Why would Leon Panetta come out and say what he said during an election, that the president, there was no phone calls, there was no e‑mails, there was no phone calls, no contact. No contact with anyone in the White House all night long. Why? Why? To keep him clean of the real crime," Glenn said. "Even the death of the ambassador, I am sorry to say, is not the real crime. The one they are trying to cover up is not the ambassador's death. It is running guns to the Muslim Brotherhood. Period. And the longer you spend trying to figure out why they're trying to do these things, the longer you spend not tying it to what was going on in that annex in the first place, the farther away from the truth you get."
Watch the exchange between Wallace and Pfeiffer below: