A heinous murder took place in Brooklyn, New York Saturday night after an illegal Chinese immigrant became so enraged he allegedly slaughtered his cousin’s wife and four young children with a meat cleaver. The reason? A police source told the New York Post the man confessed to committing the crime because he was jealous of the family’s lifestyle.
An illegal Chinese immigrant, bitter over his failure to achieve the American dream, repaid his cousin’s kindness by butchering the man’s wife and four young children, cops said Sunday.
Mingdong Chen, 25, showed no remorse when he confessed to slaughtering the family that allowed him to live in their Brooklyn apartment and admitted that he committed the atrocity because he envied their way of life, a police source told The Post.
“The family had too much,” the source quoted Chen as saying.
“He meant that the family had better income and a better lifestyle than him . . . He was jealous and just killed them.”
“Now, let me show you where our society is going,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “If you understand going in that, you know, life is a choice and life isn't fair, but that's not what our society is teaching. The family had ‘too much,’ a police source told the Post… The investigation is ongoing, but apparently he showed no remorse. He was described by people as lazy, and he wanted their stuff.”
Chen has been described by those who know him as lazy and lacking work ethic, but Glenn pointed out that narrative is missing from most news reports of this story.
“You'll notice that nowhere here is any kind of comment… Here we have an Administration – let's not blame it on the Administration. The entire society, our entire society is built on ‘They have it, you don't, get ‘em,’” Glenn explained. “Is the President pushing this? Or is the President just a reflection of us? I would say the President is, in many ways, a reflection of us because we reelected him. So he is a reflection of us. So it's not his fault."
"Our society has become a place where if you can't make it yourself, take it from someone else," he continued. "And nary a comment or a word about this – not one. Here's a family hacked to death and beaten to death because they were rich. They had stuff that the other guy didn't have and he didn't think it was fair. I find that amazing, just amazing.”
Front page image courtesy of the AP