Conservative radio host Dana Loesch filled in for Glenn on last night's Glenn Beck Program and reacted to two stories that have made national headlines lately: the Zimmerman verdict and the passage of new abortion legislation in Texas.
"Let’s start today with the not guilty verdict the jury returned in the murder trial of George Zimmerman," Dana said to open the show. "A jury of six women found Zimmerman innocent of second degree murder. Now, in the end, the jury felt that the prosecution failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, and so they acquitted Zimmerman."
The anti-Zimmerman rhetoric has been commonplace since the night of Trayvon Martin's death last February. And while any of loss of life is tragic, the racially and politically charged spectacle this trial became was disgraceful.
"Make no mistake, this was a tragedy. A young man was killed. A loss of life is always a tragedy, but not every tragedy is a crime. An honest jury, and for the progressives, five white women and one black woman, served for justice," Dana explained. "Others, unfortunately, are serving for self, the usual race pimps out there demanding that the DOJ bring charges against Zimmerman, including the Rev. Al Sharpton, whose Christian name must be Reverend, because the man isn’t fit to shepherd a flock."
The hypocrisy of people like Al Sharpton runs particularly deep when one considers the number of black youth that die on the streets of Chicago each day. Where is the outcry for those children?
"Where’s the outcry for black youth when study after study shows that we are losing entire generations of black youth to abortion? The left only cares about tragedies apparently when they involve little blonde-haired, blue-eyed children from Connecticut," Dana said. "Was the intensity of interest in the Zimmerman-Martin case a way to make up for all of the years the left ignored black children killed every day in Chicago? Or Detroit? Or St. Louis? A little Johnny-come-lately action, hmm?"
Despite the Martin family's plea for non-violence, violent protests have broken out in cities around the U.S. with assault and vandalism running rampant. Those who truly believe that Zimmerman was guilt of second-degree have every right to be mad - but, as of now, the anger is misplaced.
"If you want to get mad, get mad at the media. Get mad at the laughable journalistic entity that literally whitewashes the news. Get mad at the race pimps who haven’t visited cities like Chicago and Detroit and Houston and other cities where black youth are killed daily because there aren’t any television cameras there," Dana explained. "Get mad at the politicians who play hurt and rescue. They pass policies which disenfranchise their constituents of employment opportunity and the ability to become economically prosperous by killing industry. Get mad at the churches who are afraid to be beacons of light in the fog and take a loud and proud stance on responsibility, life, and marriage, all of the ingredients which build family units."
Speaking of the breakdown of the family, Dana moved on to the passage of the Texas State Legislature's 'House Bill 2,' which provides simple, common sense solutions to the otherwise loosely regulated abortion industry that have resulted in horror stories like abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell.
"The bill, now law, prohibits abortion after 20 weeks. Five months kind of seems like an inordinate amount of time to decide whether or not you’re going to keep your baby. It’s not like you’re returning clothes or putting something on layaway," Dana said. "This isn’t like buying a dress and wearing it to the party and then taking it back. In this case, once you choose to wear the dress, the choice has been made. You own the dress. If you didn’t want this dress, now you shouldn’t have gone shopping, tried it on, and purchased it."
Texas State Legislator Wendy Davis made national headlines for her 11-hour filibuster to block this bill, while pro-choice activists surrounded the Texas State Capitol chanting 'Hail Satan' with used feminine hygiene products, human feces, and urine. It is easy to be disgusted by the lack of respect these protestors have shown, but Dana took a slightly different approach.
"Instead of feeling angry at them now, honestly, I feel kind of sad for ’em," she said. "I feel sad that these women have grown up after a lifetime of being spoon fed liberal feminist disempowerment. Modern-day feminism is all about disempowering women and making them feel like they can’t survive without the government’s assistance. I would know because I was one of them."
Dana shared the moving story behind why she rejected “liberal feminist dis-empowerment” in 2001 because she "grew tired of these people telling me that as a woman, I wasn’t strong enough to raise a child in my circumstances.”
She got pregnant as a “broke, unwed student from a single parent household." And not broke like “wearing last season’s clothes... Broke like I can see through the rust hole in the back passenger side of my Buick.”
"I rejected that ideology in large part because I grew tired of these people telling me that as a woman I wasn’t strong enough to raise a child in my circumstances," Dana said. “Mentally, I said screw this, I can do it. Twelve years later not only did I do it — I did it pretty well.”
She attributes her success to her faith in God and her boyfriend (and now husband). Chris Loesch.
"I wasn’t alone in this, and from this, I learned something valuable that I’m instilling in my sons. Men, do not allow yourselves to be emasculated," Dana said emphatically. "Do not allow yourselves to be persuaded to let an entire generation die away because you didn’t feel it was your place to step up and speak out. ight back. Your sons need you. Your daughters need you. Your wives and your girlfriends need you. The mothers need you, and you need it too as fathers."