From Mark Rowe and mikeroweWORKS
Here’s a super-special piece of C.R.A.P. (Collectibles Rare And Precious) that many have already suggested just might be priceless. Nevertheless, it’s for sale, RIGHT HERE, right now to the highest bidder. And I’m more than a little curious to see where it winds up.
As you can see, the C.R.A.P. in question is a “Work Smart AND Hard” poster, thoughtfully signed by Glenn Beck and yours truly. For those of you that saw the PSA on GBTV, these posters are regularly available here at mikeroweWORKS. They were designed to be displayed in high schools in order to stimulate conversation and challenge the moronic assumption that a four-year degree is the only way to get a useful education. We’ve sold thousands, and raised a decent amount for work ethic scholarships along the way. You can have as may as you want for 10 bucks a pop. We also have autographed versions for $100. However, a signature as unique as Glenn’s, along with his unique artistic stylings scratched onto the fleshy palate of my face wrinkled visage, elevate this particular poster to an unprecedented and highly-collectible status.
To own this one-of-a-kind masterpiece, follow the link to E-Bay. Bid high and irresponsibly. All proceeds, as always, benefit the mikeroweWORKS Scholarship Fund. And if you didn’t see the PSA that Glenn aired on his channel, you can see it here. Entertainment value aside, it confirms beyond all doubt the veracity of Glenn’s artistic integrity, his unparalleled munificence, his unflagging tenacity, and his dogged support of education and skilled labor in all it’s many iterations.
So thanks Glenn for your support. And thanks to everyone else for bidding.
PS. If you’re bored, fascinated by behind-the scenes footage, and curious about the process that brought this poster to life, you might also enjoy this video. Then again, you might be left wondering precisely how much time I’ve actually got on my hands. And subsequently, yours. Only one way to find out…