On tonight's Glenn Beck Program, Glenn opened the show taking a look at the 12 years that have passed since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that shook our nation to its core. Since that day, the quest for national security has forced America to walk a fine line between authoritarianism and libertarianism. Do we still recognize our country? Are we proud of our country?
Read a full transcript of the monologue below:
But here we are 12 years later, 12 years later, and the world is upside down. And I don’t even know if anybody even – I don’t think we even…I don’t even think we know what is right and wrong anymore. The pain is still the same, but oh, how we have changed, America. Twelve years ago most members of Congress stood on the steps just outside the Capitol, and they prayed together. You remember that? They prayed.
You wouldn’t do that now. God forbid we pray. They stood arm in arm, Democrats and Republicans, and after the prayer, they spontaneously burst into singing God Bless America. Look at this. That’s Maxine Waters. That Barbara Mikulski. You really think this is – what? What kind of a play was this? Today, God is all but banned from the public square. The principles and values of our country are mocked and labeled now as hate.
Twelve years ago we stood united against a common enemy, and that enemy was killed, and why are we still fighting? Last night, America watched as the President of the United States actually argued something that I believe is treason, that we should join forces with that very same enemy. How we have changed. Twelve years ago Americans resolved unity. Do you remember? I wish our children could remember.
We were a different people for a few weeks. And today the world is upside down. Twelve years ago it would’ve been laughable to say that Russia would be the world’s superpower, but Vladimir Putin, they’re back. America’s leaders are floundering and failing and flailing around while this guy, this guy looks like the Nobel Peace Prize winner, and our president looks like the mad killer.
Twelve years ago America preached the gospel of freedom around the world. Today, America’s government is bowing at the altar of control and power, attacking individual liberties inside of our very own borders, targeting our own people. The Department of Homeland Security, that wasn’t around before September 11. What is it? The NSA, the IRS now, you haven’t even begun to see anything from the IRS. Wait until they control your healthcare.
Institutions now that are here to protect us – I doubt it – they are leading to our own demise. Oh, how we have changed, all in the name of security. But there is good news. Lady Liberty’s torch may be dim, but it’s not out yet. God may be ignored, but He is still there and things still can be good. The government may want a nation of sheep, but the power of the individual remains alive and well.
In Colorado two state senators who led gun control efforts were defeated in a recall last night, recall election that only happened because of six average American citizens, people no different than you or me. They decided to get involved. They had had enough. Twelve years ago we were united. Since then, we’ve been used by the Republicans and the Democrats.
These two, this woman said two days ago well, let me tell you, the Bloomberg’s of the world, if one of these elections is lost, that whole mayoral campaign against guns is over. Well, both of them lost. Now what happened? And the reason why both of them lost is because today Americans strangely are uniting again. You don’t know it yet. I don’t think people really get it, but both sides are sick and tired of it.
The days of the GOP and the Democratic Party as we know it are over. It is, because the people in the Democratic Party are just as sick of it – I believe not just as but they’re getting there – as the Republicans are. There’s a new poll out by FreedomWorks that shows that most Republicans, 70%, are interested only in individual freedom. They’re interested in individual freedom through lower taxes, reducing the size and scope of the government.
Seventy percent of Republicans say I don’t care about the party. I just want the principles. I believe most Democrats feel exactly the same way; they’re just not quite awake yet. The party backlash is coming, and it is coming in a big way. The future fight will no longer be Democrat versus Republican. It will be authoritarian Progressive versus Libertarian, huge oppressive government versus small government, individual power.
And I believe the overwhelming majority of Americans, both Republican and Democrat, who are responsible, will choose Libertarian over Authoritarian anytime, unless there’s some crisis that just makes us run to those people singing God Bless America.