WATCH LIVE: Glenn speaks in D.C.

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Read a transcript of Glenn's speech below:

Today, Inside They Dedicated A New Statue Of Another American Giant, Fredrick Douglas - A Man Born Into Slavery, But Who Knew Instinctively That He Was Not Born A Slave. No Man Is.

To Keep A Man A Slave You Do Much The Same As The Cruel Circus Masters Did To The Elephant Around The Turn Of Last Century. Clamp Heavy Chains Around Their Legs And Stake Them To The Ground. Then Beat And Terrorize Them. After A While You No Longer Even Have To Stake The Chain, The Elephant Gives Up And Just The Mere Rattle Of The Chain Convinces The Elephant There Is No Hope, So They Give Up And Do What Ever It Is The Circus Requires.

Fredrick Douglas Was Lucky Enough To Live In A House Where He Was Taught To Read, Write And Think. He Knew God Did Not Make Men Masters Over Others. Nor Did He Ever Intend Any Man To Impose Unrighteous Dominion Over Another Man Or Beast.

It Is Time We Remind Ourselves Of This Truth Again And Begin To Rise Up Against The Intimidation Before The Handful Of Peanuts From Our New Political Circus Masters Is Considered A Kindness And Not The Symbol Of Evil Cruelty.

In The Building Behind Me, They Are Now Excusing Storing All Data, Phonecalls, Financial Transactions, Geo Tracking On Every American For Our “Safety” While Allowing Anyone To Cross Our Borders Either On Foot Or In Underground Tunnels Without Any Worry Or Consequence.

They Have Not Suspended Or Fired But Promoted Those At The Irs Who Rattled The Chains Of Control To Any Group That Disagreed With Their Policies, And Now After Pushing Misery And Death Through The So Called Arab Spring In Country After Country They Are Plotting A New War With Syria. This Will Bring Death And Destruction The World Over. We Are Told That We Need To Pick Sides And Arm Those Who Are So Far Down The Scale Of Decency That Even Vladimir Putin Asked Americans If They Even Knew That Those We Are Arming Have Literally Eaten Their Enemies On The Battle Field.

The Fact That He Even Needed To Ask That Question, And That Most Have Never Even Seen The Video Of The Commander Of The Rebel Troops On Tv Engaging In This Ungodly Horror, Is An Inditement Of Our Government Officials And Our Media.

I Am Surrounded Today By Some Modern Day Spiritual Giants. All From Different Faiths, Different Backgrounds And Many Different Views. But We All Have One Thing In Common. We Don’t Recognize Our Country Anymore And Because We Know That God Is Just, We Tremble For Our Childrens Future.

We Wonder, Are We Even Worth Defending Anymore? If So, Why? Who Are We? And Will We Even Notice Or Care When The Chain Is Finally Snapped Around Our Legs.

What Will Be Written About Us? The Greatest Generation Has Passed. We Are Who Historians Will Watch.

Will It Be Said That None Called For Justice Not One Pleaded For Truth. They Trusted In Vanity And Spoke Lies. They Concieved Mischief And Brought Forth Iniquity.

What Is It We Even Believe As A People Anymore? Where Did We Get These Ideas That Now Seem So Popular?

Our Forbears Came To These Shores Not For Free Stuff But For Freedom. The Chance To Make Their Own Way, Create A Different Life. They Came Here Because They Knew That God Made Them Free To Make Their Own Way In Life, Take The Risk, Do Their Best And Take Responsibility For Their Own Lives.

They Came Here Because They Wanted To Serve Him In The Way They Believed, Not As They Were Told.

But How Many Care About Our History?

And, Of Those Who Do Care, How Many Really Still Believe?

Some Things Are Worth Believing In:

That The Little Guy Can Make It,

Every Single Life Has Value And Is Worth Living,

That Honor And Integrity Do Matter,

That Justice Will Prevail – If Not In This Life – Then The Next, And God Does Exist

And What We Do In Our Lives Matters.

It Is The Meek And The Humble That Enherit The Earth. Have We Forgotten?

We Have Declared Ourselves Masters Of The Earth,

Spread Our Troops All Over The World,

Taught The World How To Do Banking Like We Do It Here In America,

Even Though, We Cant Even Master Our Own Homes,

Protect Our Neighborhood

And Simply Balance A Check Book.

How Grotesque & Garish We Must Appear To Those Looking In.

I For One Still Believe In The Silly Notion Of Truth, Justice And The American Way. Since Our Founding A Good Percentage Of Our Fellow Citizens Closed Their Eyes To The Civil Rights Of All Americans.

“I’m Okay, I Dont Want To Think Of The Bad Things Going On, I Am Busy, It Doesnt Effect Me, It Can’t Be That Bad, And Even If It Is, I Am Just One Person And What Can I Do About It Anyway?

Nothing Has Changed. Except The Chairs At The Table.

Someone Has Always Been On The Losing End Of The Stick Of Power. Blacks Are The Most Obvious, The Chineese, The Native American But Lets Not Forget The Irish, The Catholics, The Mormons, The Jews And Now It Seems All Those Of Faith That Will Not Conform.

For Those That Think Men Make Progress Collectively, I Warn You, History Teaches: You Couldn’t Be More Wrong.

We Are Redeemed One Man At A Time. There Is No Family Pass Ticket Or Park Hopping Pass To Life. One Ticket, One Life At A Time.

Man Doesn’t Vanquish Hatred Or Bigotry. The Target Keeps Moving. From The Blacks To The Irish. Aethists To Christians.

But As Always There Are A Few Leaders: Ben Franklin, John Quincy Adams, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Abraham Lincoln, Fredrick Douglas, Booker T Washington, Gandhi And Martin Luther King.

They Know That The March Toward Freedom Never Ends, Man Must Be Ever Vigilant And Pray Less With His Lips And More With His Legs.

They Never Forget That Truth, Justice And Freedom Are The Well Spring From Which The Waters Of Mans Civil Rights Come. And So They Must Be Upheld For All Men – Those You Know, Those You Do Not And Maybe More Importantly They Must Be Upheld For Those Who You Do Know But Do Not Like Or Agree With At All.

If They Are Lost For One, In The End They Are Lost For All.

In The Past These Historic Stands, Which We Now Call Civil Rights Movements, Were Done By A Small But Dedicated Portion Of Our Citizens Which Led To Great Shifts In Our Culture.

But Those Movements Always Came From The Same Institutions … The Church.

And Usually Not The Church With The Popular Preacher,

But The One Who Put It On The Line To Tell The People The Truth.

Preachers Like These Men, Who Know That We Are All Born Free, But That Freedom Comes A Great Price,

A Profound Resposibility ...

To Stand Against Injustice, Hatred And Bigotry.

Our Pulpits Have Gone Quiet Out Of Arrogance, Fear And Apathy. Their Faith Is Found In The Wisdom Of Man And Not In The Power Of God.

For Some, Losing Tithing Checks Or The Gold Rolex Watch Has Become More Important Than Losing Mans Freedom.

Whatever The Reason Too Many Are No Longer Willing To Call Evil By Its Name,

There Is No Vision. And When There Is No Vision The People Perish.

I Humbly Suggest To You That Martin Luther King Knew The Answer And He Lost More Than Congregants During His Long March.

Students Are Taught, That His Vision Came From The Ideas Gandhi. Maybe A New Radical 20th Century Progressive Philospher Was The One That Taught Mlk That

“Although We Be Free Of All Men, When We Choose To Make Our Selves Servants To All We Gain The More.”

Let’s Get A Couple Of Things Straight. What Mlk And Gandhi Did Was Not Progressive Or New. It Was An Ancient Idea.

Hollywood, Woodstock Nor The Hippy Culture Was The Source Of Power Of The 1960s Freedom Movement.

God Was.

He Was Leading Those Who Risked Their Lives Over That Bridge In Selma, Not Janice Joplin, Columbia University Or A Labor Union.

It Wasn’t John Lennon That Taught People About Love And Peaceful Resistance, That Job Fell On The Shoulders Of A Jewish Carpenter.

And It Is There That We Will Find The Answers That Will Break The Chains That Are Being Forged For A New Generation Of Slaves.

The Rights That So Many Americans Ignorantly Preach About So Often, Are Not Really Their Rights. They Belong To God And They Are Given To Us For Stewardship. They Are Pretty Important And Obvious. So Obvious That We Used To Say They Were Self Evident.

Meaning That Humans Don’t Need To Be Taught, You Instictively Know That You Have A Right Not To Be Executed Without A Trial, Held Without Charge, Searched Without Warrant Or Spied Upon Without Cause.

The Govenment Is No Longer The Protector Of Those Civil Rights And So We Must Be.

When We Are Told That It Is Okay For The Irs, Epa, Atf, Fbi Or Anyone To Hassle, Threaten Or Intimidate Others Because Of Their Skin Color, Religion Or Political Belief We Stop Being The Country That We All Want To Build

And Start Being The Country The World Should Fear.

The Long Train Of Abuses Regarding These Rights Are The Same Mlk Marched Against And The Very Same Our Dusty Founders Warned Us About Losing.

Men May Make Progress, But Man Never Changes.

Man Loves Power And Money. No Matter The Skin Color, Religion Or Income Level. These Symbols Of Our Nation Make Men Drunk With Power Who Then Justify Their Lust For More By Claiming They Are Public Servants.

The Only Difference Between Las Vegas And Washington Dc Is That At Least Vegas Has The Decency To Admit The Town Is Full Of Hookers And Crooks.

We Must Sober Up And Admit, Too Many Of The Republicans And The Democrats Have Played Us, Lied To Us And Stolen From Us While The Get Away Car Was Driven By The Media. A Media That Can No Longer Claim With A Straight Face The Role Of Journalist.

Journalists Print The Things The Powerful Don’t Want Printed.

What They Do, Is Done By A Public Relations Firm.

Those Pr Firms Will Not Print The Truth About The Average American Who Finds Himself Concerned With The Direction Of Our Country Today. So We Must:

We Are Not Violent,

We Are Not Racist,

We Are Not Anti Immigrant,

We Are Not Anti Government

And We Will Not Be Silent Anymore.

Those Who Wish To Use Unrighteous Dominion Over Mankind Are Not Enemies Of Ours They Are Enemies Of God And He Will Not Be Silent Much Longer Either.

We Will No Longer Accept The Lies, The Corruption, Or The Information And Data Gathering.

It Is Evil.

And We Come Here Today To Send A Message That We Will Surround All Of Those Who Wish To Stand And Break The Cycle Of Corruption.

We Will Use Ourselves As Shields To Protect Those In The System, The Elected Officials Or Whistle Blowers With The Courage To Stand.

We Come Here Today To Respectfully But With The Power Of The Spirit Demand To Be Treated As An Equal Member Of Society.

I Am A Man And I Will Be Treated As Such.

I Answer To Only One King And His Kingdom Will Come, His Will Be Done. We Have Chosen Sides And We Choose God. America As A Nation Must Do The Same As Well.

We Come Today To Declare Our Independence. Reaffirm Our Founding Principles:

We, As A Nation, Acknowledge A Creator;

We Acknowledge That He Gives Certain Natural, Guaranteed Rights To Man;

We Declare That Government Exists Primarily To Protect These Natural, God-Given Rights

He Has Established Right And Wrong

He Is Just And Therefor, Man Must Pay For His Mistakes Either Now On Earth Or Through Gods Justice Later

There Is No Such Thing As Social Justice. Only God Can Balance Things Out

And We Are Not God.

But Honest And Decent Men Can Fight For And Establish Equal Justice

There Is No Such Thing As Collective Salvation

We However Are Going To Be Judged On How We Treat Our Fellow Brothers And Sisters. Thus We Must Serve Them, Help Them With Charity Toward All.

Malice Toward None, Lincoln Said. God Said It Slightly Differently - Vengence Is Mine.

Any One Who Speaks Of Punishing Their Political Enemies In On The Wrong Side. It Is Clearly Evil And We Have A Responsiblitly To Say So.

America It Is Now Your Time To Rise Up And Boldly Declare Those Same Self Evident Truths That Changed The World And Demand That Those Truths Remain The Basis Of Our Laws.

My Civil Rights Will Not Be Trampled, And I Say This Not For Me But For My Children And All Those Who Yearn To Breath Free. Those Who Make Your Apple Products At Foxxcon, Those Who Langish In Prisions In Cuba, North Korea And Venasula.

Those Homosexuals Who Are Stoned To Death In The Streets Of Egypt, Or Iran, While Our So Called Civil Rights Leaders Hold Coffee Clatches With Third Graders In The White House.

We Will Stand Not For Our Job, House Or Income But We Will Standfor Those Immigrants Who Came Her The Right Way And Not Have Their Dreams Destroyed By Increasing Competition At The Lowest Rung Of The Ladder While Keeping The Brightest And Best Minds Out Of The Visa Pool Allowing For Little Competition At The Top.

We Will Not Pervert Womans Rights And Twist It Into A Gross Silent Defense Of Abortion Doctors In Philly And Houston While Turning Our Eyes From The Forgotten Women Who Have Never Had The Civil Right To Walk Alone On A Street Without A Man, Or To Drive A Car In Pakistan Or Saudi Arabia And Even Those Who Now Cower In Fear With Their Faces Covered In States Like Florida, Virginia, New York And Minnisota.

We Will Not Waste Another Second Shadow Boxing The Demons Of The Past When The Fight To End Actual Slavery Is Still Happening Today. Call It What You Will, But Those Who Make Your Ipad In China - Those Who Make Your Cute Little Mao Purses - Are The Very People You Claim To Care So Much About. They Are The Ones Yearning To Breath Free.

And Worse There Is The Oldest Form Of Human Degradation Man Has Ever Known, The Sex Slave Trade That Currently Has In Its Coils Over 2 Million Children. The Biggest Source Of This Evil Is A Wide Open Whole In Our Arizona Border.

We Beg The American People To Wake Up And Help The 8 Year Old Children Being Sold Into Sex Slavery.

The Press May Say How Dare These Men Declare Themselves The Next Martin Luther King Or Civil Rights Leaders.

How Blind To Believe The Civil Rights Movement Ever Ended.

The Civil Rights Movement Never Ends And It Never Will. It Has Been Marching Since The Beginning Of Time. Where Martin Luther King Started Is Where Gandhi Left Off, And Where He Started, Abe Lincoln Left Off And Before That Whitfield All The Way Back To Moses. God Has Not Moved. We Have.

But It Is Never Too Late. We Are Not At The Mercy Of These Events. We Can Alter The Course Of History. We Can Stand Against The Dangerous Arc Of This Story.

But We Need People Who Are Willing To Speak Truth.

The Last Century Was A Century Of Genocide. A Century Where Collectivist, National Socialist, And Communist Evil Rose Up Again And Again… Swallowing Up The Lives Of Millions.

It Happens Every Time Man Says The Collective Is More Important Than The Right Of The Individual. That One Phrase Becomes In The End – Everytime – A Licence To Kill Anyone Deemed Standing In The Way Of Progress.

But Evil Met Its Match. Goodness Eventually Prevailed. People Like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther King Jr. And Lech Walesa And Mother Theresa Awoke The World.

They Gave Their Lives To The Pursuit Of Human Rights. They Took The Side Of Justice Against Injustice, They Held Aloft The Torch Of Freedom To Push Out The Darkness Of Hate.

These Men And Women Lived Difficult Lives. They Often Lived Shortened Lives. They Were Often Born To Relative Privilege, But Willing To Take On Suffering.

They Did Want Not To Martyr Themselves. They Would Have Happily Lived To The End Of Their Natural Lives In Comfort… But To The Righteous, There Is No Comfort When Evil Has Taken Root.

But The Cause Of Human Rights Has Been Taken Over By Organizations Who Share Little With The Individuals Who Led The Movement.

Human Rights Was Once A Cry For Justice. Now It Used As A Threat.

These Organizations Have Become Bullies And Grotesque Parodies Of The Principles They Pretend To Represent.

They Criticize Free Nations And Spare The Unfree. They Denounce Nations Like Israel And America, Who Have High Standards For Freedom, And Leave Alone Nations That Have No Freedom At All. They Are Nearly Comical In Their Double-Standards.

They Are No More Than The Enforcers Or The Attack Dogs Of Those Who Wish To Keep Men Confined In Spaces They Design.

Whatever Moral Force They Once Had Is Spent. Their Time Is Up. And So, We Dismiss Them.

Today, We Take Back The Phrase “Human Rights” And Place It Where It Belongs, As The First Half Of God’s Plan For Humanity. The Second Half Is Responsibility.

If We Want To Be Endowed With Rights – Real Human Rights, We Have To Act With Responsibility. We Must Not Be Comfortable With Rights. We Must Be Comfortable With Responsibility.

Who Will Protect Your Rights Better? A King, President Or You?

Who Will Protect The Truth? A Reporter, A Labor Union Or You?

Who Will Protect And Teach Your Children To Seek Truth? A Textbook Committee, An Education Bureaucrat, Or You?

Did A Commission Of Wise Men Stop The Holocaust? Did A Committee Of Congress End Jim Crow?

No. In Each Case, The Work Was Done By Individuals Who Would Not Abide Convenient Lies.

They Saw Injustice And They Called It Out. They Saw Their Nation Wage War Against A Single Group And They Said “Not In My Name.” They Didn’t Wait For The Conventions Of Society To Catch Up To God’s Laws. They Pushed. They Pressed. And They Were Victorious.

Each Of Us Have Been Waiting For A Leader To Rise From Among Us. And None Have. How Many Have Been Called And Refused To Serve? How Many Must Have Failed To Heed The Call For The Lord To Make It All The Way Down To Us?

I Pray Now That Those Who Have Heard The Call To Rise Up In The Tradition Of Peaceful Resistance Do So Now Before, As It Was With Bonhoeffer, It Is Too Late.

I Beg Those With Eyes And Ears To Heed The Call And Begin To Train Under The Exact System Used By Mlk. Search His Words Out. You Will Find That Your History Professors And Civil Rights Activists Left Out The Real Author Of The Words Of Gandhi, King And Bonhoeffer.

Read Them, Ponder Them And Risk Living Them. Even Though They Will Make You A Target Of The Nsa, Having Your Name On Their List As An Enemy May In The End Be The Way Your Name Is Forever Etched In His Book Of Life.

Pastors, Priests And Rabbis, I Challenge You. What Have You Done With Your Knowledge And Priesthood Power That Those Without Have Not Done This Week. If You Can Not Answer That With Power Every Day, What Does That Say About You?

Average Citizens And College Students. I Challenge You. Martin Luther King Didn’t Take A Class, Get A Certificate And A Bunch Of Permits. He Saw Injustice, Studied Eternal Truths, Excersized Disapline And Marched.

If You Don’t Find A Leader Perhaps It Is Because You Were Meant To Lead.

Christians, I Believe In The Free Market. If Your Preacher Is Too Afraid To Preach It From The Pulpit, Maybe You Should Preach It From The Street Corner. Many Are Called. Will You Answer?

Our Spiritual Body Is Out Of Shape And We Need Intensive Training Right Now.

Get Back To God

And Know That Somethings Are True And Worth Believing In.

The Good Guys Do Win In The End. Evil Does Not Stand Unless Good Men Never Rise Up.

The Time Is Now And We Are The People The World Is Waiting For. We Must Never Stop Being The Shore That Others Can Come To For Shelter And Hope.

But To Do So We Must Reliagn Ourselves With Truth And Rise Up And Stand.

This Is The Vision.

We Must Preach Good Tidings To The Meek, Bind Up The Brokenhearted, And Proclaim Liberty To Those Held Captive. To Declare Vengence Belongs To God And God Alone.

We Must Give Unto Those Who Mourn -- Beauty For Ashes And Water The Trees Of Righteousness.

We Shall Not Perish

I Can’t Help That Most Of Us Don’t Like To Hear The Truth, But Hear It We Must: George Washington Told Us Religion And Morality Are The Only Stable And Lasting Basis Of Individual Life And Public Policy. If We Are To Survive They Must Be Part Of Our Public Policy Rather Than Driven From It

It Is No Longer Enough To Just Be A Good Person, We Must Work To Be The Next Abraham Lincoln Or Martin Luther King. It Is Noble To Strive To Be The Size Of The Bronze Giant They Dedicated This Morning In The Building Behind Me. Fredrick Douglas’ Time Was In The 1800, Kings Time Has Passed. This Is Our Time, This Is The Next Long March Toward Civil Rights And We Shall Overcome.

Stand Without Fear, Lock Arms And Stare Down The Bullies That Wish To Enslave Mankind Yet Again.

Honor, Courage And Love Are What Is Required And They Are Contageous, Spread The Word And Proclaim Liberty Throughout The Land.

"Let Us, Today, Raise A Standard To Which The Wise And Honest Can Repair; The Rest Is In The Hands Of God

The case for mass deportation

NurPhoto / Contributor | Getty Images

Unchecked illegal immigration into America may be the most dangerous issue our country faces today, and with every day it goes unsolved, the risk of a terrorist attack of 9/11 proportions only increases.

Despite the risk, we can't even touch the subject without the Left and the mainstream media having a meltdown. Even suggesting that the tide of undocumented immigrants may pose some sort of national problem will quickly get you labeled as a racist, stumping intelligent conversation before it can even begin. But as any right-minded Conservative will tell you, calls to close the border and deport the people who stole into our country have nothing to do with race.

In his most recent TV special, Glenn described in detail what sorts of dangers we have let into our countries, with facts and figures that prove that if we don't act soon we will be in deep trouble. Glenn made it clear: we need to conduct a mass deportation or risk being torn apart from within. Here are three reasons that make the case for mass deportations:

Islamic terror cells are forming in South America.

Spencer Platt / Staff | Getty Images

Congressional testimony from the Committee on Homeland Security in 2011 revealed that Hugo Chavez held a "Secret Summit" involving the Supreme Leader of Hamas, the Chief of Operations for Hezbollah, and the Secretary General of Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Caracas, Venezuela. It is clear that ever since (and possibly before) there has been a Radical Islamic Terrorist presence in Venezuela. Right now there is an Iranian beachhead off the Venezuelan coast on Margarita Island, where the Iranian government is running criminal activities and recruiting and training Venezuelan gangs. These gangs have used our border crisis to infiltrate the U.S. The most infamous of these gangs, Tren de Aragua, has been declared a terrorist organization by the State of Texas.

Terrorist-backed gangs are smuggling in weapons and tearing through the country.

John Moore / Staff | Getty Images

What are these Iranian-trained and backed gangs doing in America? As you can imagine, nothing good. Just this year alone an estimated million rounds of ammunition, 1.2 million gun parts, 3,000 body armor vests, and thousands of pieces of other military paraphernalia have been smuggled across the border. On top of that, they have already taken over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, and are now terrorizing the remaining residents.

It's noteworthy that the gang managed to move into the apartment in the first place because they received subsidies through an NGO that was assisting the Colorado asylum seekers program, using money given to the state by the Biden administration in 2021.

Gangs have attacked military bases.

Lee Corkran / Contributor | Getty Images

It hasn't stopped at apartment complexes either. A leak from the U.S. Army revealed that the gangs have launched probing attacks on military facilities within the U.S. Members have been sighted taking surveillance photos of Lackland Air Force Base, as well as firing multiple shots into the facility. Another military base in Texas, Fort Sam Houston, caught a gang member attempting to gain access to the facility. This coincides with suspicious activity documented within the Permian Basin, the largest oil field in the U.S.

They are smuggling in vast quantities of military equipment, probing and surveying military facilities and key energy locations, and taking over residential areas. What exactly is going on and why isn't the federal government taking it more seriously?

VP debate recap: A Vance victory

Bloomberg / Contributor | Getty Images

This might have been the most consequential VP debate in recent memory.

For those of you who missed the debate, it was a decisive victory for J.D. Vance and the Trump-Vance team as a whole. Vance presented a calm, collected, and considerate side of the Republican party that compliments Trump and helps to make their platform more palatable. Meanwhile, Tim Walz had a lackluster, though certainly not catastrophic, night. He had a few embarrassing gaffes and came across as overly nervous, but like Vance, kept it civil.

Both VP candidates entered the stage as relative unknowns to most Americans, and by the end, both men had given an accurate representation of their characters. Here is a brief recap just in case you missed the debate:

J.D. Vance looked great

ANGELA WEISS / Contributor | Getty Images

Vance came out of the gate swinging, with a stellar opening statement that helped set the stage for the rest of the debate. He delivered a concise yet compelling recap of his life, which framed him as everything Walz claims to be: a relatable veteran from humble beginnings who earned his position through hard work and service. He then went on to deliver a clear and palatable defense of Trump's platform and mission while cooly drawing attention to the failures of the Biden-Harris administration.

Overall, J.D. Vance looked incredibly presidential. He presented himself not just as a capable vice president, but as a strong successor to Trump and as a valid replacement if anything should happen to the former president between now and the end of his hypothetical second term. Vance also successfully dispelled the notion that he is "weird" as Walz called him, and if anyone looked strange during the debate, it certainly wasnot Vance.

Tim Walz's gaffes

Chip Somodevilla / Staff | Getty Images

While Tim Walz certainly didn't have an awful night, he did not stack up well against Vance. Walz had a major gaffe around halfway through the debate when asked to explain the change in his position on assault weapon bans. Walz then claimed that he had befriended school shooters during his time in office. While that was clearly not the intention of what he was saying, it was embarrassing nonetheless.

Another weak moment was when the moderators asked Walz to explain a claim he had made regarding being in Hong Kong during the infamous Tiananmen Square protest in 1989, which has since been proven false. Walz gave a long-winded, rambling answer about taking students to visit China and how Trump should have joined in on those trips, before being called out by the moderator for dodging the question.

Vance fact-checked the fact-checkers

Chip Somodevilla / Staff | Getty Images

One of the conditions of the CBS debate was that the moderators would not fact-check the debaters live, but instead rely on after-the-matter fact-checking. But, CBS couldn't keep to its own rules. While Vance was describing the migrant crisis that has swelled during the Biden-Harris administration, one of the CBS moderators, Margaret Brennan, chimed in with a "fact check." She claimed that the Haitian migrants in Ohio have legal status, to which Vance clapped back by calling Brennan out for breaking the rules of the debate, then proceeded to correct her, explaining that they only had legal status due to overreach by the Biden-Harris administration.

Dockworker strike: Everything you need to know

Anadolu / Contributor | Getty Images

At midnight on September 30th, dockworkers across the East Coast went on strike, effectively cutting the country's import and export capabilities in half.

Don't go out and panic buy a pallet of toilet paper and instant ramen just yet. It's going to take some time for the full effects of the strike to be felt and hopefully, the strike will be good and over by then. But there are no guarantees, and this election cycle could get significantly more insane as we draw near to the election. And even if the strike is settled quickly, it shows growing cracks in our infrastructure and industrial capacity that needs to be addressed if America wants to maintain its global dominance.

Here is everything you need to know about the dockworker strike:

What do the dockworkers want?

Anadolu / Contributor | Getty Images

As with most strikes, pay is the driving factor behind this situation the country now finds itself in. The longshoremen want more pay, and with rising inflation who can blame them? After all, working the docks is hard and dangerous business, and fair compensation only seems... fair. But when you compare the wage of a dockworker, which is around $100,000 to $200,00 a year to the average income in America of $56,000, suddenly they seem significantly less sympathetic.

How much money are they asking for? For most Americans, a three percent raise is considered high, but the unions are asking up to 15 percent, depending on location. On top of that, they are asking for a 77 percent raise over the next six years. The West Coast dock workers recently made off with a 36 percent raise and were considered lucky. These increases in costs are just going to be transferred to the end consumer, and we'll likely see a jump in prices if these terms are accepted.

The other major ticket item is protection against automation. Autonomous ports are quickly becoming a reality, with major ports in China that are capable of handling vast amounts of cargo being run by a single office, not an army of dock workers. Naturally, the longshoremen are concerned that their jobs are at risk of being replaced by machines that can work harder, longer, for cheaper, and without risk of injury.

How will it affect Americans?

Joe Raedle / Staff | Getty Images

Don't panic yet!

It is going to take some time for consumers to feel the effects of the strike and it is possible that a resolution could happen at any time.

Week one should be pretty much business as usual. It might be a good idea to stock up on fruit and other perishables, but there is no need to go COVID-lockdown-crazy yet.

Week two is when you'll first start feeling the pinch. Fresh fruits and veggies will become scarce, along with other imported goods like shoes, toys, and TVs. Prices will start to creep up as the shelves will start to look a little sparse. The supply of tools, lumber, and other hardware materials will also begin to dry up.

By week three, the cracks in the system will really start to show. Entire industries will begin to slow down, or even stop. Factory workers will get furloughed and sent home without pay. Stores will have to ration items, prices will be sky-high, and online orders will come to a standstill. At this point, the strike will have escalated into a full-blown crisis, and even if it was resolved immediately, it would still take weeks to restore everything to working order.

At the four-week mark, the situation will have developed into a national security crisis, and as Glenn describes, a poly-crisis. Small business will be closing their doors, entire brands will be out of stock, and everything that remains will be so expensive it is unaffordable. By this point, the holiday season will be drawing near and there will be a rush on any sort of gift or decor items left. At this point, irreparable damage to our economy will have occurred and it will be months if not years before it can be mended.

While that sounds bleak, with the election just around the corner, it seems unlikely that the Biden-Harris administration will let it get that bad. That being said, their administration has not been characterized by good decision-making and reasonable policy, so there are no guarantees.

What can be done?

The Washington Post / Contributor | Getty Images

The big question is "Why hasn't Biden already done something?"

President Biden, who ran on the image of a blue-collar, union-worker, has been uncharacteristically absent from the issue. Despite his earlier involvement in a train strike, Biden has declared that involvement in union fights is not a presidential issue unless it getsreally bad.

So where's the line? At what point will he step in? He has to understand that an economic crisis right before the election will reflect poorly on Kamala.

Join Glenn TONIGHT for BlazeTV's exclusive VP debate coverage!

Anna Moneymaker / Staff, Bloomberg / Contributor | Getty Images

Join Glenntonight for Vice Presidential debate coverage you do not want to miss!

Tonight is the first (and only) Vice Presidential debate, and it will be hosted by CBS News. But don't be reliant on CBS News or any other mainstream media channel for their biased coverage. Join the BlazeTV live stream tonight to get the uncensored truth alongside top-quality commentary from Glenn and the rest of the world-class panel.

Glenn is joined by Megyn Kelly, Liz Wheeler, Allie Beth Stuckey, Steve Deace, Jill Savage, Dave Landau, and more to cover the CBS News Vice Presidential Debate. Blaze Media subscribers gain access to live chat with the fantastic panel of hosts! If you subscribe today by visiting you will get $40 off of your annual subscription with code DEBATE. This is the largest discount ever offered, so take advantage NOW!

See you TONIGHT at 8 PM ET for an event you do NOT want to miss it!