The crazy story of the sign language interpreter from Nelson Mandela’s memorial service just got a little crazier. Not only was he communicating gibberish, he also has a criminal record which included murder charges dating back to 2003. How and why was this man allowed within arms reach of the President and other world leaders? Is our President safe?
“I want to share a story with you and tell you that there is definitely something wrong. This just broke from the Times of Israel. According to a South African news network, Thamsanqa Jantjie… faced a rape charge in 1994, theft in 1995, housebreaking charge in 1997, malicious damage to property in 1998, murder, attempted murder, and kidnapping charges in 2003,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “It is unclear whether he ever served time in prison, but what is clear: ‘Many of the charges brought against him were dropped because he was found to be mentally unfit to stand trial.’ Even more bizarrely, it's not clear whether the murder charge against him in 2003 was ever properly resolved because the court file against him, quote, ‘is mysteriously empty.’”
It is still unclear who allowed Jantjie to be on stage in the first place, but perhaps the more important question is: Why was President Obama allowed to be on stage with this man in the first place?
Okay. Let me tell you something. Something is wrong here,” Glenn said. “And if our Secret Service is not mobilizing to, A, get to the bottom of this but, B, to put another dynamic ring around this President, it is the crime of this century and it will last for 100 years because something is wrong here.”
When you consider the facts of the situation (however sparse they may be), you can’t help but wonder who knew what in this situation and when they knew it.
The South African government has said they are investigating the situation, but the business that hired Jantjie “mysteriously disappeared.” Furthermore, while the files of Jantjie’s past crimes exist many of the documents do not. It is documented, however, that he has been found mentally unfit to stand trial.
“Now here's the other part: He said he was hallucinating while on stage. I believe him… This is exactly the kind of guy you hire to stand next to all of the world leaders at something like this, hoping that he will do something,” Glenn said. “I believe it is not unreasonable to check his bloodstream to find out if anybody jacked him on anything to have him hallucinate. And I'm not saying that our President was the target… He might have been, but it might have just been enough to say somebody caused some kind of problem at this for whatever the reason. But something is really wrong here. Really wrong.”
It may be easy to point fingers at the Secret Service in situations such as this, but Glenn had a theory as to why the President may have gone forth with his speech despite the uncertainty surrounding Jantjie:
Let me give you a plausible way that that happened… Forget about the idea that this guy was supposed to target our President… Now let's explain the Secret Service. On the way over, this whole thing has not been planned. As Dan Bongino said, there's no excuse for this. This should have been planned [in advance]. Everybody knew that he was sick. Everybody knew that he was going to die soon. How do you not have all of these plans in place… That's the way you do things. Everybody does that. They didn't.
So the President is on the way over with, you know, President Bush and all of the dignitaries from the United States… And the Secret Service comes in to you… and your advisors are all around you. Remember, these advisors are the same ones who are either so wildly Marxist and corrupt that they are intentionally tubing our country, or, they are so incompetent that they can't even build a website that can take your money. Okay? So that's who's surrounding this guy. And they're standing there with him. And the Secret Service comes in and says, “Mr. President, I'm sorry, but we just got the plan with the schedule. And I'm sorry, we don't know who's on the stage with you. We don't know who the interpreter is. They have him within arm's-length of you. We can't get any answers on that. We don't know how this is all coming out. It's wildly disorganized.” If I were the president, I would look at them and say, "What are you suggesting?" "Mr. President, unless we can get these things locked up, I suggest that you do not speak."
That's when the two advisors say, "Mr. President, please. The entire world is coming to this. All of the prime ministers, all of the world leaders, you cannot be the only one that says, ‘I'm sorry, but your security isn't good enough.’ It will be a slap in the face to all of South Africa, South African security, and quite frankly, Mr. President, they will take this and make you look like an egomaniac… that you're the only one that said, ‘No, I can't do it,’ while all of the other world leaders are there and they're fine. Mr. President, it will be absolute political suicide for you to do it.”
Secret Service responds: “Mr. President, I'm begging you, something's not right here. Don't do it.” He walks away and the political advisors say, "Mr. President… do you really think they're going to get through? It's not just Secret Service. SAS is here. Everybody is here. Everybody is here. Security is going to be fine, Mr. President.”
“That's how that happened. I would bet my life on it, that's what would happen,” Glenn concluded. “And unfortunately somebody is betting our President's life. I don't like this President, but I want this President to serve in health – in great health – until the day we take his junk and throw it out on the street the last day.”
Front page image courtesy of the AP