It’s been a rough week for FBI director Robert Mueller as was grilled by Congress on several issues. The investigation into the IRS scandal was of particular importance, and Mueller didn’t appear to know anything about anything.
“He had a bad day yesterday,” Pat said. “He looked awful with Louie Gohmert, and then looked just as bad during the IRS testimony.”
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) grilled the seemingly uninformed FBI director on the investigation into the IRS scandal. Mueller was unable to answer basic questions about the investigation into the tax agency’s political targeting of conservative groups:
MUELLER: The IRS case is currently under investigation and basically just started.
JORDAN: You started a month ago. What can you tell us about this? Have you found any – found the now infamous two rogue agents? Have you discovered who those people are?
MUELLER: Needless to say, because it is under investigation, I can't give out any of the details.
JORDAN: Can you tell me how many agents, investigators you have assigned to the case?
MUELLER: May be able to do that, but I would have to get back to you.
JORDAN: Can you tell me who the lead investigator is?
MUELLER: Off the top of my head, no.
JORDAN: This is the most important issue in the country in the last six weeks, and you don't know who the lead investigator is?
MUELLER: At this juncture, no.
JORDAN: Can you get that information to us? We'd like to know how many people you assigned to look into this situation.
MUELLER: I have not had a recent briefing on it. I had a briefing when we first initiated it, but I have not had a recent briefing as to where we are.
JORDAN: You don't know who is leading the case?
MUELLER: I do not know who is the lead agent.
JORDAN: Do you know if you talked to any of the victims? Have you talked to any groups targeted by their government? Have you met with any Tea Party folks sine May 14, 2013?
MUELLER: don't know what the status of the interviews are by the team that's on it.
JORDAN: Would you expect that's been done?
MUELLER: They're – certainly at some point in time, in the course of the investigation it will be done, but generally at the outset you get the documents so that you can have…
JORDAN: Don't you normally talk to the victims?
MUELLER: I do not know specifically…
JORDAN: In your extensive record in history and investigative work, don't you typically talk to the victims? It’s a criminal investigation. Don’t you typically talk to the victims?
MUELLER: Absolutely. I'm sure it will the happen.
JORDAN: So did the FBI contact any of these same victims? Were they contacted by the FBI prior to the investigation when the same groups were applying for tax exempt status? Did the FBI pay some individuals a visit?
MUELLER: I do not know.
JORDAN: Pardon.
MUELLER: I do not know.
JORDAN: You don't know? Some testified they were paid a visit by the FBI. Specifically, Katherine Inglebrack in Texas [who was head of True the Vote] said she was visited by the FBI. Is that true or not?
MUELLER: Do not know.
JORDAN: Do not know. Okay. If the FBI did contact people involved in the IRS scandal, victims, groups prior to the investigation when they were applying for tax exempt status, why was that the case? Why would you be looking into it, and was there possibly coordination with the IRS in why you targeted them?
MUELLER: You are asking me details about the investigation. I would be happy…
JORDAN: I’m not asking details about the investigation. I'm saying why were people targeted before the investigation started? Why were they contacted by the FBI, people who were now part of the Tea Party groups, targeted by the IRS?
MUELLER: You're asking question at about details of the investigation. I'd be happy…
JORDAN: That is not a detail about the investigation. That took place prior to the investigation.
MUELLER: May I please finish? You are asking detailed questions about the investigation. I would be happy to answer those questions that I can, understanding it is an ongoing investigation.
JORDAN: I'm asking basic questions about the investigation, like who is heading it up, and you can't tell me that.
“This is out of control,” Glenn said. “These are the people in charge of keeping you and your children safe. You have given them extraordinary power, extraordinary power. You have given them extraordinary ability. You have given them assets that have cost us billions of dollars. You have doubled their roles. You have created an entirely new system never before seen in the history of the world.”
“This is the director of the FBI, and you don't know who is the lead investigator in the biggest investigation going on right now,” Pat asked. “Like the Congressman said, this is the biggest thing in America the last month and add half.”
Watch the entire exchange here: