How bad is Obamacare? We've gotten plenty of emails from people sharing the stories from people who have had nothing but trouble with the new system, as well as some who already have expensive medical bills. Even Glenn, who provides incredible health insurance for his employees and their families, fears what Obamacare will mean for his family. Today on radio, he shared those stories and fears, alongside a passionate people to wake up and prepare for what the events of today mean for America's tomorrow.
The first letter Glenn read came a man whose neighbors already can't afford their medical bills, but refuse to take government assistance. Instead, they collect cans and find other ways to pay their bills, and the community has come together to support them:
Glenn,Across the street from me lives a man and his wife. Gary is a Vietnam vet who refuses to take food stamps. His wife Micaela has very delicate health as she has had some major heart surgeries. Wonderful people who have had very hard times the last few years.
Health care takes up over a third of their meager income. Neighbors have noticed that they collect aluminum cans while they are out walking so we have pulled together and there is often a bag of cans left on their porch, for which they are very grateful. Good people who have almost nothing in the way of this earth's goods.
As of October first their health insurance premium, their deductible and the cost of filling prescriptions were bumped up to the point that Gary feels he is going to have to sell their home of 30 years. They are heartbroken.
Another person wrote in to talk about the trouble they have encountered with Obamacare:
Dear Glenn….I actually got through the website October 5th, registered, got a confirmation letter PDF, enrollment in a FLA Blue Cross plan, and an enrollment number. The letter told me I would be hearing from Blue Cross in a few days regarding billing.
I called Blue Cross of FLA, and they have no record of receiving my application from I was told only 15 people in FL were successful getting their applications to transmit to B Cross. They suggested I phone the Affordable Health Care office which I did today. They told me that my application was backed up, and the backup was lost, so the application for which I have written approval and a confirmation number is no longer “in the computer system.” They also said that my “application was not linked to my account.” The 800 # folks said they now linked it, but they can’t tell whether I’m enrolled for a plan or not.
I am 64 years old, so next summer I’ll be eligible for Medicare any way. The Affordable Health Care enrollment is very disappointing. I think some high school computer whizzes could have done this better.
"Let me tell you this. I have the best insurance that you can get for my company and I don't know how much longer we can afford it," Glenn said. "It breaks my heart because I have a daughter with cerebral palsy and so I know how hard it is. I know what it's like to be not the guy at the top of the food chain but the guy at the bottom of the food chain, that has medical bills that you just can't afford. And so when I started this company, that was the first thing we did. From the very beginning before we could afford it all the way to now when we still can't afford it, we have paid for our employees the best medical care we could possibly afford. There's no deductible, there's no copay. We pay for it, 100%. But I'm the rich guy that you're supposed to hate."
"My daughter was in the hospital last week. We're trying to make her seizures stop. As of right now, we can't make them stop. She had a -- she had another one yesterday and one on the weekend and one on Friday before I got on the plane," Glenn explained. "Five days before that, I was at the pharmacy, with the best insurance money can buy. The doctor prescribed a medication for her, one of the three that she has to take, and one of those medications is $2500 a month, and my insurance doesn't cover it. I stood at that counter and I thought of you (the listener). How do you afford it? If you're a dad and they prescribe this medication and you don't even have my insurance, and it's $500 a month, you're going through the same thing I am. I could say 'Fill it anyway.' You can't."
Glenn said he went to the pharmacy that day thinking about his daughter, but he left thinking how the everyday American can possibly prepare for what is coming when the system collapses because of programs like Obamacare.
"I went into that hospital pharmacy thinking about my daughter and I spent the rest of the afternoon thinking about you. I think a year from now, definitely two, most of Americans are going to be working part time. There will be some IMF global tax that will add an extra 10% on everything. The people like me will be out of business, and the people that have done favors for this government will be in business. And they will be fine."
On the other hand, Glenn believes that average Americana will become "worker bees", tested at a young age and assigned a role in society based upon the needs of the collective. He believes that Common Core and similar programs are just a precursor to this eventuality. Glenn also pointed to Ray Kurzweil's work on "The Singularity" of how technology will come to further and further control people's lives, and not always for the better.
"I met two leaders recently of this movement, not in politics, who have told me, "I'm over 50 now. I don't think I'm going to do this much longer." Really? I'm approaching my 50th. I put all my money into this. I'm in 'til the end. How about you?"
"There is a way out. There is a way out, but the first thing you have to do is understand you are living in a different world. You can't worry about today; you have to start worrying about tomorrow. You have to start looking over the horizon because by the time you figure out today, tomorrow will already be here. We have to start having a little bigger vision than these worms in the Republican Party," Glenn said.
"Here's the thing: It's going to get tough, but we have each other. That first letter, the couple that picks up cans, it's going to be the neighbors and churches that are going to have to help them. It's going to have to be the people in Plano, Texas that help them. We're going to have to live like we are supposed to live...I know the FDA will probably come in and say that we probably can't have a community farm, but to hell with them. We're going to have to farm. We're going to have to work together. We're going to have to share, not because we're forced to but because that's who we are and always will be. God help us who we always will be because to my dying breath, I am an American. I support the Constitution. Long live the republic."
"May I be brave enough to say those words when it counts. Defund the GOP. Send them a message. It's time for a third party."