The Obama Administration has long enjoyed a love affair with the media and Hollywood, but the infatuation has slowly waned. Jon Stewart did not hold back in his scathing critique of Obamacare. The mainstream media has begun asking tougher questions (some of the time anyway). And on radio this morning, Glenn offered two more examples of “honesty.”
“Well, the Obamacare [website] fix isn't really fixed,” Glenn said. “But Chuck Todd has an interesting point of view on this.”
During an appearance on Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News’ Chuck Todd pointed out why one tiny phrase used in an Obamacare press release undermines the “whole idea of government as a solution.”
“While there is more work to be done, the team is operating with private sector velocity and effectiveness, and will continue their work to improve and enhance the website in the weeks and months ahead,” an administration report released Sunday states.
The use of the term “private sector” is what Todd referred to as an unmistakable “indictment” of the notion government can provide solutions.
TODD: That is an acknowledgement that, “You know what? If this was a government operation for a long time and it failed, now we’re bringing in the private sector folks.” I mean, that is an indictment on the whole idea of government as a solution, frankly when you look at this.
“Thank you, Chuck,” Pat said. “Kind of what we, I don't know, have been saying all along, and conservatives have said loud and long forever. The government can't do it well. That's why we keep telling you [to] stop trying to.”
Glenn also shared a tweet from actor Hugh Laurie – best known for his role as Dr. House on the Fox drama House. In the tweet, Laurie offers a scathing diagnosis of Obamacare:
Obama's struggle with Affordable Care. He's like a prison governor asking the inmates to make lemonade for his garden party. It'll be tangy.
— Hugh Laurie (@hughlaurie) December 1, 2013
“Is Hugh Laurie… conservative?” Pat asked.
As Glenn explained, whether or not Laurie is conservative is a moot point. He offered an honest assessment of a failing program, and yet we are so unaccustomed to hearing such candor it is assumed he must be of a different political persuasion.
“No, I highly doubt that. I highly doubt that,” Glenn said of Laurie being conservative. “Look at that. One person takes one shot at a failing system and people say, ‘Is he conservative?’ No! He's just honest.”
Front page image courtesy of the AP